So, I decided to play this game after Hades got a little grindy for me and I needed to play another game on my backlog.

It started off with me just getting used to the mechanics (I've never played a beat 'em up in this style before, so it took a little getting used to.) but once I got it, I got it. The game also got really fun for me because it has some RPG elements to it, and I've been kinda itching for a good RPG as of late.

The gameplay itself proved to be fun after I got used to things... however, this game is very buggy. I had backtracked to go back to the school, and when I reached the far right corner of the first boss fight arena... the game went black, the music distorted and my entire computer shut down.

So. I rebooted. Brought the game back up... and resumed playing. After about an hour, it crashed again. And then again after awhile. It stayed stable enough for me after those crashes... so I'm not sure what could be the issue but it seems the game needed some fixes that it never received? (And now they have made a sequel?) Weird.

But overall? The gameplay is very fun. Once you unlock some moves, LVL up a bit, and just get used to things... it becomes fun enough to where you can drive through the game and enjoy yourself.

However, and I think... this is just the nature of the old school style it's trying to bring into this game. The mapping for the throw items/punch... got really annoying. I wanted to punch, but I happen to be near an item? I pick the item up but then get smacked by an enemy. Platforming? And it's kinda hard to tell where I am on the screen so I don't plummet off the stage? Oof.

The menu? And I'm trying to just get to the items to heal. Some of the cutscenes... while they are skippable, sometimes it's just nice to just... get straight to the fight after an attempt?

Just needs some work in some areas. Overall? Very fun.

The style of this game reminded me of Scott Pilgrim a little bit? Not the game, the actual series itself. (I haven't played Scott Pilgrim yet. Though I believe it's also a beat 'em up as well?)

However, you can tell it pulled from the old school anime aesthetic the older Kunio/double dragon games had.

The MUSIC. Very good! I really started to appreciate it once I reached the Beach area? Oh my god. Again, pulled inspo from that old 80s feel to the music and I really loved it.

I loved the idea of the female leads as well. It's actually what drew me to the game!

So overall, yes... It had it's downfalls. But overall, I think it had a great idea in bringing back those old 2D beat 'em ups, but gave it a fresh spin, while still keeping true to the original series.

Hopefully in the sequel it fixed some of the issues and amp'd up on the style even more.

Overall for me? Good game. If you find this game on sale, grab it and give it a go!

I'm going to edit this in about... some months. I don't want to give final thoughts rn. I don't think it would be fair.

Overall right now? Absolutely loved the game. It did have it shortcomings... I'll prob expand on that at the time I decide to write a more in depth view of the game. I need time to truly lab and 'git gud' before I make any final thoughts.

It was worth waiting years for this game to be real. I'll say that for now.

There's really not much to say, other than this game being the perfect comfort game for me. I've been enjoying my time just working on this game and learning all the little mechanics and building up my farm. I'm far from done, but it's proved itself to be a fun, calm and peaceful little game for me.

I honestly see why it got so much praise back then.

It is an absolute dream that this game is even real... I played the original as a kid and I absolutely loved it. I spent h o u r s playing that game at home and at school... and it's one of the only games I saw the trailer for, knew absolutely nothing about it and I knew then I had to give it a shot because of how cool it looked! TWEWY is one of my favorite video games of all time... and I have so many fond memories when it comes to this game.

So, I heard about this game and almost s*&t myself with excitement.

And it didn't disappoint either. They took the original, the style and it's gameplay concept and basically gave it a new fit for the Switch. This was done p e r f e c t l y for me and the gameplay is REALLY fun. They even added some new mechanics that were cool as well.

I got to see some new characters... and I got to see some beloved characters as well from the original which I adored seeing.

Now... my only gripe? The storyline... kinda dragged for me? Somewhere in the middle of it... I was just ready to get through it and have some of my burning questions answered about the story and get to the point of it. Not going to lie... it made the game at that point feel like a chore to play through?

I personally just felt like there were certain things that could've been condensed? BUT... the ending chapters made it worth it. It tied everything together, answered some questions... created some more, which that only gives me slight suspicion that maybe they would like to continue the series? Who knows.

I'm honestly fine with this game being the only sequel.

Overall: I enjoyed this game very much... and I'm going to continue to collect all the stuff and aim for 100% file save.

I HIGHLY recommend TWEWY series to anyone looking for a good RPG to get into (just do yourself a solid and see if you can't grab the original DS version of the game... The Switch version is... it isn't ported very well imo.)

Kinda like how Persona is 'that' game within the RPG realm of video games? TWEWY stands tall just as strong if you ask me.

This game... was EXACTLY what I wanted NMH2 to be. Now, I won't get into NMH2 ranting... but long story short, I played NMH1 and absolutely fall in LOVE with it. And the fact that it had deeper lore, an open world to explore and the combat was SUPER fun, controls were tight and it was just... chefs kiss

However, NMH2 removed a lot of what I enjoyed about the original game and some of the battles as well... just didn't really feel 'memorable' like the battles in NMH2. Sure, they looked cool but... like, I still remember how I felt after I faced Holly Summer and how important she was to the story and Travis as a character later in the game. Not only that, the gameplay felt waaaay too floaty to me. And it didn't really... work for me.

I don't even wanna get started on the mini-games/side jobs being replaced with 8-bit games... and how the money you get in the game really ends up being... useless.

However. Suda returned most of what was removed and revamped it to work for this game. He bought back the 'heart' of the series with this game and I couldn't be happier.

