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Dogs are often said to be man’s best friend, but the one in tha and Enhance’s Humanity is more than that. This bizarre puzzler stars a lone and ethereal Shiba Inu as they guide humanity to the light, serving as a godlike figure who also undoubtedly enjoys the occasional belly rub. It’s a premise that seems like it would almost solely rely on its quirkiness to the detriment of its gameplay, but while its goofy charm is endearing, it’s a mostly engaging puzzle game full of brain-bending yet easy-to-grasp mechanics.

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YOOOOOO It's a literal human walking simulator!

Wow this game blew away any expectations I had and its now one of my all time favorite Puzzle games.

Humanity is a puzzle game where you play as a dog and run around maps trying to guide People to a goal by placing down various commands around the map. For example if you need the horde to go right you place down a arrow pointing right and so on. It seems simple at first but as you progress throughout the game you unlock more commands like jump , follow and hell even weapons really opening up how to play the game. This game turns from a puzzle game to a strategy game to a tower defense and it pulls it all off very well. The gameplay is simply addicting and will keep you hooked throughout the story mode.

The presentation , OST is amazing making for a very calming experience even in some of the harder levels of the game. In each level of the game also has gold buddies which are the extra objective in which if you collect them you will unlock new things like costumes for your humans , more gameplay changes and stats you can view. They will make the levels a bit harder but I highly recommend going for them as it makes it more fun imo. Later levels will force you to get these golden buddies however but most levels you are not forced to grab everyone of them.

The cherry on top for this amazing package is the fact there are player made levels you can play. Yes this game pretty much has infinite replay value as long as people continuing releasing levels which I am sure will happen.

This is an amazing package for $30 and even more if you are subscribed to the PS plus higher tier level subs since its in the game catalog !!.


"Help them step forward, into the future."

I never would've bet on Enhance's new game being my personal frontrunner for GOTY, so color me quite surprised. Never has a video game hooked me so much to the point where I actually started seeing floating structures of human bodies appear in my dreams.
Humanity fills the void of the surrealism I adore from video games, yet never see nowadays. You can make the comparison to Lemmings sure, but I see this as a tribute to the Japanese oddities of yore. The flow of human movement reminds me of Echochrome, the dull polygonal environments gives me Intelligent Qube vibes, and even the main protagonist takes me back to my time with Tokyo Jungle. Simply put, this is an puzzle-action game that's easy to learn and challenging to master, one that artistically showcases the stages of human nature.

The task is straightforward: lead a flow of humans to the light. What starts off as simply placing down directions eventually leads to a combination of many commands from following, pausing (typically used to create stealth sections), and even handing the humans forms of weaponry. It is with these many combinations of level layouts and command selections that bring out an absolutely brilliant design that never misses, creating a satisfaction for those capable of reaching the goal. And as mentioned with the stealth sections, Humanity takes a lot of surprising directions with some of its levels, especially in the boss sequences that go from simple block-pushing to the bullet hell aesthetic of something like NieR. Again, it's shear brilliance in all 13 hours that I spent with it.

From a graphical standpoint, this game impresses as well, in Enhance fashion. Humans represent miniaturized particles on screen that, when in combination with lights and other effects, is a sight to behold at times. As for immersion, this game has a superb implementation of haptic feedback, which is not only felt when running through levels, but even with cutscene subtitles too. We rarely see visual direction like this, and it looks almighty on PS5 hardware.

The only gripe I would give this game is in some of its AI and collision faults. There were several times where some of the humans I was leading simply weren't following the commands, sometimes even falling off the level itself. However, all of that is overshadowed by the generous amount of QOL features that include level speed adjustments (which can be unlocked fairly early), being able to restart levels without clearing any placed commands, and even letting you know early on if you'll be unable to finish a level with the amount of humans you're currently gathered with.

In a sense, Humanity is an amalgamation of many things; a surreal narrative puzzle experience beyond simple comprehension. It's a assimilation of old and new ideas that craft an absolutely remarkable journey about the cycle of humanity itself, and a form of art that's certainly worth your time and money. Go forth, and become One.

