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in the past

Finished in one sitting. A great combat mixed with great hispanic vibes. It is super impressive to see how a student project turned into a full, easily recommended game.

Excellent game, and despite the controls being nominally built for a gamepad, the keyboard too works very well. The combat is interesting, as while most non-boss enemies are fairly easy, (with maybe one exception), nearly every enemy gets more dangerous in groups and thus most of the combat becomes figuring out how to break groups up by using the environment so you can quickly eliminate individual enemies, which is an unusual but fun idea.

Satisfying combat and witty banter, what’s not to love?

As a fan of parry based games, this was meant for me. While it is on the easier and forgiving side with its indicators and generous parry window, it innovates more on crowd control which enhances its tone and appeal. The new enemy stamina meter compliments this new layer on managing enemies such as kicking them towards environmental hazards or other enemies to keep them away as well as weaken them to easily and safely damage them. Given its budget and scale, its linear combat arenas, light platforming and few stages makes the most sense; however, I do find it a bit short on content, variety and challenge to be a memorable experience.

At its low price point, it is a justifiably short experience consisting of four chapters/episodes left me underwhelmed. What made me truly lament about this game is its lost potential specially on how much fun I had on its arena or roguelike mode. The (potentially broken) positive and negative modifiers adds a strategic and tactical depth that I feel the main mode lacks or could emulate with its comedic tone. Beyond the arena, I find no real reason to replay or learn the game at a higher difficulty despite the challenge which is one of my key metrics for an action game.

As an action game, what holds this back is the zoomed in camera, unclear lock-on and messy object interactions that make the experience frustrating than rewarding. First, the camera is quite close to the character making it hard to see enemies approaching from behind. When backed to a wall or corner due to dodging or parrying, the camera goes behind a wall and obscures incoming attacks. Second, the lock-on feels so random or uncontrollable at times with clusters of enemies. It happens so many times that it breaks my immersion and flow. Third, so many objects on the ground can hinder movement both for the player and specially the enemies who get stuck. Tables in particular can cause dodges to be unintentional slides that can reset elite enemy meters. All these problems are not unique to this game, but it made combat a sloppy experience.

For smaller issues, I am not a fan of the humor and tone of this game although this may be the right approach for its short experience. Even if the corridors are linear, some tangible rewards such as costumes or cosmetics could be hidden instead of small notes or references. Better indicators for the exit and interactables would be nice because it is hard to know at times.

As for the Steam Deck, I really only have one issue which I mentioned in the demo: performance. Playing on the lowest graphical settings, I can play around a stable 45 FPS. The fight arenas are small and segregated by loading screens, so I am concerned why it is not hitting a stable 60 FPS or sometimes having hiccups. Perhaps some configuration can hit those numbers or perhaps Steam Deck verification is not intended; regardless, I do suggest playing on a stronger machine for a better experience.

It is still overall a good casual indie game and hoped to support it, but I hesitate to recommend this for players looking for a meaningful and rewarding challenge.

En Garde is a great beat 'em all based around fencing.
The gameplay revolves around a mixture of timing during which you can hit the enemy and rispote to open windows to inflict damage, in addition to that you can use the scenery to disorientate enemies, on this basis of gameplay, the game is very solid and is very exciting to play.
In addition to the gameplay, there's a fairly short story based on clichés from old cloak-and-dagger films, à la Zoro, which is great fun.
The game is as solid visually as it is audibly, the art direction is really good, and the sounds and music are coherent and make for a very successful whole.
Overall, En garde is an excellent game, the only downside being its fairly short lifespan and difficulty. The game becomes fairly easy once you get the hang of it, but a greater variety of enemies would have been interesting.

A very fun, albeit short Sifu-like game with charming characters and art direction, and a silly story. The game wants you to feel like cunning swordswomen outwitting your foes by utilizing your surroundings and I think it accomplishes that quite well. I love the goofy bickering between the guards and the lightheartedness of everything.

My biggest complaint would have to be that it's too short to fully utilize the gameplay they crafted. While I loved every bit of my playthrough, I wish there was a bit more of pretty much everything; enemy variety, more moves for the player, and more chapters. Even so, this game is still a blast to play and I loved every bit of what was there

The combat in this game is so freaking fun. Its unique as far as character action games go because it's less about stringing fancy combos together and more about using the environment to your advantage: kicking enemies down stairs, spilling liquid on the ground for enemies to slip on, ect.

