Reviews from

in the past

Lindo e criativo do começo ao fim.

Resumidamente temos uma historia aonde nosso personagem principal tenta evitar um apocalipse para os robôs (A história contém algumas boas reviravoltas e é SUPER bem contada).

Como um beat 'em up ele é muito bom, contendo um grau de dificuldade ótimo, mas até você pegar o padrão de cada boss, você terá morrido algumas vezes.

Os gráficos são um show a parte. As fases do game são lindas e se diferem bem umas das outras, o mesmo acontece com os inimigos/personagens, que me parecem serem em 3D dentro de um ambiente 2D.

A forma que os personagens são apresentados no game é genial. Quando esses personagens são encontrados, são adquiridos pontos, aos quais são usados para melhorar/upar aspectos do seu personagem, como HP, Aumento dos Ataques especiais, o soco, etc.

O jogo consegue mesclar bem outros estilos de gameplay (como shmup por exemplo) em pequenos momentos de outras fases e mesmo eu conhecendo pouquíssimo do console "Game Boy Advance" eu posso garantir que esse jogo é um dos melhores títulos da plataforma.

I'll be honest I'm not getting much out of this one.

The boss fights feel a little too unforgiving on normal and the game as a whole is a boring cakewalk on easy. While it feels good to play, I feel like you need to care about Astro Boy as a series at least a little to get much out of this besides the fun gameplay since that's all there really is here. Also, everything I'm hearing about needing to beat it twice is turning me off from it.

It also does the thing where it's a beat-em-up with stat upgrades and mixing those two together is a major turn-off for me. How will I know which stats I should be caring about before I enter the next stage and get beat to a pulp because I upgraded my special attack stat instead of life? I feel like games like these work best when you can easily respec your character to experiment with different combinations of upgrades to see what works best for a stage. Given the short nature of the game (going based off HowLongToBeat's stats) I guess it would make sense that they wouldn't want to include that but having the option would be welcome.

I want to like this game! Everyone calls it a classic! I feel like I'm missing something here, but I just don't get the hype. I'll have to give it another shot sometime and hopefully I'll be nicer to it then. Maybe you'll get more out of it than I did, so give it a shot if you want to see if it's right for you.

Also, it's complete B.S. that you don't get a stat point if you skip the tutorial.

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When the Gunstar Heroes ending theme played while Astro Boy flew into the sun I cried

The GBA doesn't deserve this.
Astro boy doesn't deserve this.
We don't deserve Treasure.

NOW OR NEVER ikutsumo no
Tomo ni tsukuri koko made kita no darō
NOW OR NEVER me o tojite
NOW OR NEVER tori kakero

If the Astro Boy animated movie had swapped scripts with the one they wrote for Omega Factor then the movie would have been great and the game would have still been really fun to play

Omega Factor straight up reeks of a limited budget with it's enemy variety in stages and there's quite a few instances of slow down whenever there's too many enemies on the screen. Those problems fade away though when I'm playing it since there's so much love for Tezuka's work, that even with my limited exposure to his manga/anime, I can't help but feel it.
They had such an excellent idea tying the progression of Astro Boys powers to meeting and connecting with characters not only from Astro Boy but from various other of Tezuka's works. I never actually watched much Astro Boy but I was shocked when I saw Tima from a movie I'd seen a handful of times, Metropolis.
As for the gameplay, it's nothing that's going to blow you away but it's really fun, solid, and bite sized action. The stand out segments are the boss fights against other robots. I highly recommend it if you're into side scrollers.

Dunno who was asking for an Astro Boy game in 2003 but I played this in hype for the Pluto release this October and it was kinda frustrating. A lot harder than what I thought it would be for a kids game and though the references to other Tezuka series was cool this game wasn't nearly as fun to warrant it playing a second time to see the true ending

The main question I have after playing this game is, where the hell is Treasure now?

