Like a dream, I had little control and felt that I had to sit back and watch it unravel. I remember only parts and much is nonsensical. I remember running from guards with my heart pounding and some people died and I had to stop and wonder if any choices that I made would have dramatically changed anything.

But I don't think I can be bothered lying back down to dream this again to see if it will resolve differently...

I may go back and actually play The Longest Journey and Dreamfall at a later stage... to kind of give myself an idea about wether or not this one is a good game, but not today.

So having not played The Longest Journey or Dreamfall, this has been an interesting experience. The game starts with what I presume is a spoiler for the second of those two games, but it really didn't matter much for me.

The first book has focussed on Zoe, who luckily forgets a whole lot (and there's a section early on where she gets to do a recap). So I guess I'll find out more about her when she remembers

There are some clunky parts to the game, but the dialog system works well, the characters tell you what they think about each choice. The "Balance has changed" isn't as subtle as Telltale's "so and so will remember that", but it does seem like they make the changes affect the story and they tell you that things are happening because of your choices.

There's less for the other playable characters to do in this book. Kian's story in this book is brief and didn't really explain much about who he is or why he's doing anything (except I get the impression he doesn't like to talk very much)... and I didn't really care for or understand the Interlude very much.

I'm a little way into the second book a the time of writing and it seems to focus on Kian more, so maybe I'll get to find out about his back story.

The first game I ever paid for. So maybe it's just nostalgia talking but it's just such a lovely stripped back implementation of an arcade racer

It's very pretty and has an interesting backdrop, but it wasn't enough to keep me hooked. I guess it didn't quite call to me.

Didn't really make it far... I'm not sure that it's necessarily a game for me

Couldn't get a multiplayer session to last more than 5 minutes. It's not a great single player game from what I can see so far

This review contains spoilers

So my wife and I used to play a lot more relaxing couch co-op games than we have recently. We started playing games like Overcooked, but ended up too much on edge. So It Takes Two seemed like it'd be a good fit for us to just chill and play a game together.

And I have some mixed feelings about the game. Much of the platforming is good and it mixes things up with new abilities and it doesn't overstay it's welcome.

Plus there's little mini-games and distractions around the place that allow you to goof off. It was always good to be able to go the wrong way and find something interesting.

The voice acting is good (apart from the book), but there are occasional prompts from the characters that come far too early. In some cases the cut scene ends we go towards what needs to be done and the character explains what needs to be done. Like yeah, give me a chance. Other times the dialogue seems aware of itself and one character would respond with exactly what we were saying.

I guess it's the story that grates. You play as Cody and May who tell their young daughter Rose that they're getting divorced. Rose asks a book about relationships to make her parents love each other again and magically the parents are transferred into the bodies of two toys. The book, who is the most annoying character in our tale, comes to life to coach Cody and May through their issues. OK good premise.

So let's get down to the worst bit of the game from a story point of view. Cody and May have decided that because Rose cast the spell (somehow) that they need to get to her to get changed back. So they finally get to her and they yell and scream but she can't see them. She's written a letter and May kicks the eraser and Rose sees it move. And at this point my wife and I go "use the pencil to write something!"

But the characters instead go "Let's destroy something she loves so she cries on us and reverses the spell". And then they do that. What great parents. It really feels like they added this to pad the game out because in the end it's a useless diversion and it's the only time that the book is not guiding them.

Anyway, I was hoping that the story would lead down a path of "Yes you two shouldn't be married, but that doesn't mean that you need to hate each other. Get divorced, but do it in an amicable way." But no... they stay married. I can't help but feel like that couple that goes on holiday and think that they're relationship is now fine and perfect and it goes bad a year later.

Rose herself is a bit of a nothing as well. I'd worry that if my parents were basically in a comatose state and would probably call an ambulance, but I guess that goes to how they treat the kid in the first place?

Maybe I'm bringing too much to this game that isn't there, but I wonder how the game would play out with a different theme. Divorced of the divorce them, would I treat it any differently? I don't know.

TL:DR Fun game for couch co-op, but didn't enjoy the story.

If you were to describe what The Artful Escape was to it's basic units, you'd say it's a Simon Says broken up by basic forgiving platforming and dialogue choices that have no impact to the gameplay.

But... this is a game where style trumps substance. The story is about finding ones true self and moving out from under the shadow of a relative and what your expected to be. And it looks and sounds cool while doing it.

Could you get the same experience watching a Let's Play of this game... maybe? But you get to personalise your character at a points in the game and it's certainly fun to do that and be telling your story rather than someone elses. Plus it's very cool to do a running double jump off a ciff and boost with a chord and land on a slope while shredding. In the end your just holding the X button while you run a lot, but it's just very cool.

It doesn't overstay it's welcome and the Simon Says portions don't require you to remember (as you can do them at the same time as they're presented if you wish). And it's on Game Pass, so....

A game with an interesting idea, but let down by terrible localisation, poor signposting and the need for pixel hunting

I feel like I don't actually like playing Pac-Man all that much. There's a fair bit of variation here though.

Notably it includes Pac-Man 256 and strips out all of the ads and mobileness from it which is nice.

Maybe there's some more games in there that I'll enjoy, but I'm not so sure.