It's such an innovative concept and I wish more games would do it, because it's really fun here. Unfortunately the game is a bit short, but it makes the most of that time with great fights, some fun, but easy platforming challenges, and an enjoyably silly tone throughout.

A clunky mess with some promise. The game is very short, to its detriment. While there's some glimmer of hope in the combat system, the devs never go anywhere with it. Instead of ever upgrading your kit, or creating interesting challenges with the existing kit, difficulty ramps by just adding more dudes. In a game with a combat emphasising 1v1 fights, swarming the player is more frustrating than fun. It makes the best strategy to just run circles around arenas until one enemy is isolated enough to defeat. Unfun.

En Garde is a very charming game with good slapstick gameplay and Saturday-morning cartoon vibes. While some may complain about length I think this game feels its perfect length, it is nice to have a game that is short in a time plagued with over long, bloated experiences. The combat is unexpectedly is more sekiro combined with Arkham style than DMC with barrel kicking. This i find to both be great as gameplay is snappy and physics reactions always work how you expect them to but also frustrating as enemies and your character just slide across the floor with no sense of the moment which can lead to some incredibly unfair hits and limiting ways of expression through gameplay, especially with the shield enemy and surprising low amount of intractables. The parkour is fun and mostly responsive but again it maybe to snappy for it own good you really can't let go of the monkey bars or ropes at the wrong time meaning they no way to increase its difficulty in that aspect. The story is nothing exciting but the characters are delightfully performed and the cute lesbian side plot, while not expected and somewhat subtle, was a nice surprise anyway (although recycling the boss almost 30 minutes later was a bit much). I'll settle over 7/10 for now as I would say it was for the 10 pounds I got it for on sale. Definitely, a dev team to keep an eye on in the future

Goofy, short, swashbuckling fun. The length could be to its discredit, but the combat and movement is fantastic. It's good old fashioned fun, and I hope to see more goofy games like this in the future.

This sword-fighting game had some really fun mechanics set in an aesthetically pleasing world. Would love to see more from these developers.

A swashbuckling romp as a lesbian spaniard that involves kicking and throwing a lot of the environment. A great time, aside from a few minor technical bugs

En Garde is swashbuckling fun, and even though the game doesn't evolve beyond the first impression, it still shows that you don't need to be mechanically complex or focus on variety to make a worthwhile experience. At about 4 hours long, the game hit a sweet spot of offering a substantial experience without getting in its own way (though some of the late-game challenges were a little more demanding than they needed to be).

The pulpy latin adventure flavor and sense of humor, makes this game stand out in a great way, and the sharp presentation made a lot of the game's weaknesses more forgiving. Even if there were only 5-6 enemies repeated, the fun came from dropping chandeliers, throwing buckets on people's heads, tossing a lantern onto a stack of gunpowder, etc. While the corridors didn't do much to distinguish themselves, I did find myself enjoying the platforming and moving through the space. I think the game shines with how it handles crowd control, battling 4-5 enemies at the same time with someone in the back throwing bombs is hectic fun. My biggest gripe is that the boss battles turned into kind of tedious chases once all the destructable elements were used, and the game really requires you to nail the parry mechanics, which is not as fun as laying traps for your enemies. Still this is some of the most fun action swordfighting I've experienced in a game, which forgives a lot of the game's rougher edges.

back then a game with a solid combat system and a focus on encounter variety, unique stage gimmicks and a cheeky story were more common without having RPG systems, gear drops, skill trees, and other forms of progression.

Now a game like that comes out and is only 3 hours long and has 4 missions and is likely to get snuffed out of any recognition because it wasn't big budget enough.

Would be better without the lock-on

Fun game. It's a student project and is about 4 hours long. The best part about the game has to be the artstyle. Absolutely gorgeous. Combat is simple but fun - you can attack, parry and dodge - with a mix of some special attacks - pretty standard. However, the combat can get repetitive since there are very limited types of enemies, and they all have 1 or 2 moves. I played it on hard, and the difficulty is a lower health bar. The fights aren't that difficult - hell the parry window is really long and you are barely punished for spamming stuff. The levels are what add the challenge. When you are in a room with 10 people trying to attack you, you need to use stuff around you to space out the enemies and take them out 1 by 1.

I didn't really care for the story at all tbh. I just skipped everything, it felt really boring. Also, the chatty protagonist seems entertaining at first quickly gets monotonous. I turned down the audio cause I didn't care too much about every single thought she had.

Overall fun game, don't expect too much. I mainly played this as a "in-between" game, since playing too many serious or long games gets tiring.

