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in the past

I can't quite pinpoint what, but something was lacking in the combat, and despite the journey being enjoyable, the ending was rather weak. That being said, I found a lot of life in a Tokyo overrun by the supernatural and was captivated by the style of combat animations, which are a spectacle in themselves.

A game with art direction this inspired should not be so agonizingly dull to play.

A ambientação desse game é perfeita, gráficos lindos. A gameplay é simples porém repetitiva e a trilha sonora é boa mas não é espetacular. A exploração é um ponto alto, assim como as sidequests mas a história da campanha principal é meio xoxa, tirando o final.

The game just hurts to look at. The first person seriously sucks, and the combat with the finger is just stupid looking.

Ghostwire Tokyo is a visual delight with a cool concept and a somewhat different twist on the open-world action genre.
The gameplay loop is pretty fun, though I felt that it did get a bit repetitive after a dozen or so hours of playing. The campaign is fairly short, and it's loaded with your typical run-of-the-mill open-world side-adventures, ala Assassin's Creed, Spider-Man, Arkham City etc. However, I found getting around Tokyo in Ghostwire to not be nearly as enjoyable as in those other games, making the side-adventures a tad less desirable to complete.

Visuals are great, especially the presentation of Tokyo itself. Moreover, the monster (visitor) designs are absolutely top notch. There are some truly terrifying creatures in this game.
Their horrific portrayal, along with the creepy abandoned city creates an atmosphere that is quite chilling, which was a tad more on the horror side of the genre than I had expected going in.

Regarding the story: I found it very difficult to follow, and thus with the exception of what was happening on the surface level, I had a really tough time understanding what the heck was going on, which made it challenging for me to connect to the characters -- this simply could just boil down to me being too smooth-brained to properly connect the dots.

Overall, Ghostwire Tokyo is a pretty solid open-world game that I would definitely recommend trying, especially if you can find it on the cheap. I did enjoy most of my time playing.
However, despite the campaign being fairly short with some oddly rushed pacing toward the last couple of chapters, I was still ready for the game to be over with when the ending arrived.

+ short but sweet main story, enjoyed the interactions between the two main characters and got a bit tearful by the end
+ unique setting and enjoyed learning more about elements of Japanese culture featured in the game
+ interesting side quests
- combat system very basic
- way too many collectibles - many hours required to pick up collectibles which became very tedious
- rogue-lite mode in Spiders Web DLC not fun at all...yet more collectibles which were RNG based to add further insult to injury!

The map design was top-notch, and the story was a beautiful experience as well, but the gameplay and the side missions just felt way too repetitive after like 6 hours, and I just wanted to finish the game to see where the story would go. Overall, I'm really happy that I gave this game a chance because it was definitely an experience.

It's fun completing the Main Story and Side Missions (my personal favorite was the haunted school questline). But it is a pain to get the platinum trophy.

eres chino tus padres no te quieren y eres poseio por carlos el tio de mariconchi

ben hayatımda hem bu kadar eğlendiğim hem de bu kadar sıkıldığım bi oyun oynamadım

I abandoned Ghostwire: Tokyo. Why? Because it’s a boring nothingness game. You do nothing in it. Literally. Go there, kill this, open the map. It’s, oh my god. So boring. DualSense support is great but the combat for example is not good.

There are very little things you can do in combat. It mostly comes to spamming your ammo or magic bullets or whatever they are called in this game. And there is also very little enemy variety. And basically no story 4 hours in.

I just couldn’t get through it. I really don’t want to play this so I just abandoned it. It’s not good. Do NOT waste your time or money on this.

It's a short and perfectly functional game, but not much else to show for it. The open world is actually what kept me hooked, purely from an aesthetic standpoint. It's got a lot of information on Japanese culture for those interested, lots of cool little sections, but overall not much variety in terms of gameplay. The powers felt nice to use, but most of the enemies go down easy once you have enough upgrades.

The game has some neat little parts. I like the Tanuki hunts, it's a nice fun thing to collect around the city. I like the flying around rooftops. I like how the game allows you to get a reward for collecting the hundred odd collectibles (I'm a bit of a crazed completionist at times so I end up collecting this stuff). There's a lot of nice little things, but it doesn't connect together.

Story wise it's alright, they seem to have tried something which is better than nothing. But lots of plotlines are left open, lots of little things that go nowhere. Would have liked to learn more about KK and the crew. Akito's story doesn't go anywhere at all until the very end, which is really amateurish.

