I thought this was really thoughtful. It's a walking sim, there are no puzzles or anything, but the story it guides you through is interesting and emotional, and unique. One of those stories that could only be told in an interactive format. Stuck with me.

I never got good at this game, but I appreciated all the weirdness of each of the worlds. It's a very strange game, and as a kid I felt like it was scary and tense.

The character designs and concept art are incredible, I love everything about this game except actually playing it.

I loved this back in the day. I doubt I'd be into playing it again, but the presentation is all fantastic.

I'm not sure why this didn't grip me more, but I never got addicted to it in the way many did. Still, I had a fantastic time with it. I think it's immaculately designed.

What a great package altogether. These games are real fun while you're playing them, and you'll remember moments and set pieces and how much you love Sully, but they don't quite have the staying power you'd think. The first game is also not at all great compared to the others. That said, this is a bundle worth picking up, absolutely.

This review is for the GBA game, which sucks ass.

The presentation is all there, but it's really not that fun, and I found it super grindy. I always felt like I was under-leveled and that was probably just me sucking and not understanding some mechanics, but I didn't have a good time with it. Maybe I'll try it again sometime.

It's a mess, but it's a nostalgic mess.

I liked this more than Tell Me Why, but less than Life Is Strange 1. It's a nice prequel, not a masterpiece, I would've liked to see some other story stuff in there, but I enjoyed what is there. I played through it once, and don't plan on replaying it to collect all the collectibles and check different decision paths - I feel satisfied with my one playthrough.

I 100%'d this game on GameCube back in the day, I absolutely have nostalgia goggles on, especially since playing it again on PC over a decade later didn't stick with me as much. I think I still have my physical strategy guide lying around somewhere. This game is so special to me, and my deep love for it has the unfortunate side effect of making me try every Tales game in the hopes that one will make me feel like this one did.

I can see why people liked this when it first came out, but it really hasn't grabbed me at all in the handful of times I've started it up.

Not quite as classic as the first, not quite as good as the fourth, but still a solid old-school Castlevania game.

It's weird, it's funny, it's slightly dated but absolutely well worth your time.