The story is very lame compared to MK9 but gameplay is good.

Although the story seemed promising and the graphics looked unique. It's a dull repetitive game with awful cut-scenes. Also, the keyboard controls were mapped poorly.

I tried really hard to get into this game. But it's really boring and repetitive. My friend, with whom I played coop, also thinks the same. All the missions are basically fetch quests.


I was about to quit playing video games after playing a lot of overrated sh!tty games.
This game reignited my interest in games.

It's a fun short game with beautiful background visuals. The quality is so good that I almost forgot that it's a free game.
However, I think that mini-game was overused and Sonic is supposed to be fast right?
Nonetheless, it's a good visual novel.

It's a fun co-op game. It has amazing gory pixelated graphics.
But it's repetitive after a few levels. Also, the controls are annoying sometimes.

It tells a story of a mentally ill family, with interesting visuals and fun minigames throughout the game.
Very Unique game.

I prefer CS2 over CS: GO.
Also, over the past month of playing, I've been pleasantly surprised to find that in non-prime lobbies, I haven't come across any cheaters, whereas in CS: GO, almost half of the matches in non-prime lobbies were plagued by cheaters.

I was really excited for this game 5 years ago when the gameplay trailer was released. Then it turned out to be the most disappointing game I have ever played.
- Smurfs in every match make the matchmaking unfair. Riot doesn't care about it.
- Bugs from two years ago still remain.
- Crappy server. Sometimes I need to exit the game during the match to fix the server latency issue.
- The game crashes a lot and I had to re-install the game many times just because of some absurd errors.
- The worst community I've ever seen.
- The only game that made my Vega 11 overheated for some reason.
- Vanguard is crap. It bricked my old motherboard.
- Imbalanced agents.
- The reward you get after playing a lot of matches or wins is not worth it. You can only unlock a few uninteresting handgun skins and stickers.

If you are looking for nostalgia, quality and replay value this is the masterpiece you are looking for.
It's the only KOF game that gives you the feeling of a tournament as it's shown that the matches are being broadcasted and the audience are cheering. Also, I miss the other teammates cheering or getting frustrated in the background which is missing from the later KOF games. Also, Rugal is scarier that other bosses. To most of the KOF fans KOF XIII is the best one but to me KOF 98 is the best KOF game

- Very small roster.
- Effects look weird. (Especially fire effects)
- Shh!tty character design of Akari Warriors. (Ralf was my favorite KOF character but they have made him fat looking idiot. They removed his grappling moves and added fire bomb move or something... ωtf?)
- Controls feel stiff. Combos and specials are more complicated than the previous games.
- Ash is the least scary final boss in kof franchise.
- Sub-par music
- poor port

Overall, it's a step down from the old KOF games that I'm used to. A lot of KOF fans claim it to be the best KOF game but to me, it feels like a cheap & careless experiment.

Broken ranking system.
Literally no penalty for leaving ranked matches.
90% of the time I get smurf opponents.

I think I wasted my time and money on a garbage game.

I don't get the appeal of this game. Even after playing for more than an hour, I didn't find anything interesting. The combat system, while attempting innovation, feels repetitive and lacks excitement. It's attempt at humor often feels forced and misses the mark.

This graphic novel is truly underrated. After experiencing this game, most other graphic novels seem lackluster, merely throwing together a background and two characters conversing. In contrast, every scene in Soul Gambler is crafted meticulously, seamlessly integrating characters into the vividly detailed backgrounds. Moreover, the choices offered genuinely affect the storyline, adding depth and immersion. Yet, the true brilliance lies in its narrative—the dark, compelling story that kept me on the edge throughout the gameplay.

The music and the atmosphere of this game is really unnerving. Also killing someone with a plastic bag is really fun. However, The novelty wears off pretty quickly when you have to watch the same killing animation over and over again. This game is basically lure the enemy, wait until he turns his back on you, kill him.
Very repetitive