16 Reviews liked by tiredkatsu



Would I recommend this game to anyone over the remake? Absolutely not.

But the Music, writing, and even the gameplay create the most unforgettable experience you can find in gaming. It personally surpasses all aspects of the remake but navigation and graphic fidelity.

Papa Nier supremacy

" What if I made a fantasy world where all fantasy races lived in peace "
Me: πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

" And then you had a comfy coffee shop with a diverse cast of costumers "
Me: πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

" But the world was filled with prejudice and xenophobia "
Me: πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“

" And they used memes to describe structural racism "
Me: 😞😞😞

" And orcs are like... black people! "
Me: πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

Florence is a beautiful experience that isn’t afraid to tell an ordinary story. You act out the simple life of Florence Yeoh, who feels like her life is an endless routine of work, sleep, trying to keep your parents of her back and spending too much time on social media. Eventually romance finds it's way into the mix, but relationships aren't always forever.

In Florence, you break the ordinary cycle of her life, you find love, but eventually move on and in the end find new inspirations for her life and life goes on.

It's a simple game, with not much gameplay elements, some small point and click aspects, but otherwise it's mostly just watching the story unfold. It's a very short game, took me an hour to 100% with some downtime in between chapters. It's a very impactful story nonetheless and it's quite intimate and raw with it's emotions. Definitely a small little game worth playing, even at full price.

No Longer Home is a simple game about letting go of the life you've built due to circumstances beyond your control. You get a close look at the lives of Bo and Ao and you learn about their dreams, frustrations and fears. This is an Interactive Story, point-and-click, where you wander through the home shared by the main protagonists and their flatmates.

No Longer Home is fine for what it is, but feels like it could have been so much more. The writing is really well done and the characters feel real and well thought out, and the game really hits that "life in your early 20s" vibe that's a crossroads of frustration and uncertainty, but at most times it feels like its dragging on in conversations that are not interesting and not contributing to the story at all.

Overall, I did really find the characters and storyline interesting. I genuinely wanted to know more about them and where their story would lead. You know, how the situation between them would change or if it would stay the same, how would the characters evolve and improve themselves, but then the game was over, without any further progress on the story or characters. No finalization of anything. I also find it sad that all those metaphorical symbolisms remained unexplained and vague.

In the end, No Longer Home is a decent story based interactive game with LGBTQ+ main characters and relatable story, but it falls short with the storytelling and the story progression finding it's end. I would recommend the game, if you find it on a really good sale, but at full price, the game is not worth it, therefore I will not recommend this game. I wish there was a neutral option for steam, but sadly no.

Well. I can now confidently say that I have played through this game fully and I enjoyed most of it. In this game you get to gather party members and customize your party to your liking. No matter if you play this alone or with a friend, you get to discuss your decisions with your companions, AI and the other player as well. The turn based combat is amazing and intricate, making you plan every move to the T.

You play as a young Source Hunter, whose job is to rid the world of those who use the foulest of magics. The journey starts of as a simple murder investigation, but unravels to a worldwide disaster that affects the very fabric of time and space as well. It is up to you and your companions to save the world. This game really impressed me and kept me hooked till the very end. The story is really deep and immersive, even though there are parts that are very obvious and predictable. "Yet another basic Fantasy world" they say. Well yes, and? It has been expertly crafted, which is all we can ask for these days, as fantasy worlds pop up left and right. Rivellon is just original enough to make it interesting, even though it uses some common tropes within it's world.

The game play is very, very tactical, and some fights can last up to forty five minutes at times. Positioning, making sure you use potions and spells at the optimal moment, making sure you are well prepared for a fight; all of these points play a key role to success in this game. One single mistake can make you loose the battle and your companions. A lot of the game is based in dialogue as well; If you aren’t one for reading massive amounts of text (or listening to them), then you will probably want to avoid playing this game, as there is a butt load of text and dialogue to be found.

Graphics and visuals are absolutely fantastic! Lighting is so good and models and spell effects are fantastic. There are many areas in the game that are immersive and feel like they have been lovingly made, making sure every little detail looks good and immersive. The special effects are particularly gorgeous to look at and never get tiring. Sound effects and music is also usually great. Sure there's one or two tracks that aren't suitable, but almost all of it is pleasant to listen to and some are particularly lovely.