Last year had a day 1 PS+ release where you play as a cat, now we get one where we play as a dog. I'm hoping we get a rabbit game next year. Humanity is an imaginitive puzzle game that tasks you with leading people to a goal with the dog. It introduces new mechanics pretty regularly and when you think they're going to stop bring new direction commands, the game switches genres. It leans more towards an RTS by the end of the game. It has some pretty intersting progression even with optional unlocks for bring Goldies to the goal. These optional unlocks are mostly cosmetic but there's a few fun things to get that change gameplay such as a fast forward and restarting a level while keeping your direction commands. I don't like every mechanic such as the levels where you can't put down new commands after you start which I find a bit tedious. Although it's not a story focused game but the writing is actually pretty entertaining that supports a thematic cohesion for the chapters. It's a very solid puzzle game that's worth playing.

We got a cult hit on our hands. I can assure anyone who looked at the trailers for the game and went "hmm, interesting" will find great value in what this game provides. You play as a glowing doggo guiding idiots to safety in some of the most well-thought out puzzles I have seen in a video game in a long, long time. The devs clearly love & have the talent to pull off mild to galaxy brained mind teasers. It's nearly on the level of Baba is You when it comes to consideration of the game's mechanics and challenge. You will feel like a god figuring out some of the harder levels. Which if you ask me is kind of the point of this kind of puzzle game.

I haven't tried VR or any community maps but I plan on doing it eventually. Don't be shocked when you see Humanity ending up on a few game of the year lists. I can't recommend it enough.

looks awesome, not really for me

Mi sorpresa del año y de la vida como jugador de videojuegos.
Humanity es un camino fantástico donde diriges a la humanidad mientras te quiebra la cabeza con desafiantes y buenos puzzles.

Lo que no me ha gustado:
-El tramo final. El capítulo 7 pierde fuerza respecto al resto. Siendo más un ejercicio de fuerza bruta que de ingenio.

Lo que me ha gustado:
- Sus puzzles. Una maravilla que te obliga de crujirte los sesos. Cuando crees que lo has visto todo, te sorprende con el siguiente nivel.
- Su ambientación.
- La banda sonora.

Nota final: 9

Humanity was a pleasant surprise. It's a really great puzzle game that will make you feel like a genius in some levels and will frustrate you on others.
The overall "feel" of the game is superb though. The art design, the soundtrack and the ps5 haptics make it a really unique and interesting experience.

[Breve análise]

Provavelmente a minha maior surpresa do ano, são 90 fases com puzzles extremamente prazerosos. As mecânicas adicionam muita variedade na forma de se jogar e pensar, variando entre quebra-cabeças, estratégia e até shooter! A cada nível resolvido eu ficava ainda mais conquistado, o equilíbrio e a dificuldade são perfeitas, as mecânicas são levadas ao limite de forma inteligente sem que se tornem maçantes. A história, o visual e até a trilha sonora são bem intrigantes, criam um ambiente muito curioso. Ainda vou pensar bastante sobre o bom tempo que tive com esse jogo...


it looks like "what if intelligent qube was lemmings" and that's already a killer pitch, but then they explore a surprising breadth of ideas; through simple mechanical variations the game ranges from borderline-zachtronics thinky puzzles to stealth action and real time strategy. as is par for the course with mizuguchi-associated projects, the audio-visual-tactile experience is superb, and the puzzle design exceeded my expectations.

later chapters become less thinky-puzzley and increasingly focused on combat scenarios and free command over humans, and then both at once, which is by far the least enjoyable twist on the gameplay - it's just way too finicky, particularly with increasingly strict goldy requirements and general time pressure. fortunately, this only amounts to 2-3 levels of real frustration, and the rest of the game is an absolute delight.

