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A Journey-inspired puzzle platformer with collectathon elements. Not an insane amount of innovation here but is very well made, charming and enjoyable experience. Few of the puzzles are genuinely very good puzzles that I've not seen before, which is rare with puzzle games these days. It does everything it sets out to do very well.

> In verschiedenen Biomen Ernergiepartikel sammeln um "den Weg des Lichts" zu beschreiten.
+ Angenehmer Platformer
+ Nette Rätsel
+ Minimap im Spiel als Hologramm angezeigt anstatt als HUD
+ Keine Hitpoints oder so
- Steuerung kam mir stellenweise in der Luft etwas schwammig vor
+ teils sehr knuffige Lebewesen <3

Playthrough auf Youtube:

The visuals are amazing, the poetry of the glyphs is also very beautiful. However the mechanics were a bit off to me, while the game looked very polished on the first glance it didn't hold up to that and while playing it almost seemed a bit unfinished. The controls were not easy to manage and the camera perspective troubled me too, it was kinda 'slow'. Besides that I would've loved a little more inside into the story itself. All in all a very beautiful game but not very likely to play again in the future!

É um puzzle legal com conquistas fáceis, a mensagem do jogo e o final são bem interessantes. Para completar tudo eu tive que olhar um guia as vezes, mas é pq eu sou burro kkkk, no geral a dificuldade dos puzzles é ok, a maioria é tranquilo, só tem alguns que eu fiquei confuso na hora.

I really enjoyed the lighting/color choices and the art design in general is pretty nice to look at, if a little too basic or indistinct. That’s sort of the whole game though: competently conceived and generically pleasant, but nothing really stands out as particularly memorable or meaningful.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for August 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before September 6nd, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A beautiful experience created by a solo developer.

Jonas Manke created Omno alone and I’m incredibly impressed. There’s a sense of wonder about everything in Omno that delighted me. The desire to rush out and see everything, interact with plants and wildlife, and see what the world would offer next is strong with this title. The art here looks good, and the creatures feel unique. I often forget this was a solo project but it was.

Omno was a delight when I played it on Xbox Game Pass Last year, earning an 8/10 from me and I still believe it deserves that, especially now a few bugs have been worked out. However, the UI still is a bit rough on the pause menu. But that doesn’t detract from the adventure or the fantastic puzzles.

Pick this up if you like platformers or puzzle games. Omno will only take the player four hours, but it’s a memorable four hours, and replaying it for Humble Choice reminded me of how wonderful that experience was.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Experiência única divertida e relaxante , com puzzles simples q qualquer um consegue fazer , trilha sonora excepcional , com ambientes lindos e vivos com espécies únicas.

cool cute game, liked the puzzle aspects a lot

cute little game that you can easily pass time with

Cute, slightly frustrating game with a soundtrack that goes hard.

Thoroughly enjoyed my time with Omno! A very cute little exploration game with light puzzling. The low poly art style is gorgeous and the vistas are often striking, I found myself taking multiple screenshots at various points. Definitely recommend this game for those who are looking for a light and fun experience with a heart warming message.

Jogo bem tranquilo, sem dificuldade, com quebra-cabeças e é mais um jogo pra jogar num domingo de chuva tomando um café. Platinado

Legalzinho, curti bastante o final, mas poderia ser melhor explorado, principalmente a relação com o animalzinho.

Puzzle-Platformer molto tranquillo che può facilmente ricordare Journey. Niente del game desgin promette qualcosa di nuovo o di particolarmente interessante, per quanto ci siano al contrario trovate simpatiche nella realizzazione di alcuni ambienti. La conclusione fa abbastanza cacare. Al solito, più che lodevole il fatto che sia stato tutto realizzato da una sola persona.

In ogni scenario/capitolo vanno raccolte sfere d'energia necessarie per attivare un portale (o per accedere a certi percorsi) che porterà a quello immediatamente successivo: in totale saranno pressoché sempre più di quelle necessari per avanzare (3). Inoltre, sarà possibile recuperare dei dispositivi contenenti brevi informazioni testuali che possono essere utili al giocatore al fine di ricostruire eventi del mondo di gioco.

Sono presenti 50 creature e con buona parte di esse è possibile interagire: l'interazione permette o di ottenere frammenti di energia (un certo quantitativo permette al giocatore di accedere a una momentanea capacità di muoversi più rapidamente, cosa abbastanza inutile) o di attivare in certi (pochi) casi delle azioni (es.: una creatura a forma di foglia è in grado di far saltare verso l'alto il proprio personaggio più di quanto questi non sia in grado di fare in autonomia). Presente anche un bestiario, che si compila automaticamente man mano che ci si avvicina abbastanza a ciascuna creatura: purtroppo, ogni voce è notevolmente povera e inutile ai fini di conoscere i comportamenti effettivi e manifesti di tutte loro e non permette neanche di farsi un'idea su un supposto ecosistema locale. Nel bestiario inoltre a ogni voce si associa un modellino tridimensionale della specifica creatura selezionata, ma questi sono notevolmente piccoli e non sono osservabili da vicino.

La OST è coerente coi toni del gioco e aiuta effettivamente a rilassarsi mentre si esplorano i livelli (quasi tutti di piccole dimensioni) e mentre si completano i semplici puzzle che vi si trovano.

Incuriosito da quale potrebbe essere il prossimo lavoro di Jonas Manke.

A little too basic in terms of its execution, but this platformer is a pleasant enough experience on Game Pass.

The gameplay is so smooth, the score is great and the art design is amazing. The message/story you can slowly uncover is amazing and I was debating on giving this 4 or 4 1/2 stars until the ending. The ending perfectly ends this game and is so heart warming.

