Reviews from

in the past

Fun little popcorn experience of a game. Charming art, good sense of movement and exploration, and some decent puzzle solving.

Excellent for something to play while listening to a podcast. Delightful mixture of Mario Odyssey and Pikmin, with no combat whatsoever!

This was really great! Loved the art style and level design. The 2D character design makes the game extremely crisp looking and stylish. Each level is large and full of detail and interesting things to do, and the steady curve of upgrades and Tinykin gathering keeps them from getting overwhelming. The narrative was also really well done, with some interesting lore and explorations of faith and myth. Really looking forward to a sequel, or whatever this studio does next.

As many have probably mentioned this is like a modern day Pikmin. I've only played the first Pikmin but this reminded me strongly of that mixed with a collectathon 3D platformer. I had a lot of fun with it. A few times I couldn't find the 1 remaining item I needed but for the most part it flowed nicely. I wouldn't have minded if it were a little longer/difficult though.

This is a short and sweet 3D platformer with Pikmin-esque elements that doesn’t overstay its welcome. The difficulty was on the simple side, so it feels like it may be meant for families and children, but the pop culture references scattered throughout will be popular with the adults in the room, as well. Platforming was a little weird sometimes, but since the game as a whole had a low difficulty, it never bothered me. Overall, a lot of fun!

Wonderful 3D Platformer. a Great game each of its levels feel unique and the different tinykin allow for a small but diverse set of challenges. My only real complaint is that for collecting all of the pollen or if you are missing a single lamp or letter there is no good way to find it. given the size of the levels it can fell really bad to be missing 1~10 pollen. and some sort of post game item that gives even a vague direction to go looking for would be super nice

Quel jeu formidable. C'est mignon et pas compliqué. Pratique pour des petites sessions de jeu sans prise de tête.

Suuuuuper chill game, and I always get a cozy feeling when I find a great game made by a tiny (hehe) team. Lovely visual style, lovely soundtrack, the whole thing just has a whimsical laidback energy to it

It's both great and terrible to 100%. Exploring the levels is a lot of fun, but God forbid you somehow miss a couple of the collectibles that aren't easily trackable with a guide - which is exactly what happened to me, and I didn't have the patience to go for 100%.

I enjoyed it very much. The artstyle is extremely charming and works so well, there is so much to explore and collect, the "tinykins" are all very fun to use, and most importantly, the character feels perfect to control.

There are some dialogues in that game and while some are pretty funny, they were mostly pretty uninteresting, though I have to admit I'd never expected this game to deal with serious societal issues like religion and inequalities.

However one thing I hated about the gameplay, though that isn't a big deal by itself but sticks like a sore thumb when everything else feels perfect, is the border acceleration system while on the soap. It is unnecessarily hard to achieve and is especially frustrating when doing the wasp races where I had to restart again and again and again because of how difficult yet necessary it is to have the best time.

Also, while most of my time with this game was superb, the last 15 minutes or so definitely left a sour taste in my mouth. The ending itself is fine, it's pretty good even. What bothered me is that I did everything this game had to offer and yet it wouldn't give me like 6 achievements I should've gotten. The team took notice of that bug since release but didn't release a patch yet to fix the issue. Fortunately there is a work around for it which requires research, but I think it's unacceptable to not fix an achievement issue when the game encourages you to complete it.

What is also unacceptable I thought was the lack of a "radar" or some sort for the last remaining thing to collect in a zone. As a collectathon, you bet searching for those last missing 3 tinykins in the zone will be the most miserable, excruciating hour in your life considering you can't possibly search that up on the internet.

Amei o fato do boneco andar de costas!

I dunno what it is but I just couldn't get into this when I played it, even though it should be right up my alley. Guess not every game is for everyone, right?

Still insanely cute and colorful.

Que joguinho absurdamente dedicado em fazer você feliz. Ele te dá várias ferramentas e deixa você decidir a forma que você passa da maioria dos obstáculos.

Muito simpático em ambientação e um dos meus favoritos desse ano.

I really love collectathon games, especially when there isn't just an overwhelming number of items to gather, but the game encourages you to collect them through its level design and gameplay. This is a feat achieved by only a few, like the classic Banjo-Kazooie or surprisingly, this little gem, Tinykin. I loved getting lost in its world and exploring every corner. In fact, I was only 5 nectar short of completing the game 100%, but I didn't make it in time before it was removed from Game Pass. The levels have a lot of verticality and, as I mentioned, are very pleasant to explore. The Tinykin provide a great variety of situations that are cleverly used in different puzzles. I also want to mention that there are some extra stages that are essentially time trials. While they might be anecdotal, they are quite fun and challenging. In conclusion, a very enjoyable game, highly recommended if you're a fan of the genre.