A splendid little game that I hope does well enough to earn a sequel. Shockingly more interesting than it original appears with a really challenging and engaging core design. I recommend all fans of action games at least give it a shot!

A real fun little swashbuckling game, with some nice combat mechanics and an interesting challenge. There are a ton of hidden collectibles in every level, if that's your thing, but having to replay through the entirety of a level in order to find them all made me gave up at some point.
Nice writing and solid visuals, plus it plays like a charm on the Steamdeck.
It's definitely worth a buy for action lovers, especially at such a soft price.

En Garde! é quase tudo o que um character action tem que ser. Ele é divertido, é clichê na medida certa, tem personagens muito carismáticos e possui um combate bem competente. Eu fiquei realmente impressionado com os visuais, o setup e o trabalho de voz, o game é absolutamente perfeito nesses quesitos.
Como eu disse a pouco, o combate é competente, trazendo muitas interações com o cenário e fazendo com isso seja o core da gameplay. Essa última parte acaba se tornando uma faca de dois gumes, já que isso implica que os jogadores não consigam desenvolver o próprio estilo de jogo. Falando em combate, há uma pequena variedade de inimigos que acabam aparecendo, cada um com características diferentes que trazem um pequeno nível de complexidade aos confrontos. Quando eles vêm pra cima todos de uma vez, o jogo fica realmente difícil e a única forma de sobreviver é fugindo e afunilando.
A maior fraqueza do jogo é exatamente o que não torna a baixa variedade de inimigos um defeito: a curta duração. Eu demorei 3,5h pra fechar o título, sendo que morri uma boa quantidade de vezes e tive que recomeçar alguns combates. São só 4 capítulos que podem ser fechados em menos de 30 minutos cada (tem até conquista disso), me deixando com um tremendo gosto amargo de quero mais. Eu queria mais daquele universo, daqueles personagens, e foi me oferecido pouco. Se os desenvolvedores lançarem DLCs com mais capitulo por um preço acessível, não veria com maus olhos, mas só isso de conteúdo por R$ 59,99 (preço cheio) é bem lastimável.
O resultado é muito mais positivo do que negativo e a experiência valeu a pena.

I think the combat has a lot of great ideas but is kinda clumsy execution wise, I mean the 1v1 combat is perfect, until 3 enemies it's still very fun, but when you have 5 enemies or more, it's just hard to get out of some situations and you can be stunlock pretty easily. The very sekiro idea of having to deflect or dodge is great but sometimes two enemies do a different attack, and it becomes very confusing like what input do I use ? BUT the game is very pretty, the voice acting is really fun and it feels really great most of the times. I was just too frustrated to finish it. Maybe I'm playing it wrong though not sure

El juego más español que he jugado jamás.

¡Y está bastante bien! Quizás es demasiado corto para mi gusto. Formado por cuatro capítulos de alrededor de una hora cada uno, me parece que el juego le podría haber molado más niveles y variedad, pero entiendo que esto es el primer juego hecho por un grupo de estudiantes y aun así el nivel de trabajo simplemente es espectacular.

El juego podría definirse como una especie de juego de acción basado en combate y en el uso de contraataques, esquivas y demás. Un poco como Sekiro. Pero hace bastante enfoque en el uso del escenario para su "picaresca" y la verdad es que mola cómo hace enfoque en estos aspectos y creo que lo hace de maravilla.

Ahora bien, el juego quizás es un poco tosco en algunos momentos y en sus controles, hay secciones de plataformeo que no son demasiado interesantes y la actriz de voz de la protagonista, aunque me gusta su claro toque español, también he de decir que se le nota mucho su inexperiencia comparado con otros actores.

Ahora bien, el juego creo que tiene un sistema de combate tan interesante y bien conseguido que destaca mucho por ejemplo en su modo "arena". No suelo probar estas cosas, pero me gusta mucho el enfoque más "Roguelite" que tiene y creo que funciona muy bien.


Playing En Garde and SIfu in a short timespan has really helped me compare and contrast these two setpiece fighters (that's not a genre but whatever man). Where Sifu wants to evoke martial arts movies, En Garde wants you to feel like Inigo Montoya or Puss in Boots. Where Sifu demands precision and repetition, En Garde encourages you to play around and try daring schemes. All of these differences are what enticed me to try out this game in the first place. One difference, though, puts it slightly behind Sifu in my opinion - En Garde is just not as polished of a game. Your movement is often going to clip on the environment, and enemy attacks have a homing quality to them that makes fights in large groups a little more chaotic than they should be.

