my top 10

no rankings, it's pointless to compare my favorites to one another

this started as a fun little activity with friends years ago and it made me realize I haven't finished enough games, let alone ones with a lasting impact. not to mention my indecisiveness, I still struggle to make a stable list lol. some of my backlogged games might be future favorites, so it's only a matter of time before my top ten and tastes really settle in. I might even have more than ten listed in the future!

last updated May 24th, 2024 - Risk of Rain 2 is back! goodbye Risk of Rain Returns...

Elden Ring
Elden Ring
back in the 2010s I didn't have the funds for a console or a strong enough PC, so the release of Elden Ring was when I finally got to play through my first FromSoftware game. it turned out to be one of the first massive RPGs that I've put a LOT of time into, with almost 300 hours of playtime. I bought it day one and loved just how much it reminded me of Shadow of the Colossus. it also came out at the perfect time when I felt that games weren't as appealing to me lately. considering the fact that the plot elements take a backseat to combat and gameplay, it's no surprise that it'd be right up my alley as someone who's always tended to gloss over the finer details in dialogue, narrative etc.

it seems like they let this game become way too large scale as it is too lengthy for its own good and the pacing falters, but man what a memorable, unique experience. any complaints aside, this is nothing short of incredible visually.

as an addendum after my first playthroughs of OG Demon's Souls, Dark Souls: Remastered and Dark Souls III - yeah ER was a fantastic experience and I'm more forgiving with open world shenanigans, but I also understand what makes other Souls games well designed and frankly better in many regards. the added perspective after playing through these titles has made it less special to me, but it's still high up there. I should play Bloodborne or Sekiro though because it seems like there's always something holding these games back, especially the drops and shifts in quality they all seem to suffer from, and I want to see if it persists across the other fan favorites.

favorite songs: 1 2 3
hard to pick between a lot of great ambience, honorable mention to "Great Underground Rivers" heard in Deeproot Depths, Mohgwyn Palace, etc. and "Roundtable Hold," lots of good boss themes too with "Regal Ancestor Spirit" being the standout that I never got to hear in-game because I killed it too fast lmao
Slice & Dice
Slice & Dice
yes this is a spur of the moment inclusion, yes Roguelike Bad (even though 3 are on this list rn lol) etc etc but hear me out!!! it's definitely a more short-lived entry but I gotta give it props, it's my favorite turn based combat at the moment and single-handedly revitalized my interest in it. all thanks to one person working on their craft for seven years now. sharing it with my friends and teaching them its quirks has been lovely, I'm like that meme of the guy at the baseball game explaining something to the woman by him lmao. yet the few times I've glanced at the discord it's like they're superhumans speaking their own invented language, so I'm nowhere near as deep (and skilled?) as it gets.

it's been a while since I've been so invested in a game. I was living for the clutch and tense moments, I've never had such a quick switch-up to the pure despair and emptiness of losing in the final fight besides the awful times playing fuckin league of legends lmao. key difference here is that I don't hate this game and unlike that blight on humanity, it encourages me to learn and try again in a positive and healthy way. it's really good!

favorite songs: very minimal OST that I haven't listened to yet
Risk of Rain 2
Risk of Rain 2
..and so she vanished, her place forever vacant.

I had Risk of Rain 2 on this list, grew much less fond of it and dropped it, put in Risk of Rain Returns, and now I'm back to square one. after some time away from it and a bit of reflection, I do think there's a large handful of design flaws... but it'd be crazy to not consider it one of my favorites. I have 1500 hours in it, I still enjoy it and get a lot out of it in both co-op and solo, and I can't see it ever going away for good.

at this point this game is like comfort food, something along the lines of the Domino's pizza of gaming for me. is there much better out there? absolutely, especially within its own realm, but it somehow manages to always hits the spot. I've had a bunch of it, I grew up with it, and will gladly continue to have more. I may have moved on from stuff like it and can easily see its faults, but I'll always have a soft spot for it - from 2015 (or childhood in the case of Domino's lol) with the original to now.