There was a few points that I wanted to bring up, that weren't all that great and kind of made me want to just stop playing. The dialogue choice disputes were very annoying when playing alone and were quite tedious. If an AI is set for a character, they will try to enforce decisions whenever they can. This is a problem because all disputes are settled with a game of rock-paper-scissors, which is ultimately a luck based game of choice. Sometimes the decisions were substantial enough that if the dispute was failed, I was forced to load a previous save, to get the choice I wanted. I learned quickly to save before dialogue when doing quests, so I was always prepared.

Another point that was pretty useless to me was the crafting. Crafting was an unnecessary mechanic which resulted in my inventory getting filled up with crafting materials which require a lot of extra management. It felt like crafting was shoehorned in because it was popular at the time and it wasn't thought out completely.

Taking all of these points into consideration, I do think the game is very good and I would recommend it for sure. Just be ready for a lot of back and forth, and repeating and reading.

I won this game through SteamGifts.

Must be the absolute best stealth game that I have ever played. You have a bunch of different ways to play; want to be the silent killer and murder everyone with your blades, poison and clones? Done. Want to be just a shadow, never to be seen or heard, no one knows you were there? Done. You can also duel with enemies and fight them if you wish, but the game definitely rewards you for being silent more than anything.

About the story, it was an interesting setting, a goblin who has a mission, but he doesn't know why or what he is trying to find. The plot twist towards the end was definitely something that came out of nowhere for me, I was not expecting it and I was so mindblown.

Probably some negatives for the game would be the boss battles, they weren't that fun to do and were quite boring and simple.

The lack of character portraits and animations made the story feel kinda eh and the combat felt weird to me. I think it just wasn't for me. I'm really enjoying baldur's gate 3 though!



At it's peak? 4
Currently? 2~
Very hard to jump back into when there are way better moba out there and it's niche isn't worth it, if you play now you're either fighting bots or people who have played it weekly for 10 years

Overall I really enjoyed this game!
I loved the setting and visually on the Series it looked fantastic. The gore and combat mechanics were second to none.
Only thing that let it down sadly was a big one, I enjoyed my character I played as but overall the story was a let down with a pretty mediocre ending in the end

perfect games don't exiβ€”

didn't know anything about this game until its release and once it did my TikTok was flooded with it, so wanted to give it a go. Never had any experience with dnd but I do love fantasy so though this might be good for me and OMG it was!

this is one of the best RPG's I have ever played I loved everything from it to the story and characters, the world, the gameplay and turn based combat. this game took over my life while playing it, took about a month and half to fully complete it about 150 hours and I never got bored as there was so much to do.

so many different choices that can make the play through different each time I was constantly thinking about what I would do different on another play through. so many hilarious moments from the choices you make and the interactions with characters.

some of the best party characters in ant game

its not a perfect game there was some issues, for instance the 3rd act feels a little messier and than the other 2 acts and the ending of the game itself feels rushed and the outcomes of one decision you make towards the end feels really strange and comes out of nowhere.

Overall this is tied for my GOTY with RE4R!

onto the dark urge play through

I actually really enjoyed this game, it was kind of like a walking simulator with a very interesting story and lovely atmosphere. The gameplay elements were very simple: scan, walk to a scanned item, investigate, repeat until memory is available and then you watch that memory play. rinse and repeat.

The story was really good and interesting, kind of wished there was more in the game than what there already was. I really liked how the characters grew in the short amount of time and it was just fantastic.

This game successfully manages to be surprisingly poignant and thoughtful. It gets you to think on many different ideas, from Artificial Intelligence to artistry and business, but it mostly centers around humanity’s desire for love and connection, and how humans thrive with family.

A roleplaying game, an immersive sim, a first-person shooter, a puzzle game, a horror game. This game has so many disparate elements that it's a wonder the designers pulled it all together in the end. Not to mention the incredible art direction that created one of the most iconic worlds in gaming history. Not to mention a perfect example of environmental storytelling and telling the story "during play" during an era where cutscenes routinely took controls away from the player. A few small critiques that do hold back the overall experience: The final boss fight is a bit underwhelming, the binary moral choice feels shallow, the puzzles are fairly simplistic (although these can be avoided if that's not your thing), and some of the magic vs. guns mechanics are a bit clunky compared to modern systems. But these are minor inconveniences in an overall fantastic package.