To play Terraria like a survival-game is a sin. Rather, approach Terraria as a metroidvania, a long progressive adventure that takes a lot of will and exploration to ultimately finish.

Honestly, Skyrim is fine. Phenomenal at its time, but it ultimately shows its cracks in retrospect.

The watered-down and somewhat uninteresting mechanics, and plain narratives somewhat bogs down the experience.

However, Skyrim is at its peak in its quiet moments. Serene landscapes, and hearing Jeremy Soule's memorable soundtrack makes travelling a joyful experience.

The best "generic" fantasy action RPG game.

The setting? Typical sword-and-sorcery stuff.
The premise? Whatever.
The combat? Delicious.

For all its faults, Dragons Dogma is at its best when you start climbing and whacking your foes with gigantic tornadoes.

A well-paced, and decently long game.

Spider-Man does carry some of the frustrations that I have with the open-world format, but the amount of side missions and collectibles are rather tolerable in this case.

On the other hand, swinging across the city, and helping in mundane tasks totally sells off the feeling of "friendly neighborhood" hero fairly well.

A game that lets it world speak for itself.

While performance is wonky, enemy variety isn't the greatest, nor its plot is amazingly written, Dragon's Dogma 2 is an enjoyable ride.

One of the best, if not the best, character action games from the past decade.

While it falls short on enemy variety, and environmental design, Devil May Cry 5's combat system makes up for its shortcomings.

While its narratives might be generic, Granblue Fantasy: Relink's campaign is a fun-short romp of hack-and-slash, complimented by dopamine-filled bosses and amazing production.

The endgame, well, retains most of its mobage's trademarks. A grindy, and long extensive endgame, and wholly dependent on farming and praying for RNG drops.

A surprise-hit of game that either feels like an episode of a morning cartoon, or a terrifying horror film. Nothing in between.

Soma is hot.

Favorite GBA game, and also my favorite Castlevania game. Fun soul system, amazing level design (mechanically and visually), great soundtrack and memorable characters. Wholeheartedly recommended.

While not an exceptional or an amazing game, Dino Crisis 2 stands as one of my favorite games from the Playstation.

Action-packed and arcade-y compared to its predecessor, Dino Crisis 2 is a good time.

Elden Ring is large. Every crevice, corner and surface is filled to the brim with monsters, bosses, loot and secrets, all waiting to be explored.

While the content is massive, its quality is unfortunately inconsistent. Arguably has the best Fashion Souls™, but the bosses seemed to be designed for Sekiro, rather than Souls, with endless rhythmic attack patterns and several "gotcha!" moments.

Despite that, Elden Ring stands tall amongst its open-world peers. Its grand focus on exploration and adventuring is certainly From Software's greatest triumph.

Stupidly addicting, mildly infuriating.