I think RoR2 has the weaker design that needs fixing, it could really benefit from a nerf to items across the board and/or an entire overhaul to the difficulty, whatever it takes to make experienced players stop winning every run. yet I find myself more drawn to this one regardless of any perceivable flaws. even in its easily criticized state I'd much rather fire up a run of this than Risk of Rain 1 or Risk of Rain Returns, so that's gotta be worth something.

also I hate to get all metatextual or whatever as I avoid bringing up ratings, but I don't think I could give a score to this game lol. it's lower in many regards (about a 7) while also a 9 out of 10 in terms of personal history and lasting appeal.

favorite songs: TBA
dying is actually fun and the roguelike mechanics are intelligently designed, two things I've struggled to find in most others like it. maybe it's the platforming or the brevity of levels but I really loved the whole learning experience to get farther and better by getting myself to stop rushing it. taking it slow and strategizing for a better outcome is an important lesson and the biggest takeaway from this game given my experience as a more aggressive player in video games. out of what I've played so far, I'd consider it to be in a class of its own AND the undisputed favorite outside of my extensive history with the Risk of Rain series.

favorite songs: 1 2 3
Dark Souls
Dark Souls
...Thou will understand one day. At thy twilight, old thoughts return, in great waves of nostalgia.

this was a bit of a tossup between Dark Souls and Dark Souls III, but I didn't want a ton of Souls games and gave it some more thought. I think Dark Souls is clearly superior conceptually, and while Dark Souls III is still a very good game and better than a ton of the games I've played, it's just not the best when stacked up against its peers.

obviously personal bias will always play a factor in the decision as well as the experience of playing each one for the first time, at least for me since I'm less likely to replay a game. it seems a lot of people consider their first FromSoft "Soulsborne" game to be their favorite, but it feels like each game is so ambitious that they all lead to a fall off in quality at some point. Elden Ring is just too damn long/bloated and needed something to pad it out, yet it's paradoxically the most flawed and still my favorite. Dark Souls has the stuff after Anor Londo that really wasn't that bad, my worst experience was doing Tomb of the Giants early while underleveled.. and the stupid wheel skeletons. Dark Souls III just kind of started off feeling amazing and slowly tapered off for me in terms of interest over time aside from certain high points, not to mention some disappointments when looking into its development history. this all begs the question: was I just Soul'd Out by the time I got to Dark Souls III or do they all suffer that same fate? as it stands I feel as though I can't give a solid answer without replaying these games, the only one I've replayed is Elden Ring so make of that what you will.

my first Elden Ring playthrough was amazing but tiresome, my Dark Souls playthrough was consistently good to great but sadly never at its peak due to accidental overleveling, and my Dark Souls III playthrough had notable highs with lulls in-between. at the end of the day I think I'd just rather play Elden Ring over the others despite its flaws and compromises and such, so it trumps the others. however, if I were to think about the games conceptually and what each one stands for - not necessarily legacy or impact on gaming overall, but rather its design elements and such - then yeah, Dark Souls (and even the message behind Dark Souls III) is untouchable

favorite songs: TBA
Ys Origin
Ys Origin
Ys Origin is very commendable, surprisingly so, for being a random purchase back in 2017 that I really loved so much of: the chibi-esque style, engaging combat that encourages you to actively stay on the move, an awesome OST full of banging guitar riffs, intense boss fights, an interesting backstory and plot... yeah basically everything. aside from the music none of these individual pieces are necessarily incredible when singled out, but as a whole it's just a great compact experience that hits all the right notes for me

favorite songs: 1 2 3
pretty hard to leave it at just three, the entire OST is stellar. go listen to the Super Arrange Version!
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
if I had to pick the most favorite of all, this is it. it's the game with the most unquestionable permanence on this list, every iteration of a top ten list I'd find myself criticizing everything besides Shadow of the Colossus. ironically I wouldn't have expected myself to have a short game as my #1 favorite in the past, but as time goes by I realize and appreciate more and more what exactly makes it - and other games like it - so special. the length is perfect for what it's trying to convey, and it left such an impression on me that I spent even more time watching esoteric YouTube videos by the amazing Nomad Colossus.

