8 Reviews liked by yorha21F

emulated, finished hard mode 100%

some weird design choices in here holding this back a bit for me. do not love the stealth sequence and power bombs, hate mecha ridley, some shinespark puzzles felt a bit too obscure imo. the general gameflow and pace is great though, which is what really counts. solid metroid

vuruş hissi abi
abi çok tatmin edici
souls açlığı
souls hayranı biri olarak
gid gud casual
ağbi oyunda çevresel hikaye anlatımı var...
miyazaki abi yeaa

aranızdan şu cümlelerden birisi kullanan varsa benden uzak dursun...xd

ve evet oyunu bitirdim....

I've always poked at this game but never put in a full playthrough of it - who knew it's such a short and sweet beat 'em up! Really feasible to get through, amazing music and just enough changed from Turtles in Time to have the enjoyment of that but feel like a breathe of fresh air on its own.

I get why people like SNES Turtles in Time more, but I think this is probably my favorite iteration to come back to.

The whole game is a war of attrition. Once your spirits learn their healing spells, dungeons become a simple matter of hoping the arbitrary encounter rate gives them enough time to recharge their MP before one of your human characters croaks. Readily available healing items do little to offset the linearity of the resource management, and the only meaningful choice is deciding whether to set aside some of the spirits' MP for their equally important multi-target attack spells. All of Arcana's constituent mechanical elements are simple, really; enemies and even bosses rarely have more than one option; combat is staged unfussily and reasonably well-paced, assuming there are fewer than five enemies in the group, which happens less often than you'd think; the dungeon design is spare yet offhandedly cruel, punishing the curious adventurer with long or complex paths that lead to marginal rewards (if any at all). No real surprise that Shin Megami Tensei would banish this to obscurity six months later.

To its credit, it certainly has more flair than your typical Might and Magic/Wizardry-like. Frankly I only played it because I wanted to enjoy some of Jun Ishikawa's early non-Kirby music and it's a more tolerable game than Alcahest.

Your reward for completing the game is being able to play as EVERY character in it! Including the bosses and minor enemies!

10/10 for that ALONE, who gives a fuck if it has flaws. It had BALLS.

it was good while it lasted but then i realized i can play better games

Legit think this game is kind of poo poo. Made me not want to play Kirby for the longest time.

I was worried this was going to be a case of style over substance, but this game is as fun to play as it is to look at. Aside from a few issues (some of Issun’s creepy dialogue, the noise being played when characters are talking being a little irritating), this was a great time.