The journey you make progressively gets more interesting with each area you explore and finish and the puzzles are satisfying to complete. And to make everything better, the little friend you have along for the journey slowly trusts you more and starts to stay closer to you. The building of that friendship really drives the narrative of the game without any words spoken, and the ending is exactly what I hoped it would be and was simply a perfect end to a beautiful game.

This is the story about a boy who learns to appreciate his levitating pet edamame bean. It was very pretty and only a tiny bit repetitive. A good one off title for those who need some gaming to calm down ... Can't really comment on the music because I was playing with headphones but my headphones were plugged in to another device and I was listening to something else and before I realized I played the game muted it was already over but it looked like it could have had some pretty nice calm music.

Platformówka 3D w stylu Rime i Journey, tylko jeszcze bardziej niskobudżetowa, bo autorstwa jednej osoby (z tego co rozumiem sam zrobił wszystko oprócz muzyki - ogromny szacun). Graficznie całkiem ładna jak na swoją prostotę, fajne oświetlenie dobrze przykrywa to jak mało szczegółów ma wszystko, ale czego niestety tutaj mocno brakuje, to płynne poruszanie się postacią - animacje są brzydkie, a sterowanie toporne, różne ruchy sprawiają wrażenie "rwania się", które dodatkowo potęguje słaby poziom techniczny produkcji. Na XSX bez względu na ustawienia ciągle miałem wrażenie jakby ilość klatek nie zgadzała się z odświeżaniem TV, ale 60fps chyba trzymało. Może podobny przypadek jak Bloodborne na ps4 (frame pacing)? Na początku sam gameplay i zagadki wydawały mi się tak proste, że aż nudne, ale z czasem dochodzi parę mechanik, które nieco wszystko urozmaicają. Szczątkowa fabuła i przesłanie całej historii niezbyt przypadły mi do gustu, wpisy w dzienniku były nieciekawe i w połowie domyśliłem się co będzie na końcu, a głębsze analizowanie tego nie ma moim zdaniem sensu. Kłóci się z tym muzyka, która choć nie jest zła, to gra mocno na jedno kopyto, co chwilę są takie podniosłe chórki jakby działo się coś niesamowitego, a nic takiego nie ma miejsca. Ale jednak do końca utrzymywała mnie fajna konstrukcja świata, takie małe open worldy, które się bardzo szybko i przyjemnie kończy na 100% przed przejściem do kolejnego. Zbierzesz kilka pierdół, coś pokombinujesz, pozwiedzasz i pyk. No i długość całej przygody, bo zajęła mi tylko około 4h (a innym może zająć i 3). Jak ktoś nie chce się brać za kolejny tytuł na kilkadziesiąt godzin to polecam sprawdzić. Dodatkowy plus dla zbierających punkciki - na Xboksie lecą duże osiągnięcia za mało roboty.

It's a short but fun simple game. The puzzles are quite easy, but i never felt like i was braindead playing it, most of the puzzles uses a lot of movement and the movement is something this game does well. Every chapter gives you a new ability and even the generic ones are fun to use, so.

The graphics are good enough, some designs are pretty cool, but nothing too special, it reminds me a lot of other games like Tunic or Journey. The story, i actually don't know what the fuck is about but the writing is pretty good, the little fragments of text that makes the story are fun to read even if i don't understand in the end what's supposed to mean, lol.

If you have the chance to play it, maybe give it a try. I don't recommend if you are more of a Huge Triple A Game Guy but if you don't care to play a fun, tiny, 5 hours game, that isn't so ambitious, go for it.

One of those puzzle-platformers that doesn't actually have any puzzles. Not that that really matters, because this is a game about pretty environments and animal friends. Nothing in here that hasn't been done more interestingly elsewhere but I can't deny it's a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Perfect type of game for Game Pass, which makes it unfortunate it's about to leave Game Pass.

Beautiful. Joyful. Lovely. Exciting. Breathtaking.

You know, I think there's actually a lot of space for a really chill platformer that isn't super in your face with an overwhelming number of unlockables and enemies. I was even kind of enjoying myself. Then I got to the memory puzzles, and I said "huh", but it wasn't overwhelming. Then I got to the timed jumping puzzles and I said "You know what, this is no longer chill for me". I think the lesson here is to know your vibe and stick with it.

A small and cute game where the visual part can leave you in a good mood and the music perfectly complements the atmosphere.

Fun platformer/puzzle game with beautiful landscapes and interesting concepts. I want to jump on the Jellyfish.

It was a great game. The message given at the end was very meaningful and beautiful.

Honestly I’ve never heard of anyone talk about this game but I was looking for games to play on PS extra before sub runs out and I found this to be the definition of a hidden gem. Nothing crazy but what this game sets out to do which is an atmospheric simple puzzle platformer adventure it succeeds in spades. Just the right length, super breezy, good variety in puzzles and platforming, good music. Honestly hard to ding this game other than being easy which is a plus in my books. Great palette cleanser. Took <4 hours to platinum very natural play through too.

I'm glad I started playing through my backlog of PS+ titles because it means I can find gems like this. I would classify this as a Journey-like game. Beautifully crafted art style and environments, gripping puzzles and gameplay, and that sense of exploration and adventure further amplified by a wonderful soundtrack. I don't have many problems with it, some platforming was a little frustrating, but none of this game was overly difficult and it played rather smoothly. This would be a good starter game for those wanting to get into video games.

Ein sehr entspanntes Spiel mit einer sehr schönen Umgebung. Das Platforming und die Rätsel waren für mich etwas zu simpel, sollten aber für Kinder ideal sein.
Von der Handlung hab ich nicht wirklich was mitgenommen, in dem Bereich hätte man das Spiel vielleicht noch etwas stärker ausarbeiten können.