1 of the best 3d platformers ive played in a while. perfect mix of chibi robo & pikmin w/ wide open levels to explore. hell yes. immediately an important entry in the gnome/little fella video game canon

Such a lovely game, I'd worried about how 2d sprites plays with 3d but it works with out without a hitch. The combination of a collectathon using pikmin like mechanics is fluid and fun, and the rooms used as free roaming levels works great and is a blast. Didnt care too much for any story bits but the characters were cute. Gonna keep on eye on the dev teams next work

I think I played this for about 5-6 hours to complete it, and I really loved every minute of it. It's not the longest game but it really knows how long it should be, considering what you do in the game. It's one of the more fun "puzzle"-platformers I've played in a long while. And the fact that there is no combat in the game is golden for me.

The grahpics are great as well, the art style for the characters goes well with the different art style for the environments. Speaking about that, the levels are so much fun! They're packed with stuff to do and places to explore.

I'd recommend this to anyone, especially now since it's on Gamepass as well. Thans for reading :)

This game is awesome. I have to say it's probably my favorite collectathon 3d platformer (vs more of a platforming-focused 3d platformer, which I generally prefer). The world design is incredibly well done and very charming. The Tinykin made for unique and very fun mechanics. Visuals and music, while not perfect, were quite good.

When your biggest complaint about a game is that there's not enough of it, you've got something special.

I was between giving it a 4.5 or a 5 and what tipped me to 4.5 is that yes it was kinda short (I 100%ed it in 7.5 hours), the ending of the story tried too hard to be mind-blowing but it was kinda meh, and also even though I 100%ed it there was a glitch that caused some of the 100% achievements to not register and I didn't get credit for it and that made me mad (not a steam glitch but a glitch with the game's in-game achievement system)

Tinykin has very quickly become my favourite game I've played this year so far.

If you enjoy 3D platformers, this is one of the most polished, enjoyable and fun collectathons I've ever played and it feels like something that could be published by Nintendo with the high level of creativity and polish here. Very unique for a 3D platformer is the Pikmin-style elements, which complement the superb level design and collectables.

It took me 10 hours to 100% and I loved every second, I didn't want it to end. Thank you so much, devs, for such a fun and beautiful experience <3

This was just a cute and charming adventure game all around. It has some pretty obvious Pikmin inspiration on its sleeves, but it is still fun and unique in its own way. The controls are nice and solid and the gameplay is more of a puzzle adventure than an action adventure. There is no fighting or anything here; just a fun, lighthearted and charming adventure.

This is a perfect Weekend Game. A responsive and surprisingly flexible puzzle platformer where every corner of each room features loads of things to collect and small objectives to complete. A successful revitalization of the old n64-era collectathon infused with very light Pikmin-esque minion mechanics.

Please note that this is explicitly not a Pikmin game, as the Tinykin largely function as tools rather than units. There is no combat in this game, so the emphasis is on puzzle platforming here. Unbelievably satisfying to slowly clean up every corner of the Honey I Shrunk the Kids-esque world this takes place in. Cute dialog, with a strange lore crunch in the ending, but that's not what we're here for.

This is worth the money, but on Game Pass, it's an easy recommend to anyone who enjoys platforming.

What do you get when you combine Pikmin with Super Mario?
A game that's not quite as good as either, but is far from a disaster.

Tikykin is a 3D platformer with large open spaces to explore, you play Milo a teeny-tiny human-like person stranded away from home where you are tasked to find parts from a blueprint of a ship you hope to get you home.

Where you are stranded is simply in a house, living here are a whole civilization of bug folk who have turned each of the rooms into their own unique biomes.
Finally it's not just you and the bug folk but also these strange creatures, the titular Tinykin who follow Milo about and can do tasks from carrying things, blowing things up and more dependant on their colour.

So again, the short explanation is it's Pikmin but rather than strategy it's an exploratory 3D platformer and rather than outside you're living your best Micro-man life.

This does come together well, the exploration is fun and the areas are inventive.
Tinykin abilities being more based helping your own traversal than their own (as Pikmin do) means that there are some great ideas. My favourite being the green ones which can stack to form a ladder - which in a game that does have a lot of verticality comes in very handy.

If I had to describe the game in a single word it would be; Pleasant.
Death really isn't an issue, if you fall to far you reappear where you started, there's no combat and the platforming rarely involves any challenge it's just more about exploring and doing tasks for your bug pals in the world.

