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Yeah this game's vanilla as hell, but it's like some nice Haagen Dazs vanilla you know what I mean?

mentally ill girlfriend simulator (i will not fix her she is hotter this way)

I really like the concept for this game, but the story is weak, the platforming feels half-baked with poor controls and awful detection for grabbing pipes/ledges and wall runs, and the combat is so bad I wish it wasn't included.
It is also the only game to ever give me motion sickness, which I did not enjoy.
Overall this game kinda sucks and I don't understand why it is so beloved.

She final on my fantasy till I'm VII

Is this what happens when Nintendo finds out you emulated an NES game ?

I think it's really cool how you can beat the shit out of Teddie in this game

This shit is so fucking raw man.

Gotta be one of the greatest soundtracks in gaming. Night Glow, Spiral Ahead, and Your Vibe are insane booty shakers.

This is gonna sound crazy, but the universally beloved jrpg is good.

0/10 because Yosuke is not dateable and Teddie is in the game.
10/10 because so cool soundtrack and characters(not Teddie) and RPG gameplay
I think I will meet in the middle and give it a 5/5 (it is my favourite game of all time)

0/5 they removed Makoto's gamer posture
I will not stand for this blatant discrimination against gamers like me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For real though, this is an incredible remake. It fixed every issue I had with the originals while adding a little bit of its own flair.