Reviews from

in the past

Mejor que el de Sega empieza otra guerra sin sentido 30 años después

I wouldn't wish for any changes for this game.

When I think of a fun Disney movie game it always be Aladdin on SNES. The Developers for Aladdin was CAPCOM and handling the game was a smart choice. The game looks and sounds great. The Genie level is my favorite part for its design and the rendition of Friend like me is well done.

A few flaws from the game would be that it is too short, and the 100% completion is pointless. I would recommend this game if you're looking for a short and fun time.


Just a great colorful and fun game but the third stage is awful

final jafar fight and level fuckin sucked

Yeah, it might be prettier and more polished than the Mega Drive version, but is it better?


It's better than the Sega Genesis one

Fun and very exciting soundtrack to add to it! The carpet riding levels always got me as a kid.

A fantastic game overall that is sadly lacking in content. A playthrough shouldn't ever go over an hour or even half an hour for a real gamer. The grpahics and great with nice sprite work. The music is awesome with good renditons of music from the movie (A Whole New World especially). The controls are near perfect and a fair challenge with no cheap deaths. Highly recomemended.

This was rad when I was kid but replaying it as a teen and adult never hit the same.

Completed with all 70 gems and 6 golden scarabs collected. Inspired by the recent film release, I thought that I'd give this classic 2D platformer a try - and while it feels a bit clunky in some respects, this SNES game holds up impressively well. It's certainly somewhat slower-paced than many modern platformers, for the most part (flying carpet level excepted), but the core platforming gameplay is rock solid, while still managing to have some satisfyingly well-hidden secrets to track down (red gems, rewarding a 'better' end sequence when enough are collected). Alongside that, technically, Disney's Aladdin is very impressive, with highly detained, expressive animation and graphics, as well as a decent rendition of classic songs (or very similar variations). I hear that the Genesis/Mega Drive game is generally more highly-regarded, but don't regret spending time with this release.

I honestly can't recall the last time I've seen Aladdin, maybe like a decade ago when it was randomly on TV. Since I'm more of an Anime girl nowadays, I rarely watch anything like movies like that. Though I know how popular and great this movie was for many and I respect that. I also have just never touched the games for it, not even the popular Mega Drive game. So why did I play the Super Famicom version done by Capcom? I don't know, just felt like it.

This is a platformer that put levels into multiple sections. It's nothing too complicated for the genre and sometimes that's fine as you can run, jump, and even throw apples to stun or kill some enemies. Jumping on enemies also has Aladdin vault off an enemy. He's actually quite athletic in this game being able to vault, swing on many things, and even grabbing ledges.

The level design isn't too much to brag about especially by 1993 but I would be lying if I didn't say it wasn't a lot of fun. You can really feel a lot of flow in this one that's to all the athletic movement Aladdin has letting the platforming flow really nice outside of like one auto scroll level. The game does try to change things up like having a carpet level but for the most part it's just platforming.

This does come at a cost of difficulty and length. The game is pretty easy as it not only gives you many chances to grab more health, health extends, and even a bonus stage if you grab a gold scarab. You even can find this sheet that can be used as a glider and you only lose it if you get a game over. The game also doesn't have too many stages which is a shame.

The bosses are surprisingly small amount. In fact, there's only like 3 and two of them are the final parts of the game. It's weird because you fight one in the first stage who is very simple might I add. I wonder if Capcom didn't have enough time to do more though I guess knowing the movie from the little I can remember of it, maybe it makes sense.

The game graphically looks nice though before I get people mad at me, yeah I know it's not as cool as the Mega Drive version but if you look at this without thinking of that game I think it does a good job. Though I don't like Aladdin's sprite. It just looks off to me. The music is good too, I'm not sure how much of it is from the movie but I really like the stage 1 and 2 themes.

This one was surprising to me, I really wasn't expecting to enjoy it too much but it's pretty good. It's not like top tier 16 bit game or anything but there's a lot here I enjoy. Wouldn't mind replaying this game someday. Good job Capcom, you did good. There's also a GBA version but I have no clue if that even added anything and I'm not really interested in trying it out. You might enjoy this game but you also might end up in disappointment. Regardless, it could have been much worse and I'm happy I had fun even if it was pretty short.

Not my favorite of the Disney 16-bit platformers, but pretty solid nonetheless. Platforming feels good and the controls are responsive. Levels are fun to jump through and it never quite hits the same frustrating levels of difficulty as the Genesis version. Speaking of, I think I do prefer that version at least in terms of looks.