If, like me, playing the Mega Drive as a child was a major part of why you’re into gaming, you probably love Gunstar Heroes and Treasure, that game’s developer.
I was very pleased to discover after looking this game up recently for a pair of reasons, that this was a Hitmaker/Treasure game as if I hadn’t already believed one source on this game being great that felt like a stamp of quality where I’d definitely enjoy my time at the very least if not have a brand new favourite.

reasons being Samuel Roberts of The Back Page Podcast calling this a GBA all-timer and the recent Pluto anime adaptation on Netflix.

All the hallmarks of what puts Treasure games, Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier especially on the map are here.
The pixel art is fantastic, the music is good, the combat mostly feels smooth and the level and boss variety keep the game from ever feeling completely repetitive which is important with simpler genres such as beat ‘em ups.

Really that simplification of genre and the console limitations are the primary cause of my hang-ups with this game. I’m a man who can respect past titles and I don’t need to have the most frames and fanciest lighting - but I am still a man living in 2023 where some features, not even QoL have been removed or at least smoothed out in modern representations and it can make it difficult to go back.
One minor thing is some fiddliness, which I found a lot of can be attributed to the few buttons the GBA has.
As Astro boy pushes through the stages fighting enemy robots and goons along the way, before inevitably fighting a usually quite impressive boss, he can dash using his jets for fast movement and some evasion. As with most games you become more used to the timing as you spend time with Astro but a third button would have made this feel more natural and feel less like you mistimed things due to missed inputs and the like.
Another minor niggle is with the special moves, his butt gun for hitting the entire screen and his big beam cannon are simple enough with using either shoulder button to activate, but the third powerful dash uses both A+B at once and whilst that is one of the easiest button combinations to do in gaming it also suffers from not always registering which can be frustrating as the fights become more difficult and your time against bosses becomes more desperate.

Outside of button limitation the other minor annoyances are things that just feel a little out of date. Whether it’s being hit from something you couldn’t see off screen, bosses becoming impossible to dodge because they take up all the space or similarly your own attacks not counting because they aren’t on screen enough, these things give not a feeling of challenge but a feeling of being cheated.
I appreciate a challenge and this game has it, but I also don’t think any of the above counts.

Where it does count are things like the bosses (sans full screen takeovers) where you are either having to learn spacing to dodge and get hits in best or even learning patterns and what specials are best to use when.
Sometimes Astro Boy is grounded, sometimes he’s floating about and occasionally in a break from that you can be jetting at high speeds in bullet-hell-like combat.

Challenge and variation also comes within variation on these levels, Astro will be on moving levels, low gravity, platforms, dodging traps and more and outside of some frustration due to not “getting good” at later stages I never felt the game was too repetitive even though really it maybe is.
Pacing is always something I come back to in reviews and due to this variety and how the story is given, Omega Factor gets a big thumbs up in that department.

The story itself is good, with some smart elements I did not expect but “your mileage may vary” depending on how invested in Astro Boy and Tezuka’s other works you are because this game boasts 40+ characters but if you’re like me you maybe knew a dozen tops.
Some of the cameos felt to me much like I imagine the many MCU post-credits do to casual fans, to quote the other Back Page Podcast host’ it has very “it’s me Blorko” energy.

One interesting but potentially flawed mechanic ties into meeting these characters and that is the whole “Omega Factor”. Astro meeting folk, getting a new understanding of emotions etc. unlocks this and in game terms gives you a level up.
I call this potentially flawed because although it is interesting and the game does give warning for when “Sensors” need upgrading you have no idea what comes ahead and it isn’t quite an RPG where having different builds is something the game is balanced for.

The other strength in the story I do want to speak about but I do not want to spoil it for those who have no idea so WARNING.

WARNING - for those wanting to go in blind do not read the rest of this review.
Just know that in my humble opinion the story does take this game from good to potentially great.

For me this twist and feature of Astro Boy was half-spoiled but I didn’t know exactly about how it was integrated.
Before the credits hit, it’s bad news for our lad, the villain Sharaku, Prince of the Mu Empire and his third eye have succeeded, the world is on fire and a big spooky skull from space is coming.
Much like Empire Strikes Back though, this is just the beginning of the end for our hero as he is resurrected by the Phoenix and sent back in time.
This allows Astro to redo battles, meet new people and change the past by going back and forth with the new information he gains.

