Metro works best in the dark and claustrophobic tunnels, which is why the open world sections get a little boring after a while. These parts are my least favorite in this sequel, and I much prefer the more narrative driven and linear bits. Nevertheless, Exodus still has lots of anxiety inducing moments, improves on many aspects of its predecessors and has stunning graphics. The Novosibirsk stage in particular is one of the, if not the best level of the Metro saga. Overall, a great sequel which expands a lot on the world of Metro and I can't wait to see where this goes next.

Definitely one of the best horror games ever made and it's so unfortunate that it never got a sequel with that cliffhanger at the end. The only negative thing is that there are a few annoying bugs, but other than that this is such a well designed masterpiece. I love how they managed to keep it interesting with such a small variety of enemies and even with repeating locations since there is always a new path, a new strategy you have to apply. Its atmosphere is exactly what the first Alien film is about and they captured it perfectly. It kept me on my toes from beginning to end, amazing.

The art direction is amazing, I love the aesthetic and design of the world, though the interiors start getting a little repetitive after a while. The combat and gameplay loop is fun, I like how they made an open world without it being bloated with 100s of side activities and I like the obvious Bioshock influence. The story and characters are kinda convoluted tho and I couldn't stand hearing "Crispy Critters" one more time. So, lots of pros and cons but a good game overall

The gears games got me through tough times when I just wanted a game where I didn't have to pay much attention and just do some mindless shooting and I love them for it. The story is there for those who want it tho, and it's interesting enough.
The visuals are gorgeous, especially the last location at the resort, playing it on the xbox series makes it look like an xbox one game, it's baffling it came out 12 years ago.
They didn't reinvent the wheel with this sequel, there's barely, if any change in the gameplay, but it's fun, and the action and wackiness just kept increasing throughout the trilogy, making this the best one

This is a mixed bag. It’s definitely not for everyone as it can be very frustrating, but as a survival horror fan it ticks a lot of boxes for me.
I love how every chapter is very different from one another, you never know what to expect next. I’d highlight chapter 9 which is so reminiscent of the first resident evil in the mansion setting.
Overall this draws a lot of inspiration from resident evil 4, which is always a good thing, with some outlast influence in some parts. I just wish it was more polished, it feels older than it actually is, and would do well with a remaster


One of the best fps i've ever played

This... is how you do a sequel
What a brilliant game, improves on everything I liked about the first one. Gone is the jankiness, the combat is always so fun, the creature designs are amazing, the boss fights are great. And the Twin Peaks references!!
They took some big risks with the open world areas. It feels a bit different in the beginning but they managed to make them interesting, even the side quests tie in with the main plot and are worth doing. And halfway through we get back to the linear levels, which was a good change of pace when the open world was just starting to get tiring.
The story is much clearer and emotional, even though it has some flaws. There wasn't a strong antagonist like Ruvik throughout the whole thing and that's my main problem. The artist was interesting but it's a shame they got rid of him halfway through without much explanation for his purpose there. And father theodore just... wasn't that good.
The ending was epic, i'm obsessed with that last boss fight and the changing perspectives between Castellanos and Kidman.
Overall it does a good job in answering all the questions it raises, and while I would love a sequel this is a good conclusion to Sebastian's story. The post-credits scene is intriguing, Kidman is a promising character, maybe a 3rd game could focus on her now.
This is survival horror excellence

I really tried to like this and to finish it but I can't.
The combat is good, the setup is interesting, I liked the idea of focusing on exploration but I feel like Mass Effect games aren't meant to be open world and that was the first of many missteps. It just doesn't feel like Mass Effect. The open worlds are filled with the usual collectathon and get boring so quickly. There's what appears to be an infinite number of side quests consisting of "collect this", "shoot these creatures in this boring place in the middle of the desert".
The main plot is kind of interesting but again, it's kind of a new coat of paint on the story we've seen before. The angara are interesting and their culture is rich but... it's a new galaxy and they're the only new species we find? And they didn't even bother to bring so many of the old ones, how can they not bring back the quarrians at least?
Ryder is dull, the companions are all so boring, and a mass effect game without the characters is just... well... this. If the characters don't interest me the whole experience is ruined, I can't care. And part of the problem is the childish and comedic tone that doesn't fit in the Mass Effect universe.
Mass Effect is one of my favorite series, I don't understand how they screwed up so bad. Generic, flawed and boring.

