back on my bullshit, this time with the GMDX mod. really great additions to the base game across the board, in a way which feels more sensitive to the spirit of the original game than various other rebuilds i've seen - the focus always seems to be on QoL changes / small rebuilds that fix previously minor sections, as well as removing 'free' options. I would really recommend if you're going back to the game, it feels complimentary without being frustrating.

i love this game!

i don't mind bugs at all (bugs are cool) but Damn the writing in this is dogshit lmao. none of the characters are interesting or well-realised! i stopped playing pretty quickly when they killed off a guy with a big sad scene and a funeral and i realised i didnt give a shit at all and was actually glad he would now stop bugging me. a very bad sign for a video game.


weird to think about this, 13 years later. the period between Braid's release and Gamergate makes me think about the wave speech from Fear & Loathing, as corny and stupid as that is. a main era, in cultural terms, and that feeling when the wave finally broke and rolled back....

anyway braid is cool and its genuinely very good.

hey computer, is there any way to generate a nude emotional experience?

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the writers of danganronpa are begging you to go outside and touch grass

accurate representation of being english, in that you're being hunted to death by irritating nerds that you should, by rights, be able to bully.

this game isn't much of anything but i guess it's interesting to think about this in the context of, like, Arma, DayZ, and then PUBG; they're of a similar cloth, but this one just wasn't quite There yet.

delightful little game about the dangers of posting hole


there's almost nothing to criticise about this but its also still never gonna be my Favourite Game Ever, just because it's so clean and well put-together. i prefer a messier game sorry. thats a stupid criticism but this is my account and also its still 4.5 stars so can't be mad.


some people love games with fake languages you have to learn! theyre a complex and interesting mystery which you can really bury yourself in and get a lot from! anyway im not one of those people.

geralt of snoozeria. hate looking at this guy, hate hearing him talk

just packed to the brim with Ideas. why don't games have bullet time in them as much any more? everyone stole it for a while but the last time i saw something like it was Superhot. anyway Max Payne is cool pew pew shoot gun fly thru window get sad do drugs shoot baddies. great.

pretty fun CS clone with annoying 2010s comic book character design. whole thing reeks of the algorithm and no matter how many hours i spend enjoying a game like this i'm still gonna mark it down for feeling cynical.

absolutely adored this at the time, would be interested to go back and give it a replay now his style has matured a bit. not to say this one is immature but yknow, it's been 10 years and he's done a Lot of stuff in that time!!!

i played this like how i play most puzzle games: with a walkthrough open in the other window. i liked playing it like that. i probably solved like 1 in 5 puzzles myself and thats okay by me. don't remember the plot but it compelled me to keep playing so that's something.