Great multiplayer game. A rare type of game featuring WWE wrestlers and they're not wrestling, however through vehicular combat and magic powers.

I have found myself to replay Sonic Adventure once every two or so years. I enjoy it greatly. The story mode feels limited at first, but after a while things start to play out.
Amy, Knuckles, Gamma, and Big's storylines are fascinating and one of the most in depth the series has given them.
Big's gameplay is similar to Sega Bass Fishing, however I had found myself needing to reset the game once or twice due to some model clipping of the lure and getting stuck behind the wall or floor.
The music may not be many people's favorite of the series, my spouse had complained the theme to Windy Valley was too bright and busy for him to enjoy. I'm thinking the music mixed in with the sound effects of the stage environment was more bothersome. A few songs I do love is the Chao Race Entrance music, Mystic Ruin theme, and Gamma's theme, all composed by Fumie Kumatani.
Also, comparing to the Director's Cut release of Sonic Adventure, the models in the original version are much more pleasing. I like the matte texture of the characters, along with the fact a lot of graphics with transparencies were buggy in DX.
Anyone who hasn't touched Sonic Adventure, I highly recommend the original Dreamcast release.

Nice hack and slash mecha with a fun soundtrack.

I honestly really want to enjoy this game, but the thurst mechanic sets things back. I love a majority of Level-5 games, and I've enjoyed seeing others play Dark Cloud, but the thurst puts me, personally, on edge the entire time.
I'm going to search around to see if there's any way to, at least, decrease the stat progression.

Compared to Machi-ing Maker 3, this game is pretty on par. I love the bus system, highways, and shrubbery implementation, along with the variety of sizes of buildings. One main thing I wish stayed was interaction with the town. I would've loved to been able to enter buildings and talk to residents and receive feedback to earn extra points, but this isn't the case for Machi-ing Maker 4.
What would've made this game a little more special would be building varieties. At first, building your town, you are given a smaller selection of buildings, so basically everything looks the same for a while until more things unlock hours down the line. 3 of the same TGI Fridays, 3 of the same 7/11. At least provide a different layout or look, I guess? Like instead of a 4x5 building, you can choose a 3x3 two story building or whatever. This game is too old to be wishful of, it didn't even have an update after releasing.
Otherwise, it's enjoyable and pretty relaxing. I was able to play this while preparing my dinner.

This is a great sequel in the Happy Home series. I was hesitant to buy any paid DLC, because most DLC doesn't seem worth the price, but comparing it to the original Happy Home game, it was pretty much worth it, I also had a couple gold coins saved up and it knocked off $4 for me.
The amount of things you can do now doesn't feel so limited. In Designer, you couldn't really change much of the home layout on the fly, but you can do that now in Paradise. The fact this is connected to the main game and not separate makes this better, because you can now earn items in the DLC to take back to your island.
This is the thing that got me back into playing a game I felt was unfinished at launch. Along with the huge update, I do believe without Happy Home Paradise being in development, we wouldn't have gotten what we have now.

Pretty fun, one thing I have to point out is the fact I played a cabinet at a Chuck E Cheese. It seems like they are the only place that adds huge banana shaped bumpers around the trackball, which make it sort of difficult to navigate.

I've been playing the Japanese release for about two years off and on, I recently got a chance to play the closed beta test. Overall, this game is very fun to play by yourself and along with friends. Finding friends isn't very hard, as the search function makes it fairly easy to find people who are active.
The soundtrack is nearly the same as the original. Graphics are updated to be compatible with multiple smartphones. FPS and camera view can be changed on the fly as well.
There is energy used to enter field play and other modes, however the energy is regenerated pretty quickly. Level 5 mobile games seem to be very user friendly after the first two hours of starting a game, I've never really ran out of energy or feel compelled to throw down money.
A few downsides to this game; the fact there's no hub cities that connect the fields, it's just field play once you enter combat. Also field play seems to be limited to a single day and night cycle of enemies, so if you defeat all enemies during the day, you have a set of night enemies, and if you defeat both sets of them, at the next day cycle you are left with an empty battlefield and there's no choice, but to end the field play.

It feels extremely empty. I don't know how else to describe it. The story mode feels really bare minimum. The arrow charts are also really random, barely even go to the song playing.

The PSP version of this game is basically SSX 3 Lite


Losing a star for the DCMA emails I keep receiving from EA... The DLCs make this game fun.