fantastic combat a great story and the best party members in any game that has a "crew" if u look past a few pacing issues and one awful boss fight this is BY FAR the best turn based game ive ever played its not close

this is arguably the best game of the last 5 years im NOT a massive fan of turned based combat and build crafting but that doesn't keep me from seeing how fantastic this game is

i dont think any game will give me the same joy as mega keging a 14 year old kid thats been grinding a fort for the last 45 mins then stealing all their loot such an awesome game

great game with a fantastic combat system and an ok story

great game with a fantastic combat system and an ok story

in terms of competitive multiplayer games this is the best you can get the rank system is great the gunplay while not the best out of its competitors is still good and the abilities feel smooth use on each agent the monetization is not good at all even for being a free game

this is one of the best games oat and the worst an unironic great story told and with some fantastic gameplay and build crafting all locked behind one of the worst monetization systems in any game ever

its tragic how rushed this game was could have been one of the best games ever and turned out to just be m-m-mid

great combat im not a massive fan of the boss fights and the open world gets boring

iconic game hasn't aged super well but its still a great game

ROCK AND STONE god i love this game its one of the best games to play with friends with so many different builds :drooling emoji:

a step down on a fantastic game the building is just a step down from the champion abilities the only thing this game does better is the story

this game is great with massive flaws the leveling system is awful the open world is empty and the enemy variety is bad but even with the glaring flaws its still a fantastic game to explore

great improvement on the first game in every way