This game just feels like a retread of Half-Life but its shorter and worse. It doesn't really do anything new or different.

One of the good things i'll say about this game is that I think it expands on the world of Half-Life and how the events that transpired affects all of the people at Black Mesa.

Overall underwhelming but hey its Half-Life so its not that bad.

Cute little puzzle platformer that does everything right. The level design is fun and unique, the music is wonderful, and the aesthetics are top notch.

The idea of a 2.5d game is a very novel one. The game takes advantage of it a lot in its level design often having you throw enemies between the foreground and background. I find this idea very unique especially for 1997.

More Half-Life.

I think this one conceptually is really cool. You take control of Adrian Shephard, a corporal in the marines. You get to see Half-Life from a different perspective which I find very cool. Events in this align with the original game such as the military pulling out or Gordon going to xen.

On top of this there are several new weapons which I think are all hits. I love the displacer canon and sniper rifile.

For the levels themselves, I find them to be more consistent than the original. Theres nothing as bad as interloper or on a rail here but the game does not hit the same highs as the original.

Overall, if you love Half-Life you'll love this game.

The gameplay and visuals are an improvement over disgaea 1. The spritework is beautiful and its way more fun to play due to some quality of life changes. However the characters this time around although can be charming aren't as good as the main trio from 1 and the story tries to be more serious. Overall though i'd say its better

Good presentation and combat that is good but is sometimes overly frustrating to the point where i don't have fun.

Super addicting game. There are hundreds of items and gameplay possibilities that it would take you forever to see everything it has to offer.

Better than base rise. I like how it gives you CPU party members which make the hunts more fun. Some of the later monsters are very bullshit and made me enjoy the game less so im taking a break for now.

The main good thing about the game is the bosses its super fun and i'll probably revisit the game to get max rank on all of them. Outside of that everything is just okay nothing too special.


Doesn't do that much new but it gets everything that a shooter should right. On top of that I love the art direction and the aesthetics.

I think i would have rated this 5 stars if it weren't for the annoying rampage missions they force you to do 3 times.

While I feel this is good, and has good parts. The abysmal pacing ruins a lot of it + the meta stuff is really confusing. Hopefully the answer arcs are better

3 > 1 > 4 > 2

Really fun game with a LOT of content in it. The only farming game to really keep my attention. However its story is kind of boring and the combat gets repetitive after a while