I’ve seen a lot of praise for its originality and story, and while shooting robot dinosaurs with a bow is super cool, the story is quite generic with super boring dialogue. I found myself skipping the majority of it cos it was difficult to stay awake. I have never really felt the need to do that in games I’ve played up until now.

The open world is alright, not much more than serviceable, although I’m sure it ends up expanding into more interesting territories, just cba though. Played 5 hours ish.

Perfect. Limitations and boundaries don’t mean you can’t experiment, that’s what testing is all about.

I’ve tried playing this game twice based on countless high praise FNV regularly receives. The furthest I got was that town with the dino statue.

Fallout’s world is inherently interesting. The dialogue options in this game are excellent. The environments are dirty, dusty and immersive.

The world in regards to its design and moment to moment gameplay however, is hollow. The Mojave really is a wasteland, you have to travel across so much empty space for little reward. Gunplay is kinda shit and VATS don’t fully compensate, the system is flawed from the get-go. I couldn’t call this game “fun to play” with a straight face.

What frustrates me is that there is clearly something special here but I just can’t deal with the game’s shortcomings, perhaps it’s my mindset and I should totally role play as a character I make up and put into this game instead of a self-insert but……… surely not everyone who loves this game does that.

Will I ever try out this game again? There’s a small chance but I don’t want to put another 10 hours in for it to “get good”

A generation defining game, Red Dead Redemption is a staple of its era, pushing the consoles to their limits to achieve an immersive world and set a new precedent for cinematic storytelling in video games.

The first chapter is definitely the weakest, with a lot of the most forgettable missions, and I think it should have been trimmed down. From the second chapter onwards you’ll find yourself with a more engaging story as the game’s themes become increasingly apparent.

It’s no secret this game has been trumped by future attempts at this kind of mature story and open worlds, but what can I say, it’s worth a play, especially once it’s (hopefully) re-released on PC and modern consoles.

Needs another remake. Incredible boss design, atmosphere and crazy ending but elements of the gameplay still feel like a PS2 game. I hated the horse.

Could be a 4.5 on replay, great in all aspects, with an excellent story. Keeps good pacing throughout with little downtime. Not surprised to have it prove to be the must-play everyone praises it as. It is a joy to watch these characters grow and bond.

After finishing God of War 2018, I decided that I should play through the original trilogy before tackling Ragnarok, although I am loosely aware of its story, since I watched a summary before playing 2018.

So to start with the simplest element of this game, we have the story. By no means does simple mean bad here, the story was a breath of fresh air as gameplay truly enhanced it, the cutscenes did not have to do all the work as I feel is much more common in modern games. Kratos' backstory is periodically fed to you throughout the game and each revelation is tantalising - he is a character with depth beneath the surface. The plot appropriately resembles a Greek myth in structure, with the hero going from one obstacle to the next with increasing threats to triumph by the end.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that "2018" is a jack of all trades yet master of none (although its narrative is admittedly its strongest suit), not a dig here, since it does what it does to a great level. This is in contrast to the original, where I feel combat is the main appeal. The combat is difficult (more so than I was expecting), requiring strategy with the variety of moves in your arsenal and great deal of focus - kind of like Dar...
This game will have you saying "fuck", "what the fuck was that?" "HOW?!" and many more but god is it fun :)

This game has a long section where you'll be solving puzzles between combat encounters. So basically this game is like Zelda but instead of the puzzles being hard, its the combat. Yeah, the puzzles aren't too tricky but they were still fun to engage with.

May I also inform you that this game came out a week before Lego Star Wars and the similarities are jaw dropping. But seriously, I find hack and slash to be a strange genre to define, its quite a vague descriptor but so is action adventure or RPG. Basically is Lego Star Wars a hack and slash? You won't find it on any all-time-greats list, but God of War or one of its sequels is a sure bet to be featured and it seems to be for good reason - this is a fantastic game, yet I see the potential for it to be built upon, which is super exciting.

p.s. PCSX2 is a great way to play, get the nightly build, get HD textures, play in widescreen (with widescreen fixes too) with progressive scan on.

After a few shots trying New Vegas and not getting far, FO4's gameplay actually got me fully immersed and invested into the Fallout world. Despite its story being underwhelming in many aspects, I still got a few kicks out of it. The role-playing is weak but the draw to me was the world and customisation of weapons - very simple pleasures. Yet to play the DLC though.

My journey was 85 hours
My favourite game ever fr, gonna stay with me forever I think, and I wonder how I will look back on it with time, I think it’s just magical, it taught me so much and shaped my approach to life, in a way that I don’t think I could accurately get across, this is a core part of my experience so far, I won’t forget it and I wanna play it over and over, I don’t wanna be without the feeling this game gives me, it’s bigger than what it is on the surface, more than a game to me, it’s philosophical, it’s defining. Masterpiece of art

Marvellous, marvellous game, aesthetically superior to its predecessors with a unique art style and influence to boot - I was taking screenshots all the fucking time.
Some bosses were kinda meh icl like 3 gimmick ones and with the main story being so short it drags down the quality - that being said I am yet to play the DLC and will update this review once that happens.