my aunt's wii game collection was very based

A surprisingly solid racing game with a lot of potential, but in true Fortnite fashion has loads of bugs and bizarre choices like with matchmaking and collision physics that probably won't get patched for a long time and really drag down the experience. small indie company please understand
Additionally, I know there's the context of new dev teams working on these additional modes, but considering Epic can't even give basic support to one mode less popular than Battle Royale I'm extremely skeptical any of these new games are going to be properly supported once the initial hype dies off.

i imported my j-pop mp3s and every single one used the volcano level, truly taking idol hell to a new level

i'm sorry but even though nearly all the frontier mon designs are fantastic a decent chunk of them are really bad to fight with constant dashing around the map making it a nightmare to actually fight them, hitboxes are worse than ever, and the general design of "hehe everything oneshots you and has ungodly stats" is not fun at all in a Monster Hunter game and usually gets endless shit in other entries, but i guess MHF players are built different.
I also have a bone to pick with the rain server for keeping daily rewards, gacha cringe, and a small handful of the basegame's more atrocious grinds (and it apparently gets much worse from G rank onwards) alive and well, maybe I'll revisit if that fist rebalancing project is ever finished because there's some insane potential here

as someone who has worked on charts for this game for 3 years, the dev is indeed a weirdo

i did not care for the godfather

average day in the united states be like

A really impressive title for the PS1 with its physics and destructible environments, but not necessarily a very good one. The mechanic of being able to drive on walls and ceilings while really cool to see is barely utilized with only like 2 noteworthy examples I can think of, the jump between Easy and Hard difficulty is a bit much and throwing a Normal in the middle would have been appreciated, and it's ridiculously easy to spin out and get turned around with the slightest impact or brake, which along with all the items flying around everywhere I'm sure makes this a great chaotic multiplayer experience but just makes Hard races really frustrating. Additionally, I saw pretty much everything there was to offer singleplayer-wise in under an hour, with there only being 10 tracks all of which are very short. While I can absolutely see the value in this game, I can't really recommend it to anyone who didn't grow up with it as anything more than a quick novelty.

I really respect how the developers got a whole game out of such a simple idea, and it works wonders and doesn't overstay its welcome (except for maybe the last couple adventure stages that should have been split into smaller levels). Highly recommend to anyone looking for a quirkier GBA game.

also it's a rare case of a gba game that doesnt make me want to gouge my ears out so that's an extra point for it

still peak mario kart but dear god the red shell tracking needs to chill

I was really loving this game, everything felt great and the difficulty progression from worlds 1 to 3 felt natural and fun, and then from world 4 onwards things got really out of hand in a way that didn't feel fair at all, with the fog that hid bombs just out of view until it was too late, made it hard to judge which shots are and aren't homing in the moment, and is just conceptually a pretty shit mechanic for this kind of game completely ruining the vibe, and while it does go away in the next world the level design really doesn't recover and generally turns into a trial and error slog. Obviously, a game of this nature is going to come down to trial and error at the end of the day, but the level design really goes out of its way to prevent you from having a chance to see anything coming and just makes you bash your head against the wall for ages to make any progress, testing your patience moreso than aim or movement.
These level design issues are made worse by how off-center your gun's shots initially are, making them likely to hit nearby terrain rather than whatever you're aiming at or miss altogether if you're too close, and the tiny little detail that you don't have any crosshair to aim distant shots. To be fair this is fixable with third party software, but it's an inexcusable omission in a modern shooter, let alone one that demands perfect accuracy. idk, this game might not be for me but it was extremely noticeable just how fast it went downhill.

why are there so many of these fuckers

An absolute joy to play for most of the runtime, but jesus christ level designers have a reasonable difficulty curve in a game that already has plenty of challenge with its ranking system challenge (impossible!)