Overall not terrible, but pretty forgettable. It's just visually stunning. The school level is a standout though, genuinely scary horror setting and a nice story to go with.

Lo bueno del juego está en lo visual, animaciones tremendas, unos gráficos espectaculares, pero hasta ahí. La historia de momento no me decía nada, la introducción es un poco rara pero no he jugado lo suficiente como para formar una opinión decente.

Digo esto, porque el juego va terrible porque tienen la tremenda idea de meterle Denuvo al juego, y que lo que podría haber sido una experiencia visualmente espectacular, se queda en unos visuales que van a tirones por una avaricia que ni siquiera sirve porque el juego está pirata. Ya ni siquiera hablar del terrible port que han sacado para un juego de 2022.

Respecto al gameplay, inicialmente esta guay, pero he escuchado que se vuelve repetitivo, y puedo verlo viendo las bases.

No creo que sea mal juego, pero no puedo recomendar un juego así.

Gorgeous visuals and overall quite cool aesthetic, especially if you're a weeb like myself. Genuinely spooky at times too, I wish they leaned more into that aspect of things.
Gameplay starts off rough but gets a bit better like 40% of the way through once you get a handful of upgrades. The gameplay loop is still mediocre though and as usual for these types of games the amount of collectibles is overwhelming.
Story isn't anything to write home about either, Akito and KK are the only characters worth giving a damn about, but it ends on a strong note with the last 45 or so minutes.

The game is a really good base but it needs some more refinement, the gameplay loop gets stale pretty quick, the upgrades help a lot to mitigate this but enemies either feel like sponges or they're made of glass. the music and atmosphere of the game were highlights for me and being able to explore Shibuya from the rooftops was super fun. the story was nice and satisfying, it did a good job making me feel very thrust into the situation of the game. The constant references to Japanese folklore was something i enjoyed a lot too. this game is so close to being great, the core gameplay was just lacking for me.

Really cool game with very nice gameplay and mechanics

Praticamente um turismo virtual pela noite de Tóquio, combinado com uma trama sobrenatural fortemente conectada com o folclore japonês. Inclusive, a direção artística escolhida para retratar os Visitantes me agradou bastante. Seres dismorfos de pele pálida e sem nenhuma expressão facial, com tons de azul pra reforçar sua natureza espiritual. E os mais ameaçadores costumam vestir vermelho, deixando bem claro que você está em perigo. Os yokais - criaturas que realmente existem no folclore deles - seguem mais ou menos a mesma linha. Aliás, sempre que eu encontrava um novo yokai, dava um Google pra compará-lo com a versão das pinturas japonesas. Por essas razões, Ghostwire: Tokyo é um jogo extremamente convidativo, te ganha com os olhos. Mas arrisca te perder nas primeiras 15 horas, quando os principais problemas começam a aparecer.

1. A história principal é bem água com açúcar e o seu desenrolar não é lá muito imersivo. É verdade que o excesso de atividades secundárias atrapalha o foco na main quest, porém a mesma não se ajuda. Ela te faz dar uns rodeios pelo mapa que várias vezes você se pega pensando o que diabos está fazendo ali.

2. As side quests em geral são simplórias e repetem a mesma estrutura, embora algumas se destaquem por um ou outro elemento criativo. Mas de especial mesmo só consigo apontar a quest da escola (Fear for the Children). Ela é tão especial que chega a ser a melhor coisa do jogo. Uma pena que eles pouco exploraram essa vertente do survival horror, pois foi onde Ghostwire mais brilhou. O universo desse game seria um prato cheio pro gênero...

3. No começo o combate é tão limitado que chega a ser chato, ao ponto de você evitá-lo sempre que possível. Felizmente as coisas melhoram significativamente quando você desbloqueia novos recursos e vai ficando mais poderoso. Não é como se a dinâmica de combate mudasse completamente, mas só de você ter outras opções além do poderzinho mequetrefe de vento... fora os talismãs e o aerial quick purge que permitem bolar umas boas estratégias de luta. O mesmo vale pra exploração nos telhados: fica gostoso absorver espíritos depois que você sumona tengu e aumenta o glide.

