Amazing. As much as the beat'em'up style of style of Yakuza will be missed, Like A Dragon feels like it's taking the series in a fresh new direction. The characters are great, the substories are good, and...fuck i forgot it's an rpg with grinding and shit. Ah well, that's my jam.

Some of the cases feel a little flat, but I really liked the characters and the music.

(Note: Completed as part of the rereleased trilogy on Switch)

Enjoyable. Prolly the bottom one out of the original trilogy for me, but I had a fun time.

Definitely the most 'Eh.' out of the series for me. The lack of focus between Phoenix, Apollo, and Athena leads to none really feeling like they develop. The cases are forgettable. I don't care for the big twist. First game in 3D though, so that's something at least. The Mood Matrix system is cool too.

Alright, I guess. Stop giving Apollo backstories.

Very fun beginning to the legacy of Yakuza (Zero not withstanding). Tiger Drop negates all damage.

It's even more Spider-Man. I mean this as a complement when I say the PS5 should've launched with this. Such a great continuation and adaptation of more great material. The PS5 now has one (1) game.

(Note: Completed as part of the rerelease trilogy on Switch.)

My favorite out of the original trilogy. It's hard to review this one alone since it's such a good conclusion to Phoenix's saga, but I have to say it was prolly the most engaging plot wise.

This is yet another one of those games where if you hear about it, 100% someone's just gonna tell you to go play it. That someone is me. Let 0 drag you into the Yakuza series. Right Now.

I've completed this game 4 times. The best Pikmin game, the right balance of stress and ease. So much to do and it was an extreme treat going through the game for the first time. Even more fun to go into it 3 times after to see how fast I could do it. Best one was 28 hours. But yeah, if you're at all interested in Pikmin, this is the perfect place to start. (Or emulate 1 'n' 2 because it's still 60 dollars but shhhhhhhh.)

(Note: Completed as part of the rereleased trilogy on Switch.)

Gotta say, really strong game. A good introduction into the world of AA and really feels fun to figure out. Crime procedurals are fun. Watch Columbo.

This game makes me wish all of Game Freak's releases were like this. It's such a good exploration of a new type of pokemon game, I really recommend it to any Pokemon fan.

It's more Spider-Man. Except BETTER. A really great way to have a hold-over till 2.

This is the one modern Paper Mario game I've played.'s alright! I definitely feel a big disconnect between this and something like TTYD, but I wouldn't say its inherently bad in this case. Paper Mario becoming more about paper and not about mario sucks a lot, but what are ya gonna do. The games also very pretty, which is a bonus.

Again, the mainline Wii games mean a lot to me. Hearing they were making a fucking RtDL remake was targeted specifically at me. This was a ton of fun, going through the game again, one of the rare games I beat as a kiddie. The Magoland stuff is good fun too!! Kirby's near and dear to me, so i'm easy to please when it comes to him. But, this is really well done.