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looks awesome, not really for me

Mi sorpresa del año y de la vida como jugador de videojuegos.
Humanity es un camino fantástico donde diriges a la humanidad mientras te quiebra la cabeza con desafiantes y buenos puzzles.

Lo que no me ha gustado:
-El tramo final. El capítulo 7 pierde fuerza respecto al resto. Siendo más un ejercicio de fuerza bruta que de ingenio.

Lo que me ha gustado:
- Sus puzzles. Una maravilla que te obliga de crujirte los sesos. Cuando crees que lo has visto todo, te sorprende con el siguiente nivel.
- Su ambientación.
- La banda sonora.

Nota final: 9

Humanity was a pleasant surprise. It's a really great puzzle game that will make you feel like a genius in some levels and will frustrate you on others.
The overall "feel" of the game is superb though. The art design, the soundtrack and the ps5 haptics make it a really unique and interesting experience.

[Breve análise]

Provavelmente a minha maior surpresa do ano, são 90 fases com puzzles extremamente prazerosos. As mecânicas adicionam muita variedade na forma de se jogar e pensar, variando entre quebra-cabeças, estratégia e até shooter! A cada nível resolvido eu ficava ainda mais conquistado, o equilíbrio e a dificuldade são perfeitas, as mecânicas são levadas ao limite de forma inteligente sem que se tornem maçantes. A história, o visual e até a trilha sonora são bem intrigantes, criam um ambiente muito curioso. Ainda vou pensar bastante sobre o bom tempo que tive com esse jogo...


it looks like "what if intelligent qube was lemmings" and that's already a killer pitch, but then they explore a surprising breadth of ideas; through simple mechanical variations the game ranges from borderline-zachtronics thinky puzzles to stealth action and real time strategy. as is par for the course with mizuguchi-associated projects, the audio-visual-tactile experience is superb, and the puzzle design exceeded my expectations.

later chapters become less thinky-puzzley and increasingly focused on combat scenarios and free command over humans, and then both at once, which is by far the least enjoyable twist on the gameplay - it's just way too finicky, particularly with increasingly strict goldy requirements and general time pressure. fortunately, this only amounts to 2-3 levels of real frustration, and the rest of the game is an absolute delight.

Humanity was an incredibly unique and interesting puzzle game. The narrative is captivating enough, with some philosophical propositions accompanying this dog's strange journey. Puzzle design is incredible and rewarding in the early goings. Over time, the puzzle appeal waned for me, personally. While the constant introduction of new, clever mechanics are a net positive, I found some of the endgame gimmicks to be a bit tedious or questionably responsive. The sui generis nature of both the music and art direction that I found quite endearing. All and all, an easy recommendation to anyone seeking a fun puzzler or rewarding brain workout

Un juego de puzles la mar de majo, que puede recordar por algunas mecánicas o diseños tanto a los Lemmings como al Kurushi pero que a la mínima que juegas descubres que tiene una fuerte personalidad propia. Me gusta como la "historia" que te va contando, con su cierto componente filosófico, interviene directamente en cómo se van aplicando las distintas mecánicas a medida que avanzas, haciendo que el juego evolucione y nunca dé la sensación de quedarse estancado.
La curva de dificultad está también muy bien llevada y le permite así experimentar con los distintos tipos de misiones en cada secuencia llevándote a más, aunque también es cierto que hay un par de fases que pueden resultar más injustas dentro de un tono que, en general (al menos, sobre todo, durante la primera mitad) se antoja más relajado, pausado y "de ir pensando tranquilamente", aunque luego te lleve por algún ensayo-error que también te permite planear todo.
Por último, sin ser tan apabullante en lo sensorial como el Tetris Effect, sí que sigue teniendo ese deleite provocado entre la mezcla de las coreografías de movimiento de los personajes, su colorido y la música, que te atrapa de lleno dentro del juego.

No he probado lo del editor de niveles o las fases de otros jugadores, pero me gusta que le dé ese punto de vida más al juego.

i dont know much so if you think its good just tell me and i will give another chance

A solid puzzle game which feels like it has multiple purposes, between logic puzzles and eventually strategy at a certain point. Extremely aesthetically pleasing and the music is a vibe when you're trying to pick up that tricky Goldy. Story was pretty vague for the most part, and sometimes that's better. Makes any details you can eke out more worthwhile.

I have yet to try community content, but I'm sure there will be some interesting concepts out there.

um das grandes surpresa de 23. visualmente deslumbrante e que trilha sonora

Great for anyone looking for a genuinely unique puzzle game. There's quite the variety of types of puzzles throughout Humanity, changing much more drastically across the game than you might expect. Pretty difficult too, but there are in-game solution videos that you can view if you're stuck, a nice feature considering most people would just look them up on YouTube anyways if necessary.

This game feels like it was a sort of labor of love, and is very polished with a unique aesthetic and even an underlying story that is simple but does contribute the experience. The game even features boss battles eventually that are super neat, reminiscent of Pikmin (as some parts of the game are in general). Good experience overall.


Neat game, great music, a few random spikes and dips in difficulty here and there.

