Really good game. I think this game sets itself apart very well from the other games on the same engine, especially the fact it is a prequel to the entire series.

Extremely fun puzzle type game. Extremely saddened by the English server shutting down, however I'm still playing the Japanese version from time to time. There is a point where the difficulty spikes later on, and you most likely wouldn't be able to complete the stage without all Z rank puni, but there are plenty of hours of playtime before that. The side quests, collaboration events, and daily events do help this game keep you interested.
It is entirely possible to never throw down money towards this game as long as you are patient.

Incredible soundtrack. Gameplay was fluid for the time it was released. You should definitely check out this game if you want to know the roots of stealth-type games.

An essential title to play for the Vita. The first version for this game on Wii does not compare well, the Vita port is entirely improved upon, in both translation and gameplay aspects. The art is very crisp and beautiful. The soundtrack sets the tone well. I honestly want this to be available to play on the big Playstation consoles, but if you are lucky and have a Playstation TV, you can enjoy it on the big screen.

This game makes me hate myself. This is the first "git gud" game.

The definitive version of Yakuza 2. I will always recommend the OG before Kiwami 2, you do not understand what you are missing. Knocking off half a star because I found myself holding down the R2 button 80% of the time to adjust the camera zoom while roaming around. The story is really, really great. Soundtrack is good. Characters are likable.

Just literally download the demo, it's a free game.

The timing in this game is abysmal. The song choice is alright, however the compositions are questionable.

If you want to play Everybody's Golf Portable, make sure it's this one. The Coca Cola and Fanta advertisements add to the experience.

A perfect sequel. Some levels can be challenging due to platforming and skating mechanics meshing together. The soundtrack is recommended for casual listening. Why doesn't this game have a modern port yet? We will never know.


This game plays really smooth. The soundtrack has a great selection of songs that blend well together. Character customization is fun. Doing tricks is satisfying.

Knocking back from 5 stars due to the lack of Ayami Kojima portrait art, but this is an extremely fun DS game. I like the roots tracing back to Symphony of the Night compared to the whip characters.

Super fun arcade game that also has a DS port. If you are unaware, it's marketed towards young girls however getting past that, this game is really well made. The customization via swiping collectable cards and having an extra challenge with lucky colors that give you a point boost makes it enjoyable to play multiple times. The songs are really catchy.