This is Hideki best game but no my favorite

Hard hack and slash that I love

A hard game sequel but better

This is Suda 51 magnum opus period

This is by far one of my favorite spider man I media in general the soundtrack fucking incredible. The gameplay great. When you’re fighting or even swinging it feels like you’re swinging like Spider-Man. The story feels like a spider man story in the comics or like the shows and the movies all I’m going to say if you have a ps5 or pc please play this game you won’t regret it.

A bad ripoff of souls like game also I’m glad Suda left gung-ho.

Story wise okay love James Gunn. Gameplay wise feels mediocre

Tries to be funny but fails I will say it has Suda elements.

What a great masterpiece a return to form. Travis is back fighting a Galactic ranking. The controls are great I recommend playing on switch joystick because the movement works very well. Also the story great. Travis a hero that has learned from his past mistakes and fu a puck ass loser who wants destruction. Suda did his this 10 out of fucking 10

It has a lot of potential but fails when playing it. I will say story is very fun. But not great.

Great suda game about politics and how American and japan have competition.

Great Suda 51 crime thriller 2 parter a story about crime and how to handle crime. Can’t wait for the 26th ward. Kill The past x Kill the Life.

This is not only a love letter to 1930s and 40s animation but also a great run and gun game.