I have a lot of nostalgic feelings about this game of being dragged to a sister's friend's house to play this, but playing it on my own it's not all it's cracked up to be. might just be one of those games that's best enjoyed multiplayer

a really charming and cool and fun game with some jank and DS kinds of oddity. I just kind of wish Sega cared about this game enough to get a sequel that could fix said jank

another very enjoyable romp in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, even if it doesn't go quite as high as the Explorers games. occasionally it felt like they were going for a twist for the sake of having a twist and stuffing the later part of the story with a bunch of Legendary Pokemon was very annoying, but whatever. kind of wish that the dungeon music was more remarkable - even Gates to Infinity had more memorable dungeon music than Super, which is a shame because Super has some very good atmospheric music

that being said what was it with 3DS games and having a good chunk of the game being tutorial. shit should be illegal

I wasn't invited to a prom afterparty so after prom in high school I just went home and played this game on my Wii U. turned out that was a better use of my time than all those kids who went to said afterparty

not much I can say that people haven't already said - game's fun and has a lot of interesting, unique art and setpieces and some fun little puzzles and things to do. it's a really fun RPG and better than TTYD even if the story is a little middling

it's in early access at the time, so this review may change as they add more and more stuff

I absolutely love the concept!! farming sim mixed with monster collection sounds like a dream come true for me. whether Ooblets delivers..... ehhhhhh

it's a fun game with some really cute monsters and some nice settings, I won't deny that. dance battles are fine. but I think most of my issues with this game lie in the very..... mid 2010s Tumblr way all the characters speak, to the point where it feels almost patronizing (and I was knee deep in Tumblr in the mid 2010s so I think that says a lot). it tries way too hard to be cute when it's already sugary sweet and it falls straight on its ass the moment anyone speaks

not being able to predict what the next day's weather is gonna be like also sucks but maybe they'll fix that in a later update. who knows

it's very cute but I wish it wasn't absolute murder on my left thumb after having to hold onto the D-pad just to get around

I'm not sure why I kept trying to give this game (and this series if I'm being frank) so many chances back during the 3DS life cycle. the characters were boring, the plot was boring, the maps were boring, the combat was boring, the only thing I really liked about it were the kinda flashy animations. I'd just rather go play a different RPG than try to give this series another chance, especially with the way more modern Fire Emblems are going

a really REALLY cute game involving the Hamtaro crew as they try to defeat the dastardly Spat from breaking everyone's heart. Nintendo was proud enough for this game to get a mention in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.... and for good reason

this would've been close to the only Metroidvania I would've at least partially liked if it wasn't attached to the name "Kirby" and didn't have such an utterly confusing map. probably would've helped if the 3DS version had any multiplayer functionality too

actually I forgot the Cupid copy ability existed in this game. half a star for that alone

nothing I can say that hasn't already been said about this game. I'd argue whether or not you enjoy it is also dependent on the friends you play with

a really cute and fun co-op puzzle game.... my friend and I would have a ton of fun just cutting each other into nothingness

played this game a lot during the beta

if you buy this game today? it's fine. people who played tons of Terraria would be more than familiar with it, even if the combat isn't as deep or interesting. apparently modding makes this game more fun but I'm of the opinion that if you need modding to make a game good, it's probably not all that good to begin with

if you played the game while it was still in beta like me and a bunch of other people? all you can think about is the original direction the game went, and how inferior 1.0 is in comparison with a very bland story that robbed the game of the original, more unhospitable feeling of planets during the Giraffe and Koala builds. I never actually got to finish the game due to The Ruin taking my computer at the time to a screeching halt. I have a better computer now, but whether I want to continue playing.... I'm not sure. the game just isn't compelling enough to return to anymore, and that's kind of sad

also Chucklefish maybe pay your workers sometime. you know. just a suggestion

a much more engaging story and characters than the first one, but unfortunately that still didn't fix the absolute murder this game was on my left thumb. which is unfortunate, this probably would've been one of my favorite spinoffs if that wasn't the case

I spent so much time with this as a kid it wasn't even funny. not much to say about it other than that it sure is an edutainment game

genuinely enjoyable, though you will probably get more out of this if you're in the intended age range. my friends and I got to the part where you could make your own stories and we literally just spent an hour laughing about the various combinations we got. we are college-age kids.