Reviews from

in the past

This game was so stressful I should not have played it at age 4

I am going to strangle that snake. Bare hands. I don't care what it takes.

q*bert is like the video game guy

This is a pretty decent puzzle platformer.

This little orange with a long snoot hops around on these blocks, and whenever he dies, he says “fuck”, or whatever those symbols are supposed to mean. It’s almost as if the people who made this game back in the day knew exactly what I wanted out of a video game, and thus, I am declaring this the Citizen Kane of video games.

Game #249

Replaying this in the arcade, I still don't know what the hell this is

Q*bert tem um conceito de puzzle interessante, mas o desafio vem bem mais pela perspectiva isométrica, difícil de acostumar. O destaque é seu design de som e o humor do jogo. Mas no geral esse é um caso onde a experiência valeu mais pelo valor histórico.

I never understood Q*bert

it looks cool visually and thats it
fuck this little gumball bitch and fuck Adam Sandler for makin a movie where it has sex with the nerd guy three times

Comunque meglio di Spider-Man del 2018

Main character of Pixels (2015) everyone.

Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)
Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)

This game used revolutionary technology for Q*Bert's iconic catchphrase. Most people can't tell since they've only played the version where it's always censored to "@!#?@!", but in the uncensored version Q Bert was actually programmed to say a new and unique racial slur on every playthrough

Cute and bizarre at the same time. The controls are simple, but the enemy pathing keeps you on your toes as your jump around, painting blocks. The novelty does wear off pretty quickly since there's really only one level design.

I like Qbert way more than I should. It’s a fun game with a decent gameplay loop and challenge but maybe it’s because I find Qbert the character so endearing or because I love Wreck-It Ralph and Qbert has a role in that but for some reason I love Qbert. It’s always satisfying to complete a grid.

Sucked so bad at this as a kid. Suck even worse now as an adult.

Incredibly weird but pretty straightforward and unique. I've had it with these mother@!#?@!ing snakes on this mother@!#?@!ing 4-dimentional cubic plane!

I love the characters of Q*bert and sometimes enjoy playing it just for fun, but then always struggle playing the game for very long. I never have been good at it and only play for about ten levels before losing.

I don't need to explain QBert, do I?

In fact I would love for someone to explain to me how you ever get used to the controls! For the life of me I can never stop making the poor little thing leap to his doom because I push up forgetting that they're going to jump up and to the right.

I'm sorry, Q
Bert. You deserve better than doofuses like me playing this.

A fairly decent port of Q*bert considering what it's running on

o jogo mais filho da puta criado pela humanidade medíocre maldita.

Gosto mais de Qbert como conceito do que jogo, graças ao se visual estranhão que nunca encelhecerá e a jogabilidade única. Mas nunca consegui jogar por mais de meia horinha sem perder o interesse.

I love this stupid motherfucker. Wait holy shit you can play this game on a TI-99 calculator?!!!