Sadly though pleasant alone means the game can at points feel lacking, the main challenges end up being collecting things and while entering a new biome the gameplay loop is perfectly addictive when you're finished with the game you're just searching nooks and crannies for "pollen" and not much else.

Personally I also found the game didn't feel quite right, the way Milo controls doesn't feel terrible but sometimes would glide too much and the bubble float mechanic having to tap jump again whilst in the air felt really unnatural to me.
We've had gliding and flutter jumps in these games for years and yet Tinykin felt new but not nice.

There's also a strange mechanical decision with the Pink Tinykin who do the simple act of carrying, either small items individually or as a group much like Pikmin, in that once a group are carrying something they will not let go until they get to their destination.
This is a minor gripe but for a game that feels very free and easy I found this mechanic actually had me worry I'd locked the game.
Even more minor, if you are going to use the mechanic also borrow the idea that using more Tinykin than you need could increase the speed as several times I ended up just waiting on them.

Overall Tinykin is a lovely little game with a nice world to explore and check some lists off. It doesn't really break any new ground but does a good job of making a new cocktail of previous ideas without making it taste disgusting.

If you can get this for "free" via Game Pass and the like it's definitely worth your time - I completed it over a weekend.
If you want it for the Switch I'd possibly wait for a sale, although at time of writing it's basically Christmas so why not use a voucher if you got one as a present?

Nice short game with a lovely design, one of the game I loved the most during 2022. Light interesting story, with not that many levels but rich enough to enjoy it and do so much stuff. I would've liked different side quests instead of the same ones repeated for each level, but I still had a lot of fun.

This game surprised me. I don't care for Pikmin and I generally don't find too much fun in 3D platformers anymore. Tinykin hooked me pretty quickly. I love how joyous and colourful it is. It controls perfectly and has just enough neat ideas to keep you engaged til the end. I do think it's a little repetitive/stale by the very end, which knocks it down a peg for me. Overall, it's a great time.

Una experiencia enormemente fluida y placentera. Plataformeo en habitaciones muy bien diseñadas con secretos y objetivos a realizar y los TinyKin proveen una buena variedad en cuanto a los distintos puzles y desafíos con los que debes lidiar. Corto pero fácilmente recomendable.

Tinykin, o segundo título do estúdio indie frances Splashteam, traz uma proposta completamente diferente do primeiro jogo da empresa, Splasher, nessa nova obra há o resguardo do 2D mas esse é complementado com o cenário 3D que juntos constroem uma mistura interessante, uma verdadeira viagem entre “dimensões”.

A história apresenta Milo, um arqueólogo que tenta descobrir a origem de sua civilização, sua teoria é que o universo cartoonizado e 2D em que as pessoas vivem não é a origem dos seres humanos, para buscar a verdade esse jovem arqueólogo viaja entre dimensões e chega a terra, mas somente em um fragmento desta, um fragmento realmente minúsculo, uma casa. Com essa premissa a obra consegue misturar o 2D desse universo de Milo com o 3D de uma casa real. O que auxilia na casa como background de toda a história é o fato de Milo ser um ser minúsculo, mais ou menos do tamanho de uma formiga, logo o universo de uma casa se torna gigantesco e com diversos espaços para serem explorados.

A obra vem propor um jogo de plataforma com puzzles, utilizando o 2D em conjunto com o 3D, tudo isso embasado em uma história surreal e um tanto divertida. O objetivo do jogo é claro e direto, reconstruir a ferramenta que permite a viagem dimensional, para isto é preciso recuperar determinadas partes da ferramenta, o que entrega a premissa de explorar os diferentes ambientes da casa. Esse microuniverso da casa é bem explorado pelos desenvolvedores ao adicionar vários insetos e apresentar a relações entre eles, criando uma ambiente vivo que precisa de interação.

Essa proposta intimista acaba por delimitar bem o escopo da obra, as possibilidades do que pode existir estão presentes no imaginário do jogador a todo momento, que são os móveis, itens, peças e cenários de uma casa. O interessante é trabalhar com tudo o que está disponível e torná-lo importante de alguma forma, a obra consegue fazer isso com maestria ao dividir o objetivo principal em partes que são conquistadas ao conquistar as diferentes fases disponíveis. A construção das fases também é interessante, ao invés de um puzzle fechado e linear, é sempre apresentado uma fase “gigantesca”, aberta e livre, o jogador pode começar resolvendo os puzzles por onde ele quiser, o objetivo daquela fase é apresentado no começo por uma cinemática e a partir dali a liberdade reina, dando ao jogador o papel de decidir e decifrar.