Dito isso, eu dividiria minha experiência em duas partes: as 15 horas iniciais, focando em completar missões e tendo que lidar com um gameplay limitado que me afastou do jogo por 1 mês; e as 30 horas restantes, quando decidi investir cada vez em melhoramentos ao perceber que eles tornavam a jogatina mais prazerosa. Bati max level ainda no Chapter 4 e a essa altura, Ghostwire já havia se tornado um comfort game para mim. Eu chegava do trabalho e só queria relaxar pulando de telhado em telhado, coletando os espíritos que eu via pela frente e limpando torii gates pra ir atrás de mais Jizo Statues pra ficar mais forte. E no meio desse caminho eu fazia algumas missões. Não sou o cara dos coletáveis, mas aqui fazer isso compensa demais. Espíritos, magatamas, investigation notes e estátuas aumentam sua "qualidade de vida".

Ghostwire: Tokyo tem um teto de qualidade muito bem definido. Objetivamente, não consigo visualizar algo além de um bom jogo. Contudo, lembrarei com muito carinho das horas que passei vagando pelos becos e telhados de Tóquio.

- Acabei salvando 78% dos espíritos da cidade, muito mais do que eu projetava lá no início do jogo. Achava que não bateria nem 50%, mas como descrevi acima, as coisas mudaram de figura.
- Completei quase todas as missões secundárias. Fico devendo na purgação de fotos e no hide and seek (fiz 1 de cada).
- Técnicas de combate que mais usei: charged de água pra hordas, fireball pra peixe grande, stun talisman pra parar o danado do Sanguine, exposure talisman de vez em quando, aerial quick purge + grapple para os grupinhos de Retributions, muita paciência contra o Silent Gaze e sempre no wire in contra a Ice Bride. Parry? Mal usei.
- Se o design dos Visitantes e dos yokais é memorável, o dos bosses é uma mistureba esquecível. Só Ko-omote salva. Além da decepção estética, as batalhas em si são fraquíssimas. Confrontos com os Visitantes mais cascas grossas vão ficar na minha memória muito mais que as boss battles. Muito mais.

I played this game for quite some time, really liked it, but at some point my pc died, and after getting the game back on a new pc, about half of my game progress was erased for some reason. I will continue this game in the future because i liked it so far, just not anytime soon.

EDIT: Well, i had to replace some of my PC parts to worse ones, so i wont be able to continue this game even if i wanted to, so i will review stuff i was able to experience so far in the game.
IT HAS TONS OF "COLLECTIBLES", the "souls" are everywhere, around every corner and on every roof, and i hate it that i like collecting them! :D
And more upgrades for movement i have - the more "souls" i want to collect, because "now it's easier to do, so why the hell not".
But those upgrades tho... I dont know, most of them seem useless for some reason.
I really liked the music and it saddens me that i can't turn the game on right now to play it and wander around collecting stuff and killing things.
About killing things - The game might look scary, like some sort of open world horror, but don't let it fool you. After just a while it becomes pretty easy to deal with the monsters and you treat them like normal enemies in any other game.
Story is very simple, but i, surprisingly even for me, found myself invested in it and it's characters. I don't know what's gonna happen next, since i've beaten about 50% of the game for now, but i hope it won't disappoint me when i eventually finish it.

"It's another one of those" is a phrase that comes up a lot when discussing open world checklist games with skill trees and Ghostwire: Tokyo sure is another one of those. It being a very urban environment with some amount of interiors is cool but the heavy focus on map markers makes it difficult to feel like you are exploring an area. The combat looks cool and it can occasionally feel great but it's not interesting enough to sustain the amount of time you will spend on it. The three different elemental powers do feel different from one another and show their individual strengths once you've gone down the skill tree. I did quite enjoy the side quests because they do usually lead to a unique interior. There writing isn't bad but it does not do much to make you care about the story or characters. I feel I just don't have much to say about this game. It's OK.

GhostWire Tokyo captivates with its visually striking and engaging supernatural experience. While not groundbreaking in story or gameplay, its appeal lies in flashy aesthetics, excellent music, and a compelling ambiance. While it may not revolutionize the gaming industry, the beauty, graphics, and ghostly soundtrack create an alluring and mysterious atmosphere. For those seeking quality supernatural entertainment, GhostWire Tokyo is undoubtedly worth the experience.