it was the first game to really show me that video games have artistic merit and experiences unique to the medium. it proved how games can do more than just hook you on combat or gameplay alone; that they draw a wide range of emotions out of you with their storytelling, presentation and so forth. that certain things like atmosphere and art direction can be just as important and then some. it's a masterpiece that I'll never forget. I'm happy I got to play it on a CRT, completely spoiler free with zero expectations; it really blew me away and remains just as impactful to this day.

favorite songs: 1 2 3
Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Golden Sun: The Lost Age
I almost don't consider this a favorite anymore but I'd probably just be lying to myself if I did that. I have a personal attachment to it that's too much to unpack. the first Golden Sun game stands out as one of my first ever video games, one that captivated me as a kid and still does with its visuals and audio, but I never got to play The Lost Age back then. I remember my older brother briefly borrowing it from his friend but we never actually owned it. before discovering emulation I always longed for when I'd be able to get my hands on it, so it's my quintessential nostalgia pick.

I wish they were just combined since I don't really have a preference but I just went with this one due to the expanded depth. I do think both games are a bit too far on the easier side once you figure out the puzzles, but I can't deny the appeal in a simpler game giving a chilled out, comfy experience. regardless of its quality it's always gonna be floating around somewhere within my favorite games, even if it's not up near the top.

favorite songs which are really just GS1 songs lol: 1 2 3
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2
You see it too? For me, it's always like this...

this basically reads like a review as I'm writing this hours after completing the game, but... wow. I was deeply mortified by the psychological horror of Silent Hill 4: The Room as a toddler whenever I'd see my brother playing it. after that I wrote off the series, and even if I did want to give it a try, it was our only physical copy and I've never been one to emulate games often. it's pretty poetic how on brand it is that I faced my own fears and nightmares both literally and figuratively and came out loving it.

I've had a change of heart recently. pondering and constructing a list of my favorite games this past year led to the epiphany that games aren't just about gameplay. I realized I had to finally branch out from the junk food: mindless addiction fueled time wasters, extrinsically motivated completionism, etc. I've been neglecting stories and narratives for the longest time because I was so absorbed by games with addictive gameplay, yet games are so much more than that. there's creativity abound in video games that I'm trying to experience, such as playing titles I've skimped over in the past for being short, story focused, "walking simulators," and so on.

after lurking Backloggd for a while I decided I'd start with Silent Hill 2 as my first venture into fully appreciating games as an art form. I couldn't have picked a better start. I really was missing out on something special for all these years, and I'm beyond glad to have somehow played it spoiler free -- something that feels way less common than it should be. for once I wasn't just opening a game to waste time with a repetitive gameplay loop. instead, I was piecing the narrative together in my head and constantly thinking about what would happen next, how it would all coalesce and what the finale had in store. it all came together beautifully. I was never once frustrated by combat or the infamous boss encounters. I was finally playing a game for its story more than anything else. Silent Hill 2 resonates with so many people for good reason, it really is one of the greatest games ever made.

favorite songs: gotta listen to it more but here's my picks so far
1 2 3
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
massively influential in more ways than one, since I played it extensively as a teen back when my attention span wasn't such a burden. I'm still pretty into Final Fantasy as a series and consider FFVII the first game I ever played to be the full package: gameplay, art, music, narrative, worldbuilding, character development, emotional moments.. you name it and this game did it well. additionally this was my second FF game after FFIV on the GBA, as well one of my first JRPGs in general, and it still remains my favorite of the small selection I've played. my older brother(s) always loved it too and consider it a favorite, we even owned the entire PS1 trilogy but I wasn't allowed to play any of them back in the 2000s lol.

since that first playthrough I've gotten through FFVII two and a half times with the half being my first time and the two complete playthroughs being 100% completion. it definitely has its lasting appeal regardless of the remake's existence, my only real concern would be that I'm not as fond of the gameplay anymore -- an issue that can't really be overlooked in such a lengthy game. still a very foundational experience that will remain a favorite for the foreseeable future.

favorite songs: 1 2 3


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