Reviews from

in the past

No he entendido la historia pero que se aguante lo que dura el juego simplemente moviéndote del punto A al B es digno de mención.

Talassophobia I hate you. I couldn't even finish the game because of that. Incredibly relaxing with a sound design which doesn't fit to much. But overall an amazing game.

Quite a travel. You need to play it, I can't describe it with words.

Hey not to be trite and all but this is literally if the last 20 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey were a videogame

Título preciosista pero que peca de simplón. El movimiento está bien trabajado y es divertido de jugar, pero apenas tiene profundidad y todo lo que necesitas saber se te explica en los primeros dos minutos. Los mapas son todos demasiado parecidos, más allá de tener una pequeña variación de uno a otro en forma de montañas, agua, dunas o lo que toque.

No está mal, puede ser recomendable pero a mí me da la sensación de que al estudio se le ocurrió una idea buena para el movimiento y que la acompañaron de un buen apartado artístico y que no va más allá de eso. Una pena.

It is not perfect and yet it should have won every Game Award, actually.

not for me but very good looking and sounding if it was any lonnger iid rate it lower

I love the ambition, and the simple thrill of movement, but I'm left wanting more from both the narrative and the journey. That said, I could easily see this being a wonderful meditative experience.

It's alright, feels like the game dune! for iPhone but in 3d. Very pretty visuals and music. Very satisfying hitting slopes at the perfect angle.


Wow, interactive Interstellar and it plays stellar.

it's really beautiful but the water levels ruined a lot of the fun i was having just vibing with this game!

Для Мак Редо игрушка полетать чисто

lame frame story but extremely good playful basic interactions

Exo One me ha gustado muchísimo. Se siente Una odisea del espacio con ese argumento nublado de viajes y destinos inciertos. Los planetas harán de skatepark para nuestro módulo interestelar con la particularidad de aumentar su masa (que no su volumen) y convertirse en platillo.

An extremely simple visual journey that is way more interested in presenting pretty locals than any compelling gameplay. In this game you pilot some strange alien craft and get launched across the cosmos to different planets where you fly your way to the next alien cannon that shoots you to the next level. You start off as a sphere that can manipulate gravity, with the push of a button the ship crashes down to the surface like normal gravity, release it and the ball will float. To gain momentum you turn on gravity when going downhill and let go and float when launched upward. Then you can glide by turning the sphere into a disc like shape which floats through the air for sometime until it’s energy is spent. Energy is refilled with kinetic energy so you can dive or hit the surface and bounce back. Essentially all you do is dive down then launch up and try to keep that momentum going to reach the goal.

The environments are sparse yet visually stunning. It takes inspiration from interstellar with barren planets and all kinds of trippy space visuals. Some planets are filled with water, some volcanos, one a jungle planet and so on. There isn’t much to do or see, every level seems to have one hidden upgrade to find that lets you glide longer but it’s kind of pointless. A few levels try to mix things up like adding wind boosts, one has you collect three blue lights, another shuts down the glide so you have to roll around. It’s never that interesting, for the most part is all travel by parabolic movement. Luckily the game is over in an hour and a half but that still feels like an hour too long.

There is some pathetic attempt at a story involving some simple dialog between planets that describe why you are in an alien craft and the purpose of the journey. There is no great lesson to be learned, no emotional payoff, it’s just exposition. It’s as hollow as the gameplay.

I only played this because it’s on gamepass and I found it to be a total waste of time.

Score: 3.0

A good game knows what it is, and a great game knows what it isn’t. Exo One is a singular experience, but that’s admirable.

Exploring alien planets while controlling a marble's momentum through gravity with 2001 A Space Odyssey vibes create a wholly unique experience any sci-fi fan should experience.

Pretty great idea for game and the movement of the disk is fun. Short and sweet and I think a solo dev.

De esos juegos que de forma pedante suelen llamarse experiencias.

- Es bellísimo. Period.
- El manejo de la ¿nave? es muy ágil y placentero, a la par que original.
- El océano. Por dios, qué maravilla de agua.

- La fórmula se agota bastante rápido, perdiendo el factor sorpresa.
- Por algún motivo intentar introducir una narrativa que poco casa con el juego.
- Algunas texturas están realmente mal acabadas.

