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in the past

i'm being hauled away by two security enforcers, am hollering at the top of my lungs APOLLO IS STILL ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING AND COMPELLING CHARACTERS IN THE ENTIRE AA SERIES AND CAPCOM SABOTAGED THE LAST CASE OF HIS GAME TO MAKE ROOM FOR BRAND RECOGNITION IN PHOENIX is choked and does not wake up for several hours

Retaining the spirit of the original trilogy, Apollo Justice provides an enjoyable experience for those wanting more.

(spoiler drop at the end of the review)
Ambitious as it is messy, Apollo Justice is an interesting hodgepodge next entry in the series. It was a super pleasant ride for the good majority of it, but ultimately led to more frustration than I ever could've expected.

To start things positively, there's the general case mystery structure. Other than really 4-2, case mysteries are superwell structured in terms of the 'how' and 'why', with genuinely more grounded murders all wrapped in a different but welcome new tone. The pacing of it all tends to wobble between awful and bearable, but I still had an excellent experience putting the pieces together in something like 4-3.

The new characters range from completely new different types of cardboard to stare at like Apollo and Skye, to more interesting well developed characters, like the magicians, the Gavinners, and Trucy. They overall all feel very fresh and their own thematic struggles with the law and truth were interesting.

This does not extend to the massive elephant in the room. I can appreciate the outer workings and surface level wonders AJ pulls for a good amount of time, but there is something that needs to be addressed. Apollo Justice follows Trials and Tribulations with having a slowly moving and opened up puzzle box that reveals connections between cases that were always there that you can slowly pick up on and piece together.


Just kidding, Phoenix fucking Wright is here to tell you that he actually 5headed the entire game from day 1, and that you're literally on the coattails for him metanarratively pulling all the strings just so he can get revenge on this one dude in the most epic cucking ever staged. Words do not begin to describe the amount of frustration the final case for me was just to see all of the interesting thematic threads be tied to the dumbest character story I've seen thus far. Phoenix Wright actually brings down the entire game with his inclusion and having the whole story revolve around him. Fuck him, he was always cardboard in the previous games anyway and yet they somehow dropped the ball at even making his new struggle interesting.

Overall, despite my ridiculously jaded final impressions, I'd still recommend playing AA4 to an extent if you liked all the games previous. But you better be prepared for when it trips over the finish line and lands on its face.

The Perceive mechanic could be really cool, but… you know what all video gamed players really love to do? Go on spot the difference hunts over a gigantic sprite and search for the witness crying blood a little bit or whatever stupid poker tell they have.

Klavier was in this game and Capcom decided that actually he wasn’t that interesting GOODBYE KLAVIER and he hasn’t appeared since. I have a headcanon that he just prosecutes corporate finance law now and has a very cosy home life with Apollo and just listens to Apollo’s crazy ass stories

the bad:
perceiving was so annoying it was like the only thing i consistently used walkthru on bc i just didnt want to deal w it
i never wanna watch that video of lamiroir and klavier again
wesley stickler
i think apollo and trucy shouldve had more of a role in the final investigation but i get that it was like phoenix passing the torch to apollo

the good:
whoever thought up disbarred cynical phoenix is a genius
i love the new cast so much 😔 their new dynamic is so fun i wouldve loved to see them all hash it out in continuing games 😔
the cases were super charming too 😔
tbh i thought kristoph was a super interesting villain

also not sure yet if i feel like this is a good or bad but i feel like phoenix shouldve said smth abt them being siblings at the end

tl;dr ily trucy and klavier technically not as good as the main trilogy but i guess im just more invested in this story than i was before


has the best first case in the series but the rest of the game doesn't live up to that (except arguably case 4)

apollo justice was okay. apollo was an ok protagonist. stuff didn't made sense to me but that first case was cool!! it still doesn't make any sense to me!!! it's alright :)

The only aa game objectively worth this rating on my list lmao

trucy and ema and klavier and hobo phoenix! what's not to love?

oh, and apollo's cute too

Apollo Justice traz uma trama pós eventos da trilogia Phoenix Wright, com um mistério envolvendo a perda do direito de ser advogado do lendário Phoenix.