Humanity was an incredibly unique and interesting puzzle game. The narrative is captivating enough, with some philosophical propositions accompanying this dog's strange journey. Puzzle design is incredible and rewarding in the early goings. Over time, the puzzle appeal waned for me, personally. While the constant introduction of new, clever mechanics are a net positive, I found some of the endgame gimmicks to be a bit tedious or questionably responsive. The sui generis nature of both the music and art direction that I found quite endearing. All and all, an easy recommendation to anyone seeking a fun puzzler or rewarding brain workout

Un juego de puzles la mar de majo, que puede recordar por algunas mecánicas o diseños tanto a los Lemmings como al Kurushi pero que a la mínima que juegas descubres que tiene una fuerte personalidad propia. Me gusta como la "historia" que te va contando, con su cierto componente filosófico, interviene directamente en cómo se van aplicando las distintas mecánicas a medida que avanzas, haciendo que el juego evolucione y nunca dé la sensación de quedarse estancado.
La curva de dificultad está también muy bien llevada y le permite así experimentar con los distintos tipos de misiones en cada secuencia llevándote a más, aunque también es cierto que hay un par de fases que pueden resultar más injustas dentro de un tono que, en general (al menos, sobre todo, durante la primera mitad) se antoja más relajado, pausado y "de ir pensando tranquilamente", aunque luego te lleve por algún ensayo-error que también te permite planear todo.
Por último, sin ser tan apabullante en lo sensorial como el Tetris Effect, sí que sigue teniendo ese deleite provocado entre la mezcla de las coreografías de movimiento de los personajes, su colorido y la música, que te atrapa de lleno dentro del juego.

No he probado lo del editor de niveles o las fases de otros jugadores, pero me gusta que le dé ese punto de vida más al juego.

O que faria uma pessoa que definitivamente não gosta de jogos de puzzles dar uma chance pra esse estilo? Bom, dessa vez, não precisou de muito, apenas de uma premissa voltada a um cão aparentemente divino, que tem como função guiar a humanidade até a luz, enquanto recebe ensinamentos de orbes de diferentes cores, responsáveis por diferentes tópicos da humanidade, como alma, dependência, guerra e entre outros.

Simples, Não é?

Brincadeiras a parte, é sempre interessante de ver conceitos que fogem completamente do tradicional da indústria dando as caras, e Humanity, com sua bizarrice única, é um dos exemplos que se arriscam, fogem do padrão e entregam uma experiência única, que cativa à sua maneira especial, se mantendo como um bom jogo e uma grata surpresa desse ano.

ces sabiam que god é dog ao contrario

Genuinely haven't played much this year but this is my GOTY so far. It starts off quite slow but promising and then Chapter 5 onwards the game SINGS. Don't want to spoil the mechanics too much but the last few sections of the game are so satisfying.

So impressed with the balancing and difficulty of the levels. I managed to Platinum the game myself only using a guide for maybe 4 or 5 levels... how did they make a puzzle game like this. I feel like any time I play a puzzle game I enjoy it for an hour or 2 and then just get stuuuuuck and stop playing, somehow I am smart enough for this.

Only cons I would say are:

- there's 2 skill based boss battles that you can straight up lose which seems odd, the whole game is logic based but then you need to actually be good with a controller for these sections, it was fine for me but worth noting if you have dexterity issues etc
- expectations for Tetris Effect style music wasn't met, this is fine ofc but I was slightly let down
- I think the "set up the board and then hit play levels" are just kinda bad, there's some levels which are straight up trial and error, except it takes so long to reset and watch a level play out

There's rarely a better feeling in gaming than when you stare at a puzzle for what feels like eternity thinking, "this is literally impossible", to then suddenly having the solution click right in front of you, and you feel like a literal god. Fittingly, I think you do play a god in this game, a little ol' dog running around barking commands and leading souls into the afterlife (open to interpretation!).