A jogabilidade é simples porém divertida, soluções comuns de um “planador” que são as bolhas de sabão e o sabão para locomoção mais rápida pelo mapa e para utilizar a tirolesa são ideais recorrentes mas não menos necessárias. A ideia um tanto inovadora são os tinikyn, uma grupo de bichinhos minúsculos e coloridos que tem funções específicas para realizar, os rosas para empurrar objetos, os vermelhos para explodir objetos, o verde que funciona como uma escada, o amarelo para criar caminhos e o azul para conduzir eletricidade, cada um desses é apresentado em uma diferente fase, o que auxilia na sensação do novo e desconhecido que o jogo carrega até o final. Esse elemento causa uma variabilidade muito bem vinda em relação a outros jogos e em relação a resolução dos puzzles. Outro elemento da jogabilidade que é importante e é o mais básico de todos é a câmera, a necessidade de virá-la a todo momento, já que o personagem 2D está em um cenário 3D, a movimentação se compromete propositalmente para criar uma dificuldade um tanto ideal na resolução dos puzzles.

A abordagem direta da obra tem tanto lados positivos como negativos, o positivo é que essa proposta acaba por tornar o enredo mais simples, não precisando de um trabalho mais elaborado para que tudo faça sentido, não há plot twist, surpresas, e nenhuma emoção exagerada ao longo do percurso. O lado negativo é a consequência da simplicidade, a obra se não fosse pela jogabilidade e estética dificilmente reteria a atenção de qualquer jogador, uma casa em miniatura já foi explorada não somente em diferentes jogos mas em diferentes mídias, esse aspecto não surpreendente.

Esteticamente a obra é muito bonita, o cartoon empregado é muito bem desenvolvido, o cenário 3D está impecável, o trabalho é muito bem feito. A equipe de design está de parabéns, principalmente considerando que no tipo de obra que foi pensado pela Splashteam a parte estética é de extrema importância.

Concluindo, Tinykin é uma exposição de estética + jogabilidade para criar uma obra de puzzle e plataforma, todo o resto é posto em segundo plano e está ali para servir diretamente a esses dois aspectos. No que a obra expõe ela é fantástica, uma estética linda que comunica diretamente com a jogabilidade ao brincar com o 2D e o 3D, e uma jogabilidade diferenciada e progressiva que sempre apresenta novidades ao jogador até o final da obra. O trabalho é bom, mas não é perfeito, há elementos abandonados e deixados em segundo plano demasiadamente, se tornando quase irrelevantes, uma obra que queria atingir a perfeição não pode realizar esse tipo de ação.

Like a lot of people, I went into this game expecting a certain amount of Pikmin-ness. Instead I got a great little platformer, and I think I prefer it this way. Tinykin is exploding with charm, and even though the gameplay never goes too far beyond "grab X and take it to Y", the game is short enough that I didn't find it too monotonous. I love a good "little characters in a big world" setting, so I often found myself interested in exploring, and accidentally completed objectives when I was really trying to figure out how to reach the highest point or tucked-away pieces of pollen.

I'm kind of surprised how captivated I was with the sound design in Tinykin, everything has a cartoony, cute sound to it. Even hearing the yellow tinykin grunt as you walk all over them is cute. I know saying "this cartoony wink-wonk-wink-wonk sound is exactly what it should sound like when you climb a giant shoelace" makes me sound absurd, but here we are. It's a great wink-wonk sound.

Tinykin isn't a particularly challenging game, but I don't think it needs to be. I think it's just a breezy, lovable little game about a little guy.

I liked this game.
If you need a cute game to chill - this is your choice.
Also i think it would be a great game to introduce someone to gaming, since there is no challenge here (except for races, that are not so hard anyway), and all puzzles (if you can call them that) are pretty easy.
Music is okay and it suits game well.
Downsides i could find - Sometimes you just stand there waiting for your tinykins to bring something somewhere and it can be annoying at times, but it only takes like a minute most of the times, so its not so bad.
Also, there is a lot of pollen and tinykins you can collect on each level, and i mean A LOT, like over a 1000 pollen on each level, and at some of them i still havent found like 5 pollen, because i feel like i've checked absolutely everything, but still can't find it. And there is no way to help yourself with locating it, so i just stopped caring. Again, it's not that big of a problem if you dont want to 100% it.
All in all, the game is really nice and was worth playing.