The fights were memorable, the gameplay was REALLY fun (tight controls and didn't feel floaty or too ridged), and he basically took the concept that is NMH and just... amped it up waaaaay higher than before. Oh, and bought back the open world with a Fast Travel option... and overall... just did a really good job bringing in a new title to the series.

I loved this game and I wanna play some more tbh... but I've gotta move on and start preparing for my Bayonetta Pure Platinum runs and continue to knock out my backlog in prep for Bayonetta 3.

So... I tried to get back into this game after putting it on the shelf for a bit and play some other games.

Overall, it just wasn't enough for me to continue the game and finish it. I understood that this was a game that was Suda's spin on the 'James Bond' type of character and series... but the storyline and characters... while they looked cool, they didn't really give me enough to continue the game personally?

And the gameplay was pretty cool... but I don't know... I just didn't get that 'push' to finish the game.

So, I've decided to drop the game and focus on others... It's not a bad game, but sometimes the games you play... don't move you personally to want to beat it. And I'm afraid this was the case with this game.

It was a good little Point and Click indie game to get into... I decided to knock this game out because my left wrist is hurting and I didn't want to make it worse, but I had an urge to play a game.

It was good. It wasn't great or groundbreaking, but it was a solid Point and Click title. Great VA, the story was pretty good... though, the ending felt... unexplained in some parts? It felt like it needed more to feel more satisfying. Art was great. And the gameplay felt good... I personally didn't mind the backtracking. Personally. I can how it could've gotten on someone nerves though, but I didn't have an issue with it.

Other than that... it was worth my time. And I got to play a cool game while letting my wrist heal.

So, I decided to finally beat this little indie game after yearssssss of not picking it back up. I played it for a stream and I enjoyed it a lot then. I think I got just wrapped up in other games and just kinda abandoned it for a bit.

But the concept of this game is very neat and the story is nice too. The visuals and music are also very nice. However, and I'm not sure if I picked this up when I first played it... the platforming is a but... wonky at times?

Especially at the ending puzzle... with the bars? And that rotating one? It's... not very clear or it begs for you to be precise and the mechanics just aren't tight? So, it got a bit annoying.

But either way, the story was lovely. I remembered it as I played along... I actually left the game off being in the last act... so, it didn't take long to knock this one off of the backlog.

It's cute game. Just wished the controls were a little tighter for some of the puzzles in the game.

This review contains spoilers

I'm thoroughly enjoying this game. I'll update this once I've finished the game.


I wanted to play a game that had a Dark Souls feel to it because I was preparing myself to get into the series. I'm currently waiting for it to go on sale, so I needed something to tie me over until then.

I started playing Hollow Knight on my Switch and then moved over to my PC about some months after I took a break on the game. Just a preference... the game wasn't lacking then, it's just I find myself playing more games on my PC than my Switch these days.

But as I got more into the game... I fell absolutely in love. The world is what got me. It truly feels like you're traveling in the ruins of a fallen kingdom... and you're here for some reason or another, exploring it and finding out its secrets. I loved this.

The gameplay had tight controls and it surely proved to be challenging at times, though it was fair. So, I didn't mind enduring the difficult areas of the game... even a certain White Palace.

I did have trouble piecing together the lore of the game, so I turned to YT and or sources to find out about it. I did get spoiled on some sections of the game, but I honestly didn't mind. It was like reading a book and getting to experience it myself later on.

I even understood the True Ending of the game before I even got to it... and didn't feel spoiled. Instead, I felt determined because I wanted to save Hallownest and get rid of the infection once and for all. I still felt emotion once I got there... and seeing all of the MC's siblings returning to the Void once the deed was done, I felt good. My job was finally complete.

I played the hell out of this game. I got to 106% and I plan on returning for the other 6% soon. I wanted to go ahead and knock it out with this first playthrough, but I'll just return to it. Like I said, I have other games to play and I really need to knock out my backlog.

That's why I'm here lol

But now I see why this game is so beloved within the community. It's truly an experience. I'd recommend this game to everyone who is looking for a good Metroidvania title and who also enjoyed the Dark Souls series as well.

And yes... I'm extremely excited for Silksong. And I will be trying my best to play that game completely blind.

I... honestly gave it some thought on whether or not it was worth coming back to this game to finish it. I was playing on stream and everything. But... it doesn't have enough for me to want to continue the game honestly.

I had certain expectations for it... and it just didn't deliver. So, I think I'm going to leave it where I left it and move on to the next game in my backlog.

It's honestly fun. Storyline is great. But uh... yeah. It needs to be fixed. So, I'll return to this game once everything has been fixed up for it. Until then, I'll focus on other games.

EDIT: I've decided to drop this game completely. I don't regret giving this game a go, however, I'm left very disappointed. When I first decided to pre-order this game, I was so excited because of what was generally promised... but as I played the game, I realized that even though it was indeed fun, it lacked in a lot of the areas it promised we'd be able to experience within the finished game.

I still tried to give it a chance, but... ever since that maaaaaajor glitch that happened with the Sasquatch fight, to where I literally clipped through the floor through one of the pillars and had to reset the game to a checkpoint... I--- that was the point of no return for me.

There was no ignoring that. And honestly... it's been enough time for me to wait for them to 'fix' the game that's already lacking on a lot of the features and mechanics it promised to have... it's just not worth it.

We deserved what was promised. And it wasn't delivered to us. So, we have a right to choose whether or not it's worth it or not.

For me?

It's not worth it.

Absolutely adored this game. It got me through a pretty rough patch in my life and at it's core, it was a solid game. Great music. The storyline was really good and kept me engaged the entire playthrough. And the gameplay was very satisfying. Highly recommend this game.