This implementation reminds me of one of my all-time favourite games series; Zero Escape.
Whilst not quite as deep or big-brained using stages like a time-line means the interaction is quite similar and I am here for it.
The issue I have with the game here however is two-fold.
First off, not enough changes, you aren’t just skipping into new dialogue you are once again having to play the entire game with just some occasional boss changes and eventually some new stages and endings. I praise this game’s variety but this is repetition at its core and it is time consuming.
Once again difficulty rears its head here and at this point is where I suffered most because at first it felt easier, in Rebirth you have kept all the levels you’ve obtained and it seemed to trivialise the first stages but slowly it becomes apparent that actually enemies are tougher and stronger - something the game didn’t inform you of and doesn’t really make any sense.
It took until about stage four of the initial seven for this to really kick in but sadly in stage five and six I failed more often than I had in the Birth run-through and it wasn’t too interesting things like the bosses. Also, one final nail in the coffin was that the checkpointing the previous run had was mostly removed - this is a part which has me questioning my own memory but at point I was having to do whole levels before a boss again and again where originally I feel like if I did die the game started me near where I got to.

In the end, I think I rate Astro Boy: Omega Factor lower than most who have played it and I believe “git gud” is part of that story. Maybe I am more of a modern gamer who needs their hand held than I think, but I feel I haven’t typically turned away from challenges in the past and even infamously difficult things I don’t complain are unfair.
I would just leave the point that I am reviewing this game two decades after its launch, I have no history with the Gameboy Advance as I went from GB Light straight to DS Lite with no Nintendo handhelds of my own between, and I also have very little history with Astro Boy as a franchise.

Regardless I think Omega Factor is great, I am going to play more and it has whet my appetite for more Tezuka works as well as Treasure games.

Astro Boy: Omega Factor is quite the remarkable game, especially amongst its peers on the GameBoy Advance.

The story is enjoyable, but maybe a little tangled at first. First you’ll start in a bustling city, then you go to an island, then space, then the arctic, then to the past, then to the future where you’ll fight in a tournament of robots. I couldn’t help but feel like I was being thrown around to different areas with no true direction in the story. Narratively things start to make more sense after you see the credits for the first time. After those credits, the real game begins. Fortunately, the story not only starts to make more sense, but also gets more interesting after you start the Rebirth portion of the game. The story will have you going around from place to place finding NPCs to guide you and give you clues to your next destination. There will be twists, intrigue, and revelations to make your experience all the more enjoyable.

I believe most aspects of the art in this game are done really well. The backgrounds are gorgeous and detailed. There wasn’t really a time in the game where I was bored at what I was looking at. Even the enemies, despite maybe not having a variation of types, are all distinguished by sizes and colors. The bigger they are, the stronger they are. Different colors on enemies will also dictte how those enemies will attack.

I think the mechanics of this game shine the most. It’s not just a brawler, portions of the game will have you flying at high speeds incorporating a bullet hell style gameplay, and other portions will have you flying at low speeds fighting a boss. These gameplay styles are switched up at normal intervals, so the gameplay never gets too stale or repetitive. Dashing gives you invincibility frames, so you can fly through enemies and avoid their projectiles and punches without taking any damage.

NPCs not only play a massive part in the story, they also play a big part in how the mechanics enrich gameplay. Astro Boy will upgrade his abilities by finding and interacting with NPCs. Astro Boy can have his health, punching power, laser power, dash abilities among others upgraded to help him in combat. The more you upgrade, the more powerful they get and the more useful they get. Upgrading your senses with let Astro Boy see in the dark, or see through fog, it will even sense the presence of a hidden NPC. Upgrading your lasers not only increases the damage, but it also increases the area of attack which can be useful in many parts of the game. The only problem with the NPCs is that maybe there are a bit too many included in the game. There is a pretty large gallery of all the NPCs, some of which you may forget that you found. This may be a problem especially if the story requires you to find them again.