It's a strange sci-fi-ish existential/spiritual plot overtop weird liminal architectural puzzles, full of platforming, movement via flow and direction, and even some surprising gameplay changes halfway through. I'll try not to spoil much, but once weapons get involved, I was really onboard. The puzzles, powerups, and terrain are constantly evolving and it's never stale, which is a huge plus for a puzzle game.

Humanity reminded me in several ways aesthetically of Tetris Effect and Rez, which makes sense since it's the same studio; it's very trippy, full of warpy ethereal music that ranges from peaceful and tranquil, to upbeat and frantic. But the gameplay itself reminded me in ways of a Frankenstein hodge podge of Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Command & Conquer, and even the hacking minigame in Bioshock (or... for 90's kids, Pipe Dream on Windows 95).

Now, for purists, you can go big brain and collect all the Goldy's (bonus golden dudes you can get in every level) and beat every level yourself. HOWEVER, the devs included solution videos for every level if you're so inclined. I did use these a few times, sometimes only when I knew I was on the right track, and sooo close to figuring it out, but just kept getting stuck or failing at a certain point. The videos don't show you how to get all the Goldy's though, so you'll have to resort to good ol' YouTube if you wanna get all of them.

I was able to do a lot of this on my own, but yeah some trophies needed for the Platinum here require you to do six specific challenges on six different levels, and I looked at guides for all but one (which I got without even trying somehow). This game ain't easy! But like I said at the start, when you do figure it out, man do you ever feel smart.

This was a very pleasant surprise and an experience that just kept getting better and more interesting; seriously, there's some really awesome combat stuff here that was so cool to partake in. Check this one out!

The future is the gift of the mind.
And your mind will bring about the future

Todos los momentos en los que no quería estrellar mi cabeza contra la pared han sido geniales.

Bueno, y en los que quería también.

Tener un modo x4 le vendría muy bien. A veces el x2 se hace demasiado lento al repetir algún nivel.

I’m only on chapter 3 but can already say this is at least a 4.5 from me.

Incredibly elegant, cool tone, beautiful minimalist graphics, nice music, and most importantly, thoughtful puzzle design.

What a nice surprise.

Love the game, the idea, the music, the art it's so beautiful.

Very good to relax, maybe play between one big game and another too, the idea is really crazy, I particularly liked it.

great puzzles, impressive variety & length. the war stuff is a little annoying since you can "solve" the puzzle but the RNG makes u lose. otherwise v v solid. watching lil guys run around and do stuff is really what video games is all about

Making people en masse walk off cliffs should be funnier imo

A decent puzzle game but it fails to hold my interest

I like a good puzzle game that is challenging, while not being overtly hard and makes your brain turn into mush. Humanity does that in a fun package reminiscent of lemmings.

There are a few controll issues to get used to. Both in controlling your character, and in placing commands on the ground. It becomes second nature after a while -- but it really could prove to be a point of frustration on first play. It would have been great to be able to place arrows on the ground with mouse direction in addition to WASD.

Bonus levels and collecting goldy is a fun way to add an extra level of challenge, but I ended up opting for a straight main-line path as the goldy extras didn't really prove to be that provocative.

Some of the later boss fights introduce unique SMUP mechanics which was a rad change of pace.

Just watching the humans march around and interact is so pleasant when paired with the music. But if you want this is also a great game to mute and play a podcast during.

Honestly such a great li'l puzzle game, often really challening and making you think and problem solve on the go. Think lemmings but with humans and you're controlling a Shiba Inu. That's all you really need to know.

This game would probably get 5 stars from me, and it's absolutely a must play on the PS Plus Catalog for puzzle game fans. The game's brown note is Sequence 6, where this genius puzzle game becomes a shitty RTS with annoying follower AI. Sequence 7 is somehow easier and more fun, and has a better boss fight despite adding unneeded stealth elements.

I legitimately love this game and give it a high recommendation. But 2 out of the 10 hours I played to finish it straight up pissed me off with a needless genre switch that just didn't work, so I can't say its perfect. I find it strange that this is the third surprise RTS that I've played. (Brutal Legend and Ni No Kuni 2)