How did they pack so many games into one game? This is still a puzzle game at its core but it has this chameleon like ability to shift into a new genre at the drop of a hat. It actually has made me start to rethink the way genre works in video games, how many games have locked themselves into a genre when they could have expressed so much more? How can I take my game ideas and free them from the little box I put them in?

Love the game, the idea, the music, the art it's so beautiful.

Very good to relax, maybe play between one big game and another too, the idea is really crazy, I particularly liked it.

great puzzles, impressive variety & length. the war stuff is a little annoying since you can "solve" the puzzle but the RNG makes u lose. otherwise v v solid. watching lil guys run around and do stuff is really what video games is all about

Making people en masse walk off cliffs should be funnier imo

A decent puzzle game but it fails to hold my interest

I like a good puzzle game that is challenging, while not being overtly hard and makes your brain turn into mush. Humanity does that in a fun package reminiscent of lemmings.

There are a few controll issues to get used to. Both in controlling your character, and in placing commands on the ground. It becomes second nature after a while -- but it really could prove to be a point of frustration on first play. It would have been great to be able to place arrows on the ground with mouse direction in addition to WASD.

Bonus levels and collecting goldy is a fun way to add an extra level of challenge, but I ended up opting for a straight main-line path as the goldy extras didn't really prove to be that provocative.

Some of the later boss fights introduce unique SMUP mechanics which was a rad change of pace.

Just watching the humans march around and interact is so pleasant when paired with the music. But if you want this is also a great game to mute and play a podcast during.

Honestly such a great li'l puzzle game, often really challening and making you think and problem solve on the go. Think lemmings but with humans and you're controlling a Shiba Inu. That's all you really need to know.

This game would probably get 5 stars from me, and it's absolutely a must play on the PS Plus Catalog for puzzle game fans. The game's brown note is Sequence 6, where this genius puzzle game becomes a shitty RTS with annoying follower AI. Sequence 7 is somehow easier and more fun, and has a better boss fight despite adding unneeded stealth elements.

I legitimately love this game and give it a high recommendation. But 2 out of the 10 hours I played to finish it straight up pissed me off with a needless genre switch that just didn't work, so I can't say its perfect. I find it strange that this is the third surprise RTS that I've played. (Brutal Legend and Ni No Kuni 2)

Es único en muchos sentidos. Posiblemente el juego de puzles del año y al nivel de los mejores exponentes del género.

- Mete ideas nuevas a un ritmo tremendo. Siempre sorprende con nuevos poderes que cambian por completo la jugabilidad.
- Un giro a mitad de la historia le da un enfoque muy distinto al carácter desenfadado del título.
- Eres un shiba inu.

- No existe la posibilidad de retroceder unos segundos, lo que lleva a picos de frustración ante fallos tontos cometidos al final de un nivel.
- La IA de las personas deja un poco que desear en algunas ocasiones, precipitándose al vacío más de lo que deberían.
- ¿Racismo?

With these types of games I'm always dreading the moment I have to turn to a walkthrough or an explanation... who needs more stress?

Baixei esse sem expectativa nenhuma e acabei me surpreendendo. O jogo é bem divertido e a gameplay é viciante. A história é extremamente existencialista e filosófica, uma coisa que é bem característica de obras japonesas.

Seria cinco estrelas se não fossem os elementos completamente destoantes de RTS que colocaram sem a menor necessidade nos episódios finais. Mas ainda assim é muito recomendável, principalmente pra quem curte puzzle.

Lovely blend of puzzles, mystery, and story. I enjoyed the added challenge that each new command brought, even if it would take me 10s of minutes to solve some of the puzzles.

This is sort of puzzle games that hook me in right off the bat. I beat the game in 2 or 3 days because I just couldn't put it down. The design is top notch, how the progression of skills works and top on each other is excellent. One of the weak points is the boss battles, kinda off-putting with the game vibe that changes the genre so much, and switch the brain to an action game and that annoyed me in all the occasions.

What starts off as a seemingly straightforward puzzle solver quickly ramps up in challenge and distinctiveness. I was shocked by how much they were able to keep these puzzles fresh throughout the game; each new sequence had a new gimmick that added to the complexity. It also featured some truly unique boss fights, something else I wasn't expecting from a little indie puzzle solver.

I was surprised by how much this game tested the PS5's hardware; there were thousands of NPCs on the screen at once that all had their own thing going on, no loading screens, and no performance drops at all. And the controls were smooth. I also still love the PS5 controller and the variable vibrations; it had this cool vibrating effect when the subtitles scrolled across the screen that matched perfectly with the little sound effect they made.

With games like these I feel compelled to complete all of the sub-objectives within the puzzle. In this case, collecting Goldy's. It adds a lot more challenge, but that's usually what I'm looking for with these types of games. By the time I beat the game, I only needed another 30 minutes or so to get Platinum so I went for it.

The biggest criticism I would have is that the challenge levels were inconsistent. There were a few puzzles that gave me literal headaches from trying to big brain my way through it, only to follow up with one of the easiest puzzles in the game.

Overall, this was exactly the kind of game I needed right now - a light but challenging puzzle solver with an easily digestible story. I could recommend this game to almost anyone who likes puzzles.