Gameplay is mostly fluid, but can be severely punishing and the combat mechanics take some getting used to. I think I may have had a GameShark when I played this when I was younger because I don’t remember dying so much. Even on normal mode enemies hit considerably hard. Mid to end game some of them can take you down in two hits and a boss has the ability to take you down in one even if you have your health maxed out. Enemies could attack you and you wouldn’t even notice because maybe they’re hidden. Some of the bosses take up more than half of the screen making them near impossible to maneuver without getting hit.

At this point you may be thinking, “But why not just use your dash to avoid damage?” While, as mentioned above, dashing does give you invincibility frames, it requires you to press the D-pad in the desired direction twice. This is also paired with an animation of Astro Boy doing a flip before he dashes. An animation in which you can still get hit…if the system even detects that you’ve done it. Sometimes the system my not detect that you’ve done your input, or maybe you get too anxious and mash the button in hopes of getting out of a sticky situation. A situation in which you’ll do multiple flips and be able to get hurt. A costly mistake especially if you’re fighting bosses or larger enemies which could cause knock back…tremendously so. The knock back is a speedrunner’s worst nightmare and it kills the flow of the game. It may sound manageable and insignificant when I say your knock back will last three to four seconds, but with how fast some of these fights are it feels like an eternity. I think the combat could have been greatly improved if there was a dedicated button on the system or controller for dashing.

Despite all of it’s flaws, this is a remarkable game on the GameBoy Advance. It outshines the overwhelming majority of the competition. I think this is a game I could recommend to a lot of people interested in trying out games from this generation.

No exaggeration, this game is bar none one of the best GBA games I've ever played and one of Treasure's best by far.

They took Astro Boy alongside a chunk of characters from the Tezuka universe and injected Gunstar Heroes & Alien Soldier into it's DNA to craft something that's addictive, fun, and challenging to play. The visuals are clean and the music is great too.

Really my only gripe is the jet dash being a bit finnicky to use, especially since its the only defensive move you got in the game (its pretty much Alien Soldier's dash), but that's more of the GBA lacking buttons, so I can see why Treasure compromised things a bit.

Regardless, Astro Boy Omega Factor slams hard, go play it!

Great game locked on the GBA, good gameplay and Treasure’s style gimmicks on board

Astro is a good boy. He punch the bad guys and doesn't afraid of anything.

Getting the good ending is p much impossible without a guide, but what a beautiful ending it ended up being. Maybe I will read the comics.

A surprisingly good beat-em-up, Omega Factor follows the broad strokes of the plotline from the Astro Boy anime, a show about a young boy who dies and is then rebuilt as Astro, a nuclear-powered superhero robot. The spritework is pleasingly colourful, and the variety of challenges is genuinely fun! Each level follows a different arc from the show, and as you progress you grow Astro's Omega Factor, gaining upgrade points for his abilities. There's also a stunning twist halfway through the narrative that completely hit me by surprise, and is absolutely worth playing just to see it play out.

Fantastic beat 'em up with perfect difficulty. Astro Boy controls well and his handful of moves are extremely fun to use and pack a punch when you attack enemies. The boss fights are really fun too and will test your skill and require you to get good if you want to complete the game. However, accessing the final level is rather confusing and I didn't enjoy that you needed to talk to specific characters in a specific order. It's what deterred me from completing this game for years as I didn't even know it existed when I first played it as a kid. That being said, it is still a fantastic game and easily the best game on the GBA.

Esta cosa la sentí como el The Dark Tower de Tezuka por la cantidad absurda de referencias y apariciones de los personajes de este autor, tanto que siento que debo leerme todo su puto historial para entender todo el juego.

Dejando eso de lado, mecanicamente es algo que puedes esperar de Treasure, probablemente se sienta muy facil al principio pero cuando te enteras que debes darle más de una vuelta y cada vez más dificil para conseguir el 100% del juego ahí es donde se complica mucho. No diría que es de mis favoritos de la desarrolladora, pero en definitiva sí es un juego bastante sólido para pasarte en una tarde y sentirte muy a gusto con él.

What a randomly, shockingly fun game! The beat-em-up sections feel great. The bullet hell stuff can get tedious especially without some of the later upgrades, but it's not too bad. The story is also delightfully weird, I don't know if its a bad translation or if it's meant to be absurd, but either way I had a great time.

