there must be a misunderstanding, the name of the game is wrong its supposed to be called "A Aventura do Corpo Humano" someone fix that

great boss fights and cutscenes. everything else is extremely mediocre to outright shit

great aesthetic wasted on a bare bones game

guys I got filtered help :(

assassin's creed tier combat masquerading itself has "deep epic hardcore gamer" to compensate for how shit everything controls and feels. bethesda tier copy pasted "open world". art direction meticulously crafted to make fantasy the most boring and unappealing setting as possible.
"but muh writing..." yeah they know how to copy paste things that the mutch talented books author wrote and put a shity moral choice at the end very impressive.
doesn't surprise me that CD Projekt became reddits darling developer, a title mutch deserved if I say so myself.

easily the best of the trilogy. and it get an extra half-star because Triss is hot


System Shock without the heart

20 years later and Bethesda Game Studios still only has this to show for

everyone in this game looks like the baby from Ice Age

should be illegal to make a game with a soundtrack that goes this hard

this game scammed me into buying a switch

this game is peak nes absurd enemy designs theres a flying Fishbone with a skull for a head in the very first level

this and SMT are the only games that I am aware of that have strong themes of esoteric knowledge

to me this really embodies the beauty of making and finding stuff on the internet. just a quick peek at someone's stream of consciousness. I don't know exactly what it means but somehow it felt like it was something that I needed to hear

also more games like this need to be called stuff like BIG GAMER SEX HD - DIRECTOR'S CUT