Reviews from

in the past

one of the best no doubt, but I don't get the challenging high or griping story of the others

one of the best shooter of all time, Halo 3 is the canonical end to the franchise, with no games taking place after it. It introduces a more in depth character creator, and the forge mode, which are both amazing. The MP is great, with fun maps that only make you wanna eat lead sometimes

i was pretty sure i had beaten this before but im no longer so sure of that? i know for sure i played multiplayer and didn't like it nearly as much as halo 2's. i think i played a bit of the singleplayer campaign but i don't think i must've gotten super far with it.

i mostly liked this one! i won't say it's the best halo i've played so far. i think that's still 2 even though the singleplayer maps were occasionally a bit more frustratingly repetitive than i remembered, but the multiplayer is just so sublime.

this is fun and a nice change of pace from either of its predecessors, though! the difficulty felt a bit higher. like, even with the somewhat quicker respawns we still wiped on split screen co-op more than we did with the previous games, and it was a nice challenge!

anyway, now we finished the fight! there for sure aren't a bunch more games for us to play still, right? right?

When everyone looks and starts of the same the individual choices you do have greater weight and that is why so you notice so many people when playing Halo 3 because people really stick out when they are special, which makes the game a good game to get friends on. Now the quality of the friends is debatable ( Got a guy that would not stop sending me voice messages where he sings ).

The multiplayer was great and to play this on xbox 360 with all the other squeakers and too troll all the other 20s something players was so much fun.

john halo and his vocaloid waifu Finish The Fight(tm)

Probably my favorite Halo game or game in general. Halo 3 has a lot of different weapons to choose from, different types of enemies to fight like the brutes, drones and Jackals (who thank God the snipers are not fucking hard to kill) and different locations. It definitely has a sense of finale to it, most of my favorite characters die, and the battle between the human and the covenant is finally over. With the sangheili being our allies in the end. There's also new ways to play like forge; and you can use theater mode to look back on your gameplay and see what you did wrong or did something incredibly right. I'll never forget the memories this game brought. I might be a bit biased because it is the first Halo game I played. But overall we can all agree this is a good game.

I feel like I would do no justice to this masterpiece in a measly review. Masterpiece. Period.

Livre do desenvolvimento conturbado que seus dois antecedentes tiveram, Halo 3 estava com a bola levantada para cortar o final da trilogia com estilo. E foi exatamente isso que fizeram - enquanto os dois primeiros jogos mostraram o Master Chief como um super-soldado, aqui ele é solidificado como uma lenda. Os cenários são maiores, mais ambiciosos, as lutas sempre levam tudo para o mais explosivo e grandioso, todas as sensações dos jogos anteriores elevadas ao máximo em um final que no que carece da contemplação de antes, paga em empolgação. O ritmo aqui, tanto narrativo quanto em design dos mapas, é impecável; um crescendo que acaba em um estouro e homenagem ao primeiro jogo. Este final resume pra mim Halo 3: não se esquece de suas raízes, e delas cresce em uma obra maior do que a vida, deixando para sempre sua icônica marca no gênero.

Os três primeiros jogos de Halo formam uma trilogia clássica que me acompanhou da infância até o fim da adolescência, e foram pioneiros em diversos aspectos do cenário dos jogos, seu impacto transcendendo até o de seu gênero. Embora simplórios em sua história e narrativa e possam ser resumidos do começo ao fim com a frase “cara verde mata aliens”, a sua grandiosa atinge, até hoje, laços emocionais que não esperava, e a qualidade de sua jogabilidade é ainda divina como era em 2000. A sua energia misteriosa e contemplativa, sua trilha sonora lindíssima, seu design de encontros inigualável - são aspectos fantásticos de uma trilogia que até hoje se consolida como o pacote completo que é, elevando-se acima (e através) dos clichés que habita com tanto orgulho. Por mais que sua entrada mais nova seja de 2007, não consigo pensar em uma campanha de jogos de primeira pessoa que se equipare, e sinto que não encontrarei uma outra tão cedo.

Halo 3 stands as the most beautiful game in the Halo series, and on the Xbox platform as a whole. So many years later, the use of color and art in this game makes it look incredible, not to mention its phenomenal soundtrack composed by Martin O' Donnell, that's a combination of old and new, reincorporating tracks from previous Halo games to reinforce (what was supposed to be) the end of the Master Cheif's journey.
The variety of weapons, the scenery, and the character that fills this game is something incredible, making for an experience that never overstays its welcome, and stands as a monument of beauty, unity, and finale within video games as a whole.

The sense of scale here is astounding. Halo may be a series about being a cool super soldier, but it's also about ancient systems eating people alive. Everyone here gets swallowed in majesty and terror.

the goat. best MP in terms of both mechanics and customization

Probably my favorite multiplayer shooter of all time. Perfects the Halo formula. A solid level editor combined with custom games is a catalyst for boundless creativity.

Definitely the best in the series but also probably one of the greatest games of all time.

I finished the fight, you guys!

...what do you mean there are two more entries?

Played via PC MCC.
Maybe my favorite of the original trilogy? Halo 1 is pretty close behind it. I think it's shortest of the trilogy, but it's all very tight and has some good levels and the halo gunplay.

End of original trilogy here and oh my god could Bungie Studios have done better ?
It's the pinnacle of a great shooter game mixed with patriotism and great story telling.
Nevermind the music even people who don't know who masterchief is recognize at least the Halo theme.
Halo 3 has to be your favorite Halo game because before possibly being one of the greatest shooter it's a magnificent prequel and ending for the Halo trilogie.
Doing that after the nearly perfect Halo Combat Evolved is proof that Bungie completly understood the player and made a story that we didnt even know we needed.
enhanced with very good multiplayer and coop mode.

My vote for the best Halo campaign, if only because the franchise can only speak in terms of high stakes, and as such is at its most dramatic when those stakes finally reaching a ceiling. Sadly still bereft of humanity or a grander purpose but it provides spectacle well enough, even if I'll always lament that they did the Arbiter dirty.

what i believe to be a nearly-perfect game. the levels are all TONS of fun (yeah, even cortana) and the sandbox is bigger than ever with tons of cool new vehicles and weapons added from halo 2's already vast and exciting sandbox. the gameplay feels as good as ever, and the story is super enjoyable (i just wish we saw more shipmaster)

if i had to say ONE bad thing about halo 3's campaign, it'd just be that i wish we had health again, so it could pave the way for a more balanced legendary difficulty, and considering legendary is still eons better than halo 2's and tons of fun, it's hardly a bad thing.