I couldn't have imagined a Fire Emblem game with more freeform team building than the ones with infinite reclassing, but here we are. Maybe the meta just isn't solved yet, but it blows my mind that there are finally real trade-offs instead of "just use wyvern riders" or "throw your best guy into the mix and skip turn". I was itching to replay the game before I even made it to the final map.

Story-wise, it's not campy enough, actually. I need the other nobles to pop up even more often and laser the villains with the power of friendship. I need multiple extended transformation sequences with poofy skirts for everyone. I need special attack animations that put Trails S-Crafts to shame. The 60th anniversary game had better double down.

The gameplay really makes you feel like you're a salaryman in the Lost Decade getting home at 11 PM and grinding the arena until you pass out from exhaustion

The story is so ambitious (especially by FE standards) that I can't fault it for what it is, but it often feels like it deserved Total War-style or even musou gameplay - anything to preserve the scale without the monotony.


More games should let you play as 40 year old troll-shaped single fathers who make speeches about the power of friendship

I can't believe I paid $20 to play this when I could get paid to shovel snow in real life instead


informative and engaging crash course on ancient Greek firearms

Drakengard 3 improves on Drakengard in every way that matters, which makes it less fun somehow

I think my parents still have a video of me raging at the platforming sections in the palace

If Ganon turned into a big worm Hyrule would be finished I can tell you that

Bar none the most sincere action game I've ever played. The gameplay isn't perfect - the lack of minimap hurts on some of the more winding maps and the loot is a pain to manage - but Jack and his fists are worth watching until the very end.

I loved my first run of this game when I was on painkillers after getting my wisdom teeth out on release day, and after that it wasn't nearly as good

Picked this up in an effort to understand the funniest RP account on Twitter. The art has its charm but it's often too abstract for me, as is the prose. The worldbuilding and backstories ended up being the big draw for me, but it's tough to want to explore the rest of the branches on my first route (LT's) and on the other two without a way to skip the shared scenes.

each fully voiced air duct sequence inflicts more and more sanity damage

this divine lightning has pierced my heart

Portal and its consequences have been a disaster for internet humour. Also I have motion sickness

jogged around the town for a month in order to come up with the recipe for gatorade

The main characters and town are much more fleshed out compared to Ryza and I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with them (with the notable exception of Oskar's dialogues where someone has to get a fat joke in every time). The alchemy system is fun to learn, especially with the recipe ideas that require getting unique traits onto certain other items. The English dub is also nice to have compared to other Atelier games, even if I hate that they pronounce "atelier" as "at-lee-err".