tears of the kingdom has some stiff competition

I be like "this old game sucks! stop rating games based on how you thought of them when you were 6!" and rate mario 64 this highly

in Crazy Taxi you get to roleplay as the most relaxed counter-strike player

holy fuck these controls are absolutely horrible and the cpu is busted, i genuinely cannot understand people's opinions on this one this has aged worse than 2016 youtube commentators

the bad to the bone riff in video game form

i did not care for the godfather

slamming into a family of four goes so hard

i'd ask them to please just make a new game for once but the last time that happened we got SIFAS so i'm just gonna keep my mouth shut

if you didnt download this on your 3ds when you were 11 you're dead to me

while not absolutely godawful jesus christ this is rough around the edges. Difficulty is all over the place, some stars are way too obscure, someone thought Sandy Seaside Bay's music was acceptable, a handful of secrets which are supposed to be visible in the version i played just aren't, and most offensive of all is the almost complete removal of the Lakitu camera, i know it barely works in the hack but it would have made some stars such as those where you hop up lava falls significantly more bearable.
if I ever see anyone compare this to Star Road again i'm going to commit a felony

pretty cool except for the part where I have to play it

I really respect how the developers got a whole game out of such a simple idea, and it works wonders and doesn't overstay its welcome (except for maybe the last couple adventure stages that should have been split into smaller levels). Highly recommend to anyone looking for a quirkier GBA game.

also it's a rare case of a gba game that doesnt make me want to gouge my ears out so that's an extra point for it

you can cover for your lack of skill with murder 10/10 game of the year

the first fighting game outside of smash i've ever enjoyed