The music, on the other hand, is much better on the SNES. Not a lot of composures in that era really knew how to get the best out of the Genesis, and Aladdin's music definitely comes out the best through the SNES.

Between the two, this is definitely the better version to play, but I do think the Genesis version of Aladdin is worth checking out. They're both very different despite drawing from the same source material and I think it's neat to see how those teams interpreted key moments, music, and gameplay differently.

Edit: As soon as I finished writing this little review, I remembered the magic carpet/escape level and felt a surge of hate crash through me like a crack of lightning. Docking this .5 stars. To be fair, the Genesis version of this level is also atrocious.

hell yeah aladdin get that parkour

this game is actually really nice, other than a few silly things like the hitboxes of the final boss and that annoying sand level
i think this game was overall really nice, i loved the entirety of stage 4 it is so peak
definitely a game to try out for the snes

Another fun platformer from Capcom. Always felt this was more of an introduction to platformers for people new to the genre because Mega Man X was already a thing and definitely tougher than Aladdin.

Aside from one stage that wasn't in the movie and was just added in, the game is still relatively short. There isn't really a reason to replay this game but Aladdin deserves at least one playthrough for everyone.

Enjoyment: 3.5/4
Gameplay: 2/2
Replayability: 0.5/2
Graphics: 1/1
Sound: 1/1
Total: 8/10

The game was "meh" but... One of the first that I played as a tiny widdle child!! Babababa wah wah brrrrrrrrrr 👶🍼

Uma ótima opção para você que não quer jogar games longos e complicados. Trilha sonora muito boa, tendo algumas músicas do próprio desenho. Os controles são muito simples, o jogo é definitivamente muito fácil, mas não deixa de ser um clássico.

Queria pedir ao gênio uma jogabilidade melhor

Um jogo clássico que eu não entendi o pq ele leva essa alcunha. Talvez pela nostalgia da época em que foi lançado e ser um dos principais desenhos da Disney e ter um nível de fidelidade muito bom com o filme, mas no geral é só isso mesmo.

Eu achei o jogo consideravelmente fácil em comparação com inúmeros títulos da época, mas os controles são ruins.

Alguns retornos dos pulos que damos para matar os inimigos são muito imprevisíveis, principalmente se você estiver perto da borda de uma plataforma.

As vezes é muito complicado analisar jogos antigos simplesmente pq hoje em dia temos mecânicas muito avançadas e se acostumar com algumas coisas antigas pode ser difícil muitas das vezes.

Para mim, Aladdin foi um desses casos, pois achei a principal mecânica do jogo bem chata de se acostumar. Valeu para conhecer e jogar, mas definitivamente não é um jogo que entra na minha lista de favoritos para uma nova jogatina.

Capcpom Chrornicles ~ # 3 ~

Played on that Disney Classic Games compilation on my girlfriend's Switch

As a Sega kid I played the hell out of the Genesis / MD one to hell and back but only ever got to play this version at my school's daycare program when my parents couldn't and / or didn't want to pick me up on time. Even then I thought it paled in comparison. I still do but this was a very comfy playthrough.

I will say I guess I can see why people prefer it over the Genesis / MD version even if I can't agree, the easiness of this one is great to sit down and play in one sitting and the look and sound are classic SNES Capcom and fine in their own right but the Disney supported edge of the Genesis / MD offering blows this games presentation out of the water and is a big reason it leaves a greater impact.

I also understand people saying that the acrobatic Aladdin of this game is more in character, which I can't disagree with entirely. However it has that quirk of making sudden turns slowing your momentum down to a near stop which kind of goes against that design philosophy. This game isn't hard in the slightest so it never gets in the way so to speak, but honestly it makes me prefer even the movement of Aladdin in the Genesis / MD one, which is probably not a good sign because that's the whole selling point of Capcom's SNES offering.

That being said this is not a bad game in the slightest and proof that Capcom and Disney made for, at minimum, "quite good" games when paired together. A comfy nostalgic classic that if I see a cart in the wild (that doesn't have the Nintendo Tax) I will pick up ASAP.

A short platformer with good graphics and controls.
Like a lot of games at the time, limited lives are present, but there is a password system which is a welcome addition.
Certain stages like "Escape from the Cave of Wonders" and "Inside the Genie's Lamp" can be quite annoying and require some patience to beat.

Viel einfacher als ich es in Erinnerung hatte und tatsächlich innerhalb einer Stunde zu Ende gebracht. Spielt sich super, sieht hübsch aus und ich werde die Musik jetzt vermutlich wieder eine ganze Weile im Ohr haben.