Me gustaría decir que Exo One me ha encantado y he conectado plenamente con el juego de la canica y, sí, hay un par de momentos muy chulos, pero ciertos trozos del juego me han resultado aburridos y me he acabado cansado de sus mecanicas. Una lástima. Igualmente vale la pena darle una oportunidad porque es cortito y como digo hay un par de momentos en que las mecánicas sacan lo mejor de sí.

Completing Exo One is like completing a chore, except it's one of those chores that doesn't feel cathartic to have finished, and you don't feel like you've vindicated anything by seeing it to completion. It's like shoveling in a deep snow because you have to go to work or get groceries. The snow is heavy, your back hurts, your driveway is massive because you live in nowheresville somewhere in the midwest and your neighbor is three miles away between two cow pastures, but you gotta get out and get those dang groceries. The snow is coming down hard, and it will have filled your driveway by the time you get back, but welp you gotta go.

Exo One starts off with a nice premise, some cool lore shows its glimpses as you navigate a sphere across a planet using your momentum to carry you. As you play the game though, the illusion fades and the traversal mechanic of gliding and rubber-banding feels downright horrible and unrewarding. Levels are massively sized, intent on having you mastered this technique just after starting, without really giving a proper tutorial or any way to gauge success on understanding. You go from world to world and the backdrops/environments are admittably fairly astonishing, however the gameplay grinded my gears enough that I was constantly looking for each one to be the last. There were numerous times where I was completely lost on direction because the objective markers (which are loosely marked with a extended blue light) were obscured, or the momentum required to slingshot to the next part of the map wasn't taking hold. A few hours after starting and slamming my head against the desk, I was able to complete Exo One, a game that honestly didn't feel like it wanted to be completed. It also definitely overstays its welcome, as numerous other reviewers have mentioned.

I can't recommend anyone to buy this game, let alone download it off of Game Pass as I had.

Another game that's great on Game Pass. Only a couple of hours long but visually striking and based around a super fun mechanic: you basically turn the gravity up, catch hills and 'flick' yourself off ramps and slopes. Really cool.

The first couple of levels are wonderful, with a great feel, mechanics and music making a lovely experience. Then the water level comes along and completely removes all joy from the experience at all. At least it’s relatively short.

Seguindo a linha de jogos "contemplativos", Exo One se diferencia por oferecer mais mecânica, não limitando o jogador a apenas contemplar, mas também participar dessa beleza in game.

O game tem uma mecânica bem simples que faz uso da gravidade, controlamos uma esfera que manipula o seu peso, se utilizando do terreno íngreme para aumentar sua velocidade e decolando ao diminuir a gravidade em terrenos mais elevados. Estando suspenso no ar, a esfera pode se transformar em uma espécie de nave a fim de planar nas nuvens de tempestade para alcançar terrenos mais distantes.

Em síntese, quanto mais preciso o jogador na administração da gravidade, mais longe será o salto da esfera, e mais ela poderá planar enquanto na forma de nave. A recompensa, além de chegar mais próximo do objetivo, é uma vista deslumbrante que transmite diversas sensações como calmaria, conforto, uma imersão muito bem feita como se o jogador estivesse de fato dentro daqueles cenários.

O game faz o uso de sistema de fases, onde cada fase é um novo planeta com um novo cenário a ser contemplado através do uso da gravidade.

Infelizmente, é aqui onde o jogo peca e não consegue se manter belo por muito tempo, passando a ser cansativo. nos primeiro 3 planetas, o game impressiona bastante, mas após isso o jogo repete os conceitos dos cenários já utilizados.

O fator novidade é extinto totalmente, o game até tenta variar ao colocar limitadores de jogabilidade em alguns cenários a fim de obrigar o jogador a se virar sem a mecânica de gravidade, mas sinceramente? só faz tirar parte do controle do jogador e esticar o game artificialmente.

O jogo é bem curto (zerado com 2hrs e 24min) e ainda assim foi cansativo devido a repetição mecânica e dos cenários, se recuperando próximo ao final do jogo. Mas já era tarde, eu só queria que o game acabasse logo.

Jueguito interesante y relajante. Quizá debería haber atendido algo más a la historia, pero no estaba tan por la labor de unir las piezas.