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I fought my brother as the final battle. Truly this was a Lego Star Wars moment.

It's like chess, but with war, and anime, and Chrom. And we all know chess is much better with Chrom. It's also nothing like chess.

It's like chess, but with war, and anime, and Chrom. And we all know chess is much better with Chrom. It's also nothing like chess.

This is a story of a man named Stanley.

Peak GBA. Amazing RPG and Pokemon game.

Quintessential Mario, all on a handheld. Defined the modern 2d Mario. Great game.

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I became human. Sort of. I also shot some people and started a revolution. Robots are cool.

Mute lunatic murders a whole city because magic weirdos killed his girlfriend and stole his daughter. Also rats.

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Blue haired bishonen dude didn't kill God, but you bet your ass he killed the devil. And his friends. At least he gets to be God now, though.

Blowing buildings up has never been more fun. I also threw a bunch of remote charges on civilian's heads. Good times.

Eh. Pretty good puzzle/adventure game. Outshone by what came after. Overhyped, but still good.

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Painting boy and rabbit boy save the multiverse.

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It's great, and sad. Joel is not a hero, but he's my hero.