I tried to like this... Every Gears game has been amazing so far and this isn't bad but after playing the other ones it's so underwhelming. The combat still feels great but the story is uninteresting and the small levels where you just wait for waves of enemies to come instead of the huge maps we got before are just awful. It tries to shake up the formula in all the wrong ways, the core gameplay is the same but this loop of getting in a small room to reload and fighting a wave of enemies and on to the next level is just not it. I'm gonna skip it and move on to Gears 4 and hope for better

I understand why this was so groundbreaking for its time, the soundtrack is beautiful, the combat is really fun, the lore is deep and interesting and the graphics in this remastered version are really well done, still keeping it true to its original form. However it does have some BIG flaws. The levels get very repetitive, you keep seeing the same rooms over and over, sometimes with confusing designs and it's very easy to get lost. But I was willing to ignore that cause I was having fun, I love all the different vehicles and using them in the open areas feels very ahead of its time. But then I got to the last levels... The library was already a chore to get through, and when I got to Two Betrayals I just couldn't deal with it anymore. There's no way to get more hp other than health packs and there are wayyyy too few. If you get stuck in a checkpoint with 1hp that's it, either restart the level or go all the way back until you find one. Which I did, but I still couldn't get past one of the checkpoints and I just gave up. I understand this is a product of its time but it's just bad game design when it gets so frustrating, so that's it for me. Maybe I'll catch up on the lore on youtube and try the second one

Coming into this after the huge misstep that was Judgement I was a bit skeptical but I have to say I'm mostly impressed. Gears of War is probably my favorite original xbox series, they all tell a complete, interesting enough story with no filler and they're never dull. This one had a tough act to follow and I think it mostly succeeded in starting a new chapter for the series. It gave as a new perspecting on the CoG, expanded the world, which changed a lot after 25 years, and brought the game to a new generation. Its gameplay is the the most fluid so far and the graphics have never looked more gorgeous.
Obviously the new main character would never be as good as Marcus Fenix but he didn't have to be this boring. I don't even remember his name, he has no personality other than being Marcus' son. Kait would've been a better protagonist, which I guess they realized for the sequel.
When it is firing on all cylinders like making us shoot an airplane down on high speed on a bike or controlling an oversized mech this is amazing. But then come the horde sections a la judgment which I hate hate HATE and i don't understand why they would bring them back.
And finally that ending... I literally didn't expect the credits to start rolling, it felt so abrupt and felt really rushed. I feel like the new swarm was never properly explained and not properly defeated either, all we did was kill a boss, what about the rest of the huge hive? I feel like it needed another one or two chapters. The only conclusion we got was for Kait's story
All in all it does a lot right and I wish I could rate it higher but it also has its flaws

This is up there with the Doom reboot as one of my favorite shooters. The story is great, it always keeps you on the edge of your seat, one second you're breaking out of a high security prison in Berlin, the next you're fighting a giant robot in London and you even go to the fucking moon!!
The villains are great, the characters are great, the action is always so over the top and varied it never stops being entertaining. There's something morbidly satisfactory about the shooting and seeing blood splattered all over the walls and seeing all the wreck you caused.
I also have to point out how amazing the level design is, even the way the maps are drawn is so well thought of.
The art direction is stunning, with the visuals holding up til this day, almost 10 years later.
The only thing lowering my rating here was the last level and boss. It started feeling laborious to fight all these bullet sponge enemies and the boss fight was just frustrating and led to a kind of underwhelming ending. Other than that, amazing game, I'll play the sequels

As my first souls game I had a good time with it. The combat is really fun and addictive, I love the variety of weapons and the marking flags mechanic.
I gave up when I got to Lu Bu. I know this is about my lack of skill but it got too frustrating for me. It also doesn't help that the narrative is a mess. I can't say I have any idea about what's happening in the story. Characters come and go without making any impression or being properly introduced and story is an important thing for me to keep me invested

I've played all of the new survival trilogy games and I loved them but I must say this is my favorite Tomb Raider game ever.
From this era I had only played Angel of Darkness on ps2 and for my first playthrough I'm really impressed. Lara is the most badass she's ever been, she's witty, sarcastic, nothing to do with the one from the remakes, I love her.
This is what Tomb Raider games should be, just tomb after tomb, most of the gameplay is about platforming and solving puzzles and it's always so fun, the moments of combat are sporadic but when they happen they're really stylish and fun as well.
My only complaint is the jankiness and weird camera angles sometimes which can get frustrating but it's a product of its time I guess. These 2000s games do have a special appeal about them that can't be recaptured

I really enjoyed this. The shooting feels great, great level design, great mix of different genres, from soulslike to looter shooter to rpg, that creates something unique with a very addictive gameplay loop. It kept me hooked all the way through to see the next dungeon, craft the next weapon or find the next armor set. And it ties it all with an interesting lore too. However, the boss fights are a big let down, most of them are boring or frustrating and none of them really made an impression. The final boss has to be one of the most annoying and boring fights I've seen, not sure if I'll bother to finish it. Despite that, I'm really looking forward to remnant II, which seems to have improved that based on the reviews