A great 2D action game from the studio who’s 30 year history is almost exclusively cool 2D action.

I was also surprised at the story and it’s time travel, which ended up hooking me right before the end. Going back n forth between levels for clues made me feel like I actually uncovered the twists instead of just watching them.

Fun action game with good controls and mechanics and a fun way to frame the upgrading system. Kind of wish this game wasn't GBA only, mostly because pressing A+B on an SP is more difficult than it needs to be!

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Extremely solid beat em up with lots of fun references to plenty of Tezuka's works. Some of the secrets are a bit out there and there is a small boss rush towards the end that's more annoying than difficult, but the game was still a total blast

How RPG elements, padding, slowdown, and bad level design can ruin an aesthetically pleasing game.

The lads at Treasure hitting out of the park with one of the best action games on the GBA, filled with reverence not just for Astro Boy but Osamu Tezuka's entire body of work.
You punch, laser, and dash through 7 stages, taking on crazy bosses and meeting other Tezuka characters to level your abilities (you'll want to max life and laser asap). You can just blast through the stages and call it a day, but you're only seeing about a third of the game that way - there's a massive post-credits twist that lets you revisit stages with the difficulty cranked up and new events and characters to meet. You'll need to run through all the stages again this way as well as go hunting for specific characters to set off chains of events to let you reach the true ending.
Overall Omega Factor is a fairly difficult game (I played on Normal, there are Easy and Hard difficulties as well), but pretty fair with frequent checkpoints and in the post-game if you get stuck you can go hunting for extra characters to fill your levels up if they're lacking. There are definitely a few pretty high difficulty spikes to watch out for though. The biggest weakness imo is it feels like the dash really should have had its own dedicated button, since its invincibility makes it your go-to defensive tool but it can feel a bit awkward to use sometimes.

Sin duda unos de los mejores juegos en 2D que tiene la GBA por ofrecer y sobretodo un tremendo fanservice para los fans de tezuka y su universo compartido
A pesar de su muy elevada dificultad en ningún momento sentí que rebasará lo injusto, eso sí, hay que tener mucho cuidado con las mejoras que le pones a astro porque de ello puede derivar una mala o buena experiencia, ya todo depende del estilo de juego de cada uno
Si tuviera que quejarme de algo, es el frame rate en algunas partes donde el juego exige mucho, de ahí en fuera, chingoneria la verdad

An old favorite I was simultaneously eager and tentative to revisit, I was surprised how well it holds up. At its core, it's just a little action game with short stages and a ton of bosses but the game really shines in the rebirth mode where replaying the game and exploring stages is tied directly to the narrative in a way rarely seen and that was never fully perfected until Hades came out. Beyond that, still a blast to play, especially since it lends itself to small play sessions as befitting of a portable game. All the Tezuka stuff is just icing.

En apariencia es un beat’em up simpático; de repente resulta que es un multiversus de todos los personajes de Tezuka; y al final te meten VIAJES EN EL TIEMPO y LUCHAS CONTRA EL DESTINO y en fin, que vaya juegazo se marcaron así a lo tonto.

Expected a little more from this one ... The close camera doesn't really mesh well with Astros agility, the skill system is extremely unbalanced and only punishes you if you go for the wrong stats and the level design is super linear and boring.

It does have it's good points, though. I like the idea of the combat more or less revolving around filling your energy bar to constantly use special attacks. It leads to using your strongest attacks in a efficient way while forcing you to use your basic moveset as well.

I also enjoy the look of the game and most bosses were quite decent. Didn't care for some of the enemy designs, but maybe they just adapted the manga/anime. I'm not familiar with it, so I can only guess.

It's a decent time but going back and replaying the whole thing for a different ending doesn't sit right with me, which is why I quit after the first credits rolled.

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The re-use of "End of The Battle" from the Gunstar Heroes soundtrack :' ))))

esto es un juego con un gran fanservice si sos fan de las obras de Tezuka, en cuanto al juego per se
es duro como la chingada pero es posible
pero en definitiva, vale la pena checarlo