Very fun game, to play with friends and family, works with up to 4 people, which is incredible, witnessing the confusion of it, it just gets a little too difficult in some parts, but that's part of the fun.

I loved the game. But.


Beautiful graphics, incredible story, beautiful world, cool characters, amazing skills.

Negative points:

Boring side missions, performance issues, overly easy fights, and slow main story missions break immersion.

I loved the game, but it has a lot of problems, a sequel fixing them would make it easier, a GOT. I couldn't give up on it because of the story, but it was tiring, finishing it.


My first game of the genre, I simply loved it, it was the one that brought me to the souls franchise.

Wonderful soundtrack, super pleasant environment and relaxing vibe, a game to enjoy watching and getting attached to the story and characters.

Very well done campaign, wonderful voice acting, and variety of gameplay in campaign mode.

Its multiplayer mode follows the quality of the campaign, it is very fun to play on the console and the main point is its fluidity, reaching up to 120 FPS.

Horror game where your choices matter, I love these games where you decide how the story will unfold, the theme is really cool, and it gets a lot right in what it does.

It's a more or less good game, the only one of its kind that allows you to play cross-platform easily, this is its strong point, but the mechanics are very basic and we don't have updates with new gameplay features.

Incredible game, wonderful graphics, and works perfectly on the Playstation 5, one of the best on the console, very fun story, charismatic characters, cool side missions, and perfect graphics.

Diversity of gameplay, weaknesses, complete game.

Very beautiful game, very cool story, very cool classes, but there is a problem at the end of the game, few are really good. It needs more updates than the current state of this analysis.

A game with unique art, horror, puzzles with platform, very fun.

Incredible game, very fun, game based on your choices, and how they influence the ending of the game, it's a game to play and replay several times, making different choices, for different endings.

Speechless, moving story, enjoyable gameplay, despite having played the remasted, it was a wonderful experience.

The best horror game I've ever played in my life, just play it.

A perfect and surprising game, it's perfect to play with your love, it's huge, many hours of fun and that's wonderful, what I can say is that this game has a huge diversity of mechanics and was not chosen as game of the year Alas, a revolution in current times.