I honestly have found getting into fighting games to be really difficult due to a lack of interest in them most of the time, I’m not sure what it is about this one specifically but I do like it a lot

I’m not gonna pretend like this game isn’t bad but it honestly is a game that had serious narrative potential that’s ruined by the developers not seeming to know what they wanted the game to be in the first place. The strongest aspects of this game is when it goes fully in on the surrealist art project vibes and is willing to just show something weird and not have any of the characters give overly detailed reactions to it. I do think that provided the developers can figure out a way to make the gameplay feel less torturous and know when the characters need to just stop talking that they can definitely make a very high quality game that is worth talking about for positive reasons. Maybe I.V will fix things but for now I would just leave the game as sometimes interesting but very very deeply flawed and sometimes even pretty uncomfortable.

Armored Core is a series that I’ve had a fair amount of interest in for a while but never could really get into due to inaccessibility of the older titles physically as well as not really having a computer that could handle emulation well. Fortunately this modern entry gave me the opportunity to experience this fantastic legacy series fromsoft has to offer. Building new armored cores, amassing credits for even more upgrades, and blowing up countless enemy mechs creates an intensely satisfying feedback loop pushing me to continue refining my AC until I felt it truly could stand up to any obstacle. While plenty of people are quick to tell me that this game is easier than past entries I still found the challenge of this game to be satisfying and rarely if ever frustrating. Overall an incredible experience I can recommend to anyone who wants to try Armored Core like I did.

I’m glad I got this game for free cause I’d be pissed otherwise. Thank you for releasing the game a full year early for us during Covid Nintendo

For a fan project this game is honestly really impressive in how it interprets the early areas and fights of bloodborne. The completely new areas and events were great natural additions that made me feel like I was able to experience bloodborne in a way that felt like playing it for the first time. Definitely interested to see what the developer has in store for the now legally district bloodborne kart and beyond.

This game lets me experience the wonders of child birth without being a woman, thanks Miyazaki

If the end of the game was scaled a bit better I would probably say that this is legitimately the perfect game, no doubt this is the greatest game Fromsoft have put out.

i dont think ive ever played a more offensive game in my life but its also the hardest ive laughed in a long while


This game was okay from what I experienced but honestly not much more than that. I enjoyed the twists on standard turn based rpg gameplay that it had to offer but the narrative was the main thing pushing me forward and after I had it spoiled for me I have had no desire to go back and finish this game.

Control is a game that I had almost no expectations going into outside one friend who played it prior and recommended it to me and others. Control as a video game is a bit weird to review because while I find the atmosphere, aesthetic, and writing to be very interesting but the moment to moment gameplay is very dull and uninteresting. Control’s setting as a place where anomalous objects are contained and studied grabbed me instantly as a fan of SCP works and I definitely feel like that’s what kept me engaged from start to finish. The gameplay is very much just standard third person shooter affair with very little that stands out other than the weapon the main character Jesse uses and some useful powers such as levitating, throwing around objects, summoning shields, or quickly dashing to dodge attacks. For most people I imagine this game might not be for them but if you’re willing to stick with it and are interested enough in the premise alone I would still highly recommend this game as you can get it with all of the dlc for very cheap.

Out of the monster hunter games I’ve played this one is honestly my favorite in terms of gameplay because there really is no feeling of wasted time compared to old gen games like 4 ultimate and generations ultimate. It certainly has some pretty big issues namely in the fact that base rise has absolutely no end game and sunbreak has the worst endgame grind I think I’ve ever seen. I also just absolutely hate rng build optimization just let me make what I want to make with at least some guarantee like being able to purchase mantles after enough grinding. Definitely could see myself jumping back in and sinking countless more hours despite my issues.

In all honesty I don’t really like this game but being able to play a game with other people is better than being bored

It’s like the junk food of video games honestly

As first impressions go, this game didn’t have a great one which is why I’m surprised I actually ended up really liking it. Team ninja games are always a good time and with this game being on the easier side I would definitely recommend it as a starting point or even just as a casual final fantasy fan. Biggest gripe is the story takes a long time to be interesting but everything else is really good.