It feels like a PS2 era b-game in a good way.

Showing its age a bit now but still very based with friend

Played it through to 100% and platinum, some brutal crashes costing progress but overall a nice adaptation of a classic.

It’s still KojiKino, but the weakest numbered entry.

(V is not a numbered entry before anyone argues)

The PS2 port of this game is a crime, but my PS2 is the size of a dvd case and an Xbox is the size of a small fridge, so I was forced to invest in the PS2 version of the game. I’d recommend you turn all the sensitivity settings to the max.

Still a great game and makes me wonder why Randy Pitchford hates anything good and made borderlands and battleborn instead of more BiA

Kojima does it again, infinity/10

My favourite post Max Payne remedy game, so narratively tight without some of the weird gameplay issues from Alan Wake and Control

I hate this game, my pal Nathan was right about it I should have listened.

I go between ‘this is everything a Star Wars game should be’ and ‘god I hate Star Wars so much’ playing this. I got the platinum twice so 4/5

Platinum Games make a camera system that doesn’t ruin your game challenge.

Kojima’s Magnum Opus.

Everything in the series culminated with this. Kino Kino Kino.