A handful of shining moments hidden in a pretty sea of vapid gameplay.
+ culturally focused setting that has its urban open world filled with distinct items and creatures
+ immersive graphics featuring a lot of stunning visual effects particularly during linear sections
+ great soundtrack supporting horror, action, and drama alike
+ enjoyable banter between the two main characters offsetting the lack of NPCs
+ decently written narrative that may not amount to much overall but at the very least has some storytelling ambition
+ exceptional final hour highlighting the game's missed potential
+/- needlessly large map that barely gets explored during the main quest
- a lot of noticeable bugs
- low enemy variety and terrible boss fights
- basic shooting that only becomes adequate with late game abilities
- crazy oversaturation of (admittedly fitting) collectibles made worse by tedious mechanics

A game with a setting that had a lot of potential, but ended up being a pretty mediocre by the numbers open world.

With a better story, characters, gameplay and maybe lean more into horror (and cut out all the icon bulshit on the map) this could have been a new favorite.

Also, adding a roguelike mode to a game with serviceble gameplay was not the best use of their time.

Still, I must give points for the haunting and aesthetically accurate recreation of tokyo , the creepy designs of the different yokai, and some of the cool visual effects used throughout the game. Sad that everything else wasn't up to par.

O último jogo publicado para Bethesda com exclusividade temporária PlayStation é uma surpresa muito da agradável!

Ghostwire Tokyo conta a história de um acontecimento: Todos os habitantes da cidade de Tóquio SUMIRAM e ninguém sabe o porquê. Akito, o nosso herói e protagonista dessa saga, é possuído por um espírito que por sua vez é um detetive, seu nome é KK e ele entrega poderes incríveis para nosso personagem e, sem ele, não somos porra nenhuma.

A história do jogo é um clichê famoso: o protagonista era um merda, uma pessoa ruim que perde seus pais e agora tem de cuidar de sua irmã mais nova que ele sempre privou de interações e de amor. Sua irmã se chama Mari e bem, ela está hospitalizada após um incêndio no apartamento deles, incêndio este acidental.

O vilão, Hannya, e sua gangue de espíritos sem-rosto que são chamadas de visitantes no jogo obviamente querem a irmã de Akito para ela ser a peça final do plano malígno de nosso vilão, que é desconhecido até metade do jogo.

É uma história Clichê? sim, definitivamente. Mas, Ghostwire: Tokyo tem uma história muito bem amarradinha aliado a um gameplay muito gostoso de se jogar, o que não é tão fácil de se ver nos jogos atuais que se tem ou um, ou outro.

Por mais que tenha um ótimo gameplay, excelentes bossfights e afins, existem alguns erros sim, como em todo jogo. O Sistema de RPG não se sustenta e se mostra as vezes um tanto quanto desnecessário. As suas árvores de habilidades não são TÃO impactantes quanto poderiam e deveriam ser. O jogo é um mundo aberto. Mas.... mundo aberto numa tóquio vazia? Ok, você tem espíritos espalhados por toda a cidade com missões secundárias e animais para interagir. Mas, será mesmo que é uma grande experiência?

É um jogo muito subestimado, é uma experiência muito boa, agradável e não tão longa do jogo. Ele dura o tempo que tem que durar sem ficar repetitivo. (aprende, Ubisoft!) Uma surpresa muito agradável, vale a pena jogar!

(from original post in 2023) not very good

выглядит ебейше, даже интересно обсасывать и исследовать Токио первые 8-10 часов. брошена, поскольку не затянула настолько, чтобы залипнуть. хоть и играется довольно неплохо.

It is sad to see how much potential was wasted on this game. A few sections, especially when you are in buildings and start hallucinating, are breathtaking. Gorgeous visuals combined with a beautiful atmosphere left me open-mouthed more than once.
The potential was also wasted horrendously because you could only pet the dawgs and not properly the cats. wtf #notforcatslover
But sadly right after those sequences, you have a very generic semi-open-world shooter that indeed has some unique twists but ultimately consists of killing the same 4 enemies and clearing the same-looking areas repeatedly. It also felt rough around the edges many times and had many bugs and an overall unpolished feel. The story was alright but nothing to remember. For the 7 hours it takes to finish the main story, it was a fun experience but anything more than that becomes boring extremely fast.

I also just couldn't stop thinking about Sukuna whenever the protagonist talked to his hand...

bi süre sonra harbi sıkıyor oraya git şunu ara bunu bul yolunu bulmakla uğraş.

cool concept but gets kinda boring

Uma gameplay e ambientação muito boas e história legalzinha. O mundo aberto é meio chato de explorar as vezes. Recomendo
Obs: zerei com 13h

Ambientação, temática japonesa e história são seus pontos altos, a gameplay deixa a desejar, mas novamente é mais um completo pra tudo que o jogo representa.