Really interesting game. I would recommend the PS2 version, which is in third person, compared to first person on Dreamcast.

An enjoyable game for the PSP. I find myself farming money by doing mini-games more compared to gaining money from random encounters in the street. The selection of styles to unlock and choose from add to the experience of this game. Some bosses feel too aggressive. Overall, super fun, one of my favorite Yakuza spinoff games. I really wished it got a localization, but that opportunity seems to be long gone.

One of my top 5 PSP games. The ability to customize your character with different items sets it apart from the console version, minus the release of Everybody's Golf in 2017, but this game was ahead by 10 years. The physics are phenomenal, have an arcade-y feel, I am comparing to the PS3 games that were out at the time where the golf balls felt heavier than expected. Extremely fun. The difficulty is well balanced. It honestly only gets really hard at the second to last course. The variety of characters to choose from are full of emotion.

Interesting controls. Worth checking out because it's unique in its own way, but it's a hit or miss on who this game will please, so don't feel bad about it.

Extremely unique gameplay for the time it came out. The attack system is comparable to games like Fallout 3. Bosses are challenging. A story that stands out with cinematic cutscenes. Character designs are interesting. Overall, I recommend attempting to play.

Extremely fun to play when you have some down time. I absolutely love the character creation and amount of outfits you can make. I wish some of the event items were still obtainable. Playing online open course is very fun, doesn't require a PlayStation Plus subscription either, which is a big plus. The gameplay is as simple as it can get and the challenges are perfect. Smooth transition of difficulty, physics are the best they have been.

Tropical Freeze plays very different than the SNES games, no doubt. The characters feel heavier, but also slippery. It doesn't bother me too much, but it is noticeable. The one thing that bothered me the most was the camera. The character feels too close to the camera where oncoming enemies appear a bit too quick to my taste. I do not know if others can agree, but just zooming out the camera 5 to 10 percent would make all the difference.

This satisfies me. It's a mobile game, it's expected to be limiting for a short amount of time. I enjoy the 15-20 minutes of gameplay I can achieve every 3 hours. It's a very passive game. The music is soothing, however I would love there to be more, it's the same song throughout unless you're visiting the Happy Home Academy or the birds. The amount of items you can craft and collect are huge.
I have not spent a single dollar on this game. My strategy is to save your leaf tickets for maps and extremely limited items.

I'm enjoying what I'm playing so far. This is still in early access as of writing. The music and art direction are very reminiscent of Symphony of the Night and it does it right. This is an actually proper Metroidvania type of game.

This is my favorite Virtua Fighter game. The character designs are top tier. The moves are well balanced and they don't feel overly heavy or feathery. The soundtrack is also really great. The distorted guitars mixed in with squeaky synths date the game in a nostalgic way. Also, the fact stages switch between VF4 and VF4Evo tracks makes this one better.

Super nostalgic game. This was one of the first games I got to play as a toddler. There are many memories attached to this game throughout the years.
The art style was ahead of it's time. The soundtrack is soothing and rich, I still prefer to listen to this soundtrack over many others. One of the coolest things I never realized about this game is that it didn't have an active HUD, so you got to take in all of the visuals without much distraction in the corners. Great game, this is one of the titles that made me more interested in video game development.

This is a very great series. 4 was my first Way of the Samurai game.
I really enjoy the customization aspect of this game. If you are interested in creating your own move sets, this game has that. Forging your own sword is another feature I enjoyed.
The music is phenomenal, Noriyuki Asakura did an awesome job. If you have never played this game, just know he also composed the music to Tenchu.
Playing through the many scenarios was really fun. I enjoyed this game a lot.

I enjoy this game. I know there's a point where you customize everyone's house, but there's hundreds of Animal Crossing characters to get through. I do wish this game had a big update featuring newer characters, such as the ones on the Sanrio Amiibo cards.
Also, I just found out you can unlock extra room styles, which includes a basement so that makes it even better than I was going to give it.

If you didn't enjoy playing Sonic Forces, play this game instead.