I feel bad for having such a negative tone when writing this, because there is a terrific sequel just begging to be made here. En Garde almost feels like a tryout for the big one following this game up - music and visuals are enchanting and whimsical, characters are endearing and the basic mechanics powering combat naturally nudge you into the boots of the games' heroine. If only the game was in the oven slighty longer - both to even out the games' rough edges and add a little more meat on its bones. I'm eager for what comes next!

Muchos títulos, sobre todo de la escena indie, se ven solapados para representar meras experiencias anexas a otros grandes de la industria, como lo son Sekiro, el cual forjó el género de parry por excelencia. Aun así, existen excepciones que logran convertirse en juegos que funcionan perfectamente por sí mismos, a pesar de sus influencias.

Este es el caso de "En Garde!", un indie con diversas bases, pero con un carisma desbordante. Nos encontramos en un ambiente español, en el que somos Adalia, una espadachín, que tiene que superar diversos escenarios en búsqueda de erradicar la corrupción de su gobierno. La mecánica principal funciona con parrys o bloqueos perfectos, además de esquives que irán bajando la barra de postura de nuestros enemigos.

¿Qué hace entonces a este título especial y diferente a Sekiro? Gratamente, existe un elemento del gameplay que logra que esta experiencia sea sumamente única y diferente a las demás. La jugabilidad nos traslada de escenarios tales como patios, callejones, puertos, entre otros entornos, los cuales están repletos de objetos que podemos usar a conveniencia, y los que deberemos utilizar para planear una estrategia que nos ayude a vencer. Cubetas de agua, barriles explosivos, cañones, trampas, e incluso pollo frito serán más que imperantes para lograr el cometido de Adalia, acompañado asimismo de un sistema de plataformeo y aventura más que competente.

Si bien este título tiene pequeños bugs y momentos engorrosos, así también como ciertas batallas que bordean lo injusto, brilla por su estilo gráfico caricaturesco, su tono hilarante y ridículo, su música de flamenco y otras corrientes españolas, y, por sobre todo, su pulido y divertido gameplay.

Brisk and irreverent; my two favorite qualities in a game. And the swordfighting... let's just say that when the going got tough, I didn't lower the difficulty (as I typically am wont to do in games) but instead reconsidered my strategy and took stock of my environment. It's really fun and dynamic.

save me swashbuckler yuri
swashbuckler yuri
swashbuckler yuri... save me..

While En Garde! is probably enough colorful action fun for most, the janky combat eventually became more frustrating than it was worth while the writing began to wear out its welcome. There is an incredibly solid foundation here with a fun, fast, and satisfying action system but it comes out a little underbaked here. There is no doubt endless potential with the team behind this.

feels more like a proof of concept for a fighting system than a full game but it's a really damn cool fighting system, so it's hard to fault it for that.

Mir gefällt wie unbeschwert die gesamte Atmosphäre dieses Spiels ist. Gegner juxen noch, selbst nachdem man sie besiegt hat und die Geschichte ist komplett belanglos, aber so charmant over-acted, dass es doch wieder Spaß macht.

Diese Atmosphäre setzt einen guten Rahmen für die Kämpfe, in denen man sich mit allen Tricks einer Kneipenschlägerei gegen eine Überzahl an Gegnern durchsetzt. Diese Kämpfe sind das was das Spiel auszeichnen, doch leider gibt es recht schnell keine neuen Ideen mehr. Spätere Gegnertypen sind im Prinzip nur leicht stärkere Varianten der früheren Gegner.

Doch bei der kurzen Länge des Spiels fällt das kaum ins Gewicht, denn das Spiel endet bevor es zu repetitiv wird.

Als Auflockerung gibt es zwischen den Kämpfen immer wieder Jumping-Puzzles, welche sehr uninspiriert wirken im Vergleich zum Rest des Spiels. Hier hätte man sich vielleicht noch den ein oder anderen Kniff einfallen lassen können.

Insgesamt macht En Garde für ein Paar Stunden allerdings viel Spaß und hat einen sehr liebenswerten Stil.

Combat is fun to play and so addictive. using the environment
against enemies and bosses is so creative and fun to do.
Art-style is fantastic and pretty, Music is also very good.

But game is too short and get too repetitive and there isn't many enemy variation, you'll just see the same enemies over and over. also the bosses get reused. Final boss was below average and nothing special.

Story is bad.