53 Reviews liked by toddhoward

stylish but illegal monkey found roaming triassic period

cant think of a more concise way to summarise this games writing philosophy and themes (without mentioning the absurd levels of homophobia) than the fact that its most recurring phrase is a shopping mall commercial jingle and it's said exclusively by a six year old

(sam lake in full max payne outfit doing the max payne face while james mccaffrey's voice comes out of his mouth) hello its me alex casey. im legally distinct

this whips, an entire game of lore checkpoints??? 22 minutes until the sun explodes?????? a GOOD, MEANINGFUL ENDING???? incredible game, wonderful game, i love it

geralt of snoozeria. hate looking at this guy, hate hearing him talk

if i was a robot i wouldnt be doing all that

downloaded a scale model of london and a mecha-godzilla so needless to say i had the time of my life

once again i simply hate the little elf and do not care about his horrible little world, in fact i hope it gets destroyed

This game is such a flawed mess as soon as you start looking under the hood and it devolves into scout rushing everything and then the game responds with gimmick missions that end up more aggravating than anything

None of which reduces my love for this deeply weird thing with all its incredibly genuine sincerity and surprising nuance masked by all its energetic anime cliche stuff and some often weirdly confused morality and aesthetics that end up just amplifying the feeling of wanting to put it up on the fridge and just be proud of it

It's fweakin beautiful still and everything its going for just was and still is so creative and unique that even when it's missing all I can do is appreciate that it took the shot anyway

Plus you know a game has to earn some points for having a full screen cut in of a character going I'M GAY and their stats increasing

Basically perfects the promise of the original game, loved it a lot, loved all my characters, loved the story about our commanding officer jacking off on my poster and then returning it to me

This game transformed me into a hamster on a wheel for like 5 straight hours and I came out of it with a headache and I'm terrified of ever opening it again

What in the hell did they do to those additional content voice recordings were they getting progressively further away from the mic as they tried to escape the studio or what

chiptune is basically a religious cult for speccy nerds who can't dance

basically what you want to do is take the base game and add as many mods as possible to make it less american. every time you see something american in the game you need to find a mod to get rid of it. i recommend this approach for all games, but this one especially.

i just dont care about the little elf boy and his adventures, i dont support him or the games he's made, i dont want him to succeed and i dont like hearing his little noises. i played 30mins of this and then uninstalled it in favour of a game where i can blast hitler's nuts off with a rifle.