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The bad guys hung my bros and daddy so I killed them...with style.

It's a fun Diablo game. Played with friends. Micro-transactions suck, but its still fun.

I shot some aliens. It was okay, I guess.

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He killed Indians and forgot his daughter, and died and didn't, and he became racist and killed himself. Then he died. Maybe, idk.

A perfect fighting game. And it got Pikachu.

Pokemon where the other pokemon try and kill you. I love it.

Something something Goku shot Rick Grimes and did the griddy with Thanos, idk. It's fun.

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Desert Skyrim with off-brand Coke products. I killed a weird cow and fought the Romans. Then I took a sip from my trusty Vault 13 Canteen.

It really makes you FEEL like Arachnid-Boy.

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Oh yeah, me and the potato lady killed my robot friend. Also confirmed the moon landing was real. Perfect puzzle/comedy experience.

Something about cake. Idk, I feel into acid and died. The portals were cool tho.

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Wild boy killed a demon pig with a stick. Sublime.

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Shot my therapist when he tried to brainwash me into being happy. 5/5.