one of the most minimalist, cerebral, thought-provoking and esoteric narratives in an JRPG. one of the best dungeon crawlers ever made, with a combat that obligates the player to adapt to the given situation and use all the mechanics that are given to him. the most dense, beautiful and consistent atmosphere in an RPG. all of this with the gorgeous Kazuma Kaneko art direction.

on of the best of its franchise, genre and medium.

Karnaca is gorgeous, any one that says otherwise lives in a siberian winter hell hole of a country.

I don't get the appeal of this game

If the portuguese had been the ones to colonize Sera, they would have BANGED THE SHIT of those aliens.

all the portuguese literary achievements, to the Lusiadas to Mensagem, were just mere stepping stones to the greatest artistic statement that the nation wold accomplish.

the portuguese dub of Sly 2 Band of Thieves, or how the game titles itself: SLY 2 BUNTCH OF SMARTASSES

I have zero will to become a game dev because team cherry made the game I wanted to make for me


"what if bastion but roguelike" is a phrase that makes my skin crawl

I used to think shmups were stupid and gay and now is one of my favorite genres

I got this game when I was like 9 and it was the first time that a game made me think "damn some games are like, fucking garbage"

excellent presentation being wasted in a game that has nothing more to offer than rooms and rooms of shity enemys to fight with repetitive and boring combat

the idea is neat but holy shit what a slog of a game

very admirable passion project and homage to vanillaware, but ends up not having anything unique or add anything in the visual department and gameplay compared to its isnpiration, dont se why anyone would prefer to play this instead of a vanillaware game

Jesper Kyd is the most underrated vidya composer