Reviews from

in the past

Least favourite expansion to date.

I don't think the story was as good as Heavensward but it was still enjoyable, and significantly better than A Realm Reborn's. The dungeons and trials are super fun, and I had a blast with the Omegascape raid series.

The story feels like a step down from Heavensward. There are a ton of fake out deaths which I'm not a fan of and many of the characters that Heavensward built up get pushed to the side to introduce a ton of new people. The scope of the story is too large to flesh out most of its characters even though there are some interesting areas. Due to the lack of focus a lot more of the story feels like filler than it was likely supposed to.

Raiding in Stormblood was much better than in Heavensward as mechanics were more forgiving and cross-server party finder made finding party members much easier. However, the new post game Eureka area was an example of what people dislike about FF11 and 1.0 FF14. Lots of walking around in a sparsely detailed over world waiting for certain monsters to spawn which require a team of people to kill. Rinse and repeat. Tying this area to your relic weapon was what made me stop trying to do savage yet again.

Has significantly less Alphinaud than Heavensward, so I liked it

I played straight through the MSQ and patch quests in three days, and I loved it. It starts a little slow, which is expected, but the characters and locations in this expansion really stick out. The variety in the settings emphasized the feeling of travel, which was a big improvement from Heavensward for me.

The environments, music, and characters are nothing short of stellar, probably among my favourites in all of Final Fantasy. But the story and quests are lacking, they feel more on par with ARR and definitely a step down from Heavensward, which is a shame. It’s good, and great in many ways, but also disappointing in a lot of ways.

The story isnt the best but the Azim Stepp is one of the best pieces of story content we have gotten in XIV so far. Content wise this is I think the best expansion.

This is where the homogenization began. Classes started to lose their defining characteristics and began to feel much more "same-y." Omega is a genuinely awful raid through and through. Mechanics vomit combined with 0 dps checks does not make for a good time. Story was forgettable from what I've been told, and the areas in general were pretty forgettable (What's an Othard?). Not awful, but not good.

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I don't care if it makes thematic sense, Lyse will run Ala Mhigo into the ground. No thoughts head empty ass girl

The worst of the expansions, but not terrible by any stretch. This is where the gameplay starts to come into its own, coming at expense to the story, which never reaches the heights of Heavensward.

While still a solid 14 experience, the fights are an upgrade to Heavensward's, but the plot falls flat a bit in comparison.

Over hated & under rated by the community despite having the best raid design & class design to date

I wasn't expecting Stormblood to impress me as much as it did. The areas of the expansion are fantastic, and it features the best Primals and duties yet. Even thou the plot is more straightforward compared to Heavensward, it still has great moments. And oh the music continues being awesome too.

While it sports more grounded conflict than the high fantasy of Ishgard, Stormblood's excellent compositions and enjoyable raids are a treat in their own right.

What could have been a neat story about struggling to throw off the chains of colonial power is swept to the side for a royal manchild's quest to fit as much scenery as possible into his mouth. plenty of likeable characters but some just bizarre story decisions.

Some of the best areas, dungeons and mechanics yet in the whole game but the story is a huge step down from Heavensward and is aggravatingly slow at times, especially in the 4.x content.

My hot take for SB is that the main story would've been much better received if they had forgotten this whole "fight on two fronts" nonsense and focused their efforts on either Gyr Abania or the Far East exclusively, instead of spreading it out on two different regions (that are very far away from each other).

While I agree with the general sentiment that SB is inferior to HW, plot-wise, I'm also baffled how the game community worships Yotsuyu and Zenos. Two boring characters that somehow get a pass because "she has a tragic backstory" and uh... checks notes ...because "he has a lotta junk in the trunk"? Anyway, I'm almost ok with Yotsuyu, but I absolutely hate Zenos.

After HW it seems the devs found a sweet spot for content delivery, so mechanically SB feels more of the same. This is slightly improved by having a somewhat more challenging content, since SB is a bit closer to the current power cap than ARR and HW.

One aspect that SB improved significantly were the raids. The Omega raids have a silly plot about a thing that only briefly shows up during post-HW, but to balance that, the raid is FILLED with FFV and FFVI fanservice. The Ivalice raids, as the name suggests, is chock-full with FFXII and FFT references. The bosses, soundtrack, and even the gear aesthetics, they did not fail to bring a smile to the jaded FFXIV player that I am.

Despite greatly enjoying the new raid series, overall I felt very apathetic towards this expansion pack.

Alphinaud takes a dive

Story is good when its good, but man between the plot developments, I wish all of the needlessly longwinded stuff was just replaced with actual gameplay.

Eu NUNCA vou perdoar a comunidade por não gostar dessa expansão, a historia é muito boa e o pacing com fetch quest são problema mas nem é tão grande assim e a gameplay é fodão
Só não gostaram pq o protag não é um homem, bando de gay arrombados

Si bien es cierto que es comparativamente algo floja a HW, no deja de ser una historia bastante buena de revolución con un CLARO mensaje antiimperialista.

Si se hace algo coñazo en algunos puntos, pero cosas como la parte de las estepas tienen mucho encanto.

Many say that this is the worst expansion. Its debatable. But even if it is the worst, it is not in any way, bad. A lot of trials and dungeons in this expansion are very unique, with very quirky mechanics. Its design influence from the eastern part of the world is also great, with a mix of Chinese, Mongolia, and Japanese culture meld together into an amazing journey.

'ate Lyse
'ate Gyr Abanian zones
'ate repetitive busy work

luv Gosetsu
luv Doman zones
luv the Steppe tribes

simple as

Acho meio lenta, mas ainda é bem boa