Entram em cena Apollo Justice e Trucy Wright, a nova dupla dinâmica que irá não só dar continuidade ao trabalho de Phoenix, como também adentrar no mistério o envolvendo e descobrir fatos extraordinários que também os envolvem.

Como primeiro título totalmente produzido para DS, AJ traz as mecânicas de investigação introduzidas no caso extra do primeiro jogo da série, adicionado como prova de conceito das funcionalidades que só viriam a ser exploradas neste título.

Excelente roteiro com pitadas não lineares e entrelaçamento de eventos ocorridos no presente e no passado. Infelizmente, as mecânicas novas não foram tão bem utilizadas como poderiam ter sido, deixando a desejar.

A sensação é que o último caso do primeiro Ace Attorney esgotou as melhores ideias e AJ foi deixado com ideas sobressalentes.

Imo the best ace attorney. The setting, atmosphere, characters and especially the music. Absolutely KINO

This is, in my opinion, the best game in the series. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney takes place 7 years after the previous game and proposes the question: "What happened to Phoenix Wright?" The game develops Wright himself through the eyes of Apollo - a pawn in a larger game, trying to find his place in the world. It's a fantastic story, with each case being of a high standard and contributing to a general theme of questioning the legal system itself. New gameplay mechanics and a new cast of characters help keep everything fresh. All of this, on top of a fantastic reworked set of visuals and an amazing soundtrack, solidifies Apollo Justice as a classic and a personal favorite.

While certainly not as explosive/bombastic as the first 3, this one gets through with a really nice and moody atmosphere. I really liked the characters, although I wish it didn't really feel like Apollo was a side player in his own game at points.

I also seemed to enjoy case 3 a lot more than everyone else.

I don't know why people like this one so much.
Definitely the weakest of the pre-3ds games. (But still a very strong and good game.)

People might hate this game, but I love Apollo and I love how sneaky hobo Phoenix Wright is.

A lovely tutorial case followed up with an uncomfortable second case, a deeply troubled third case, and a bizarre, hollow finale. Far from the franchise's finest hour.

Some real low lows in this one! Still very fun though.

Not the best AA game but far from the worst

Much like the main character, the game is fine.

Man this game's a MESS but the ambiance and tone is my favorite of the AA series and its intro case is my favorite non-final case in the series too

Shame that Apollo and Trucy kinda don't do anything in this game tho

Apollo's lame but Klavier is hot so it evens out.

This review contains spoilers

i like apollo and trucy running around taking orders from their insane uncle phoenix and i like the music and tone a lot and i like the theme with the law and stuff and it has spark brushel BUT i wasn't very interested in the magicians and the third case is so horrific IMO who gives a shit about the Borginian Egg

This game does have some problems, like kicking off the worrying trend of Phoenix continuing to basically be the protagonist despite having had a full trilogy and character arc to himself, which only got worse when Capcom decided this game was a failure... However, it's still pretty good. The culprit of the final case is still one of my favorite villains in the series, and the game really does start off with a bang.

I don't really think any of the cases are particularly... bad... per se... but there are definitely segments of cases that are bad. You're sure gonna make us watch that video that many times, huh. We get it, you're proud of the DS's new graphical capabilities.

juegazo con tremendo OST y personajes entrañables

El juego más infravalorado de la franquicia, totalmente recomendado. Los personajes son agradables y la historia deja puente para un montón de cosas a futuro.

This review contains spoilers

like the same with jfa with half the case is okay cases but the cases ARE good are incredible. the cold war between kristoph and phoenix over the course of 7 years and having it all wrap up in 4-4 was absolutely phenomenal and kristoph is like my top 3 character

The transition from Phoenix to Apollo was rough. I appreciate the games desire to be different, but most of its attempts are hard misses that have had lasting effects on the series.