Reviews from

in the past

Danny Phantom was so OP af. This was the era of couch co-op, and this game was loads of fun.

Played religiously on GBA. Actual game is probably not good enough to warrant the play time.

This game was actually pretty dope. Even now, I would recommend giving it a try. It's a pretty easy beat-em-up of sorts, but it's got charm to it.

I couldn't beat the first boss as a kid :((((

It was a weird beat em up to me, even as a kid.

Everyone is the same and all the levels are the same too. Interesting premise wasted on a lesser game.

Even as a kid I knew something just felt off about this game. Something about the droning, monotonous music and the unsatisfying fighting made me strongly prefer playing my other games. Plus, the A.I. can be brain dead and make you lose for bullshit reasons. I'll still never forget writing a story for an assignment in 1st grade and making the setting the "Ghost Zone Prison" from this game.

Remember that Crocker boss fight? I fucking sucked at that shit as a kid

I haven't played the game in a fucking decade

I could never get the entire party over this gap around half way through, so put down the game and never played it again.

Sad. It had potential.

Danny Phantom was a real one for being able to cross the gap though.

just another mario party rip off that i liked

This honestly should have been its own special on T.V. I mean if Jimmy and Timmy could meet, why can't they throw in Spongebob and Danny Phantom too. Since it never got made for television, this video game crossover works just the same, maybe even better for all we know.

And for Spongebob's special attack, he recieves a shitty spin-off after his creator death (Stephen Hillenburg was severely against Kamp Koral).

if you have a friend who insists on spamming the ghost wail, may god have mercy on your soul

Oh man, I had such nostalgia filled memories of this game and had tons of fun as a kid.

Went back to this last week and it has not aged well, and there are just weird parts with no music, very strange. Still fun if you want a mindless beat em up however.

As a kid, I always loved the fantasy of playing through this game with 4 players but I never actually did. As a single player game it is not very fun.

افضل لعبة سبونج بوب, انا واخوي كنا فرحانين فيها بتلفزيون ابو طيز

"This looks like a job for Cleft, the Boy Chin Wonder!"

How many times...
How many times...
How many times did I have to hear that?

Even with a full party of 4 people this game is just not worth it at all.

This game was cool and also sort of dull. As a kid you see this and say "oh wow this is the best game ever" when to be honest it's an ok platformer, stil amazing crossover though. However I'm speaking in terms of having played the GameBoy Advanced version, the PS2/Gamecube Versions might be better idk let me know.

This is Kingdom Hearts but for people who are weak willed

what avengers infinity war wanted to be

This game really is not very entertaining. I love the concept of this game a lot. It's a lot of fun to see these characters interacting and its really charming. That's all the positives I got for this game tho. The gameplay is not engaging or special at all. It's bland and the graphics are def dated. It's a boring co-op game with a really charming premise.

Dog why was Spongebob's model so scuffed he's always at the forefront of these games. He's got hella eyeliner tho. Anyway this was the only good Nicktoons game bc you actually go to areas from the shows and the zones are pretty comfy, the sequels were all just, like, generic islands and industrial regions and shit