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Que jogo incrível. Faz um trabalho incrível ao atacar o que EU considero a maior fraqueza dos Action-RPG em geral, a sensação de repetição por estar preso a uma única build o jogo inteiro. Ele subverte completamente essa premissa com a possibilidade de alternar por todas as formas do jogo, em que é possível inclusive MISTURAR as habilidades de cada uma, no momento em que você quiser!!!

Com uma história bem engraçada e interessante, o jogo não só te dá um montão de possibilidades pra jogar da sua maneira, como EXIGE que você utilize as mais formas nas dungeons, na resolução de quests, e até para se movimentar pelo mapa.

O jogo pode se tornar um pouco "grindy" se você cismar em utilizar poucas formas, mas sinceramente, a sensação de estar sempre cumprindo missões para evoluir as formas e explorar diferentes tipos de gameplay é a melhor mecânica do jogo. Um grandiosíssimo trabalho da Drinkbox Studios!

I loved this game. The dungeon design is a little rote, but they find ways around that with fun modifiers and wards that keep you on your toes. Last fight is a bit easy, but this thing has immaculate vibes.

Wrote a full review here:

Esse jogo me surpreendeu de várias formas. Ele foi facilmente um dos jogos que mais me prenderam em muito tempo. Eu fiz praticamente todas as missões disponíveis. Por elas serem engraçadas ou por eu gostar muito do sistema de combate. Que é básico mas permite muita variação nas formas e combinações. Foi uma ótima jornada, 27 horas que me divertiram muito. O estilo artístico dele é absolutamente lindo, vou passar muito tempo olhando. É isto, que ótima experiência.

Es divertido pero se me ha hecho pesado tras la mitad del juego y, al final, parece que se queda a medias. Podría haber dado mucho más de sí, creo.

This game actually surprised me in a very good way!

From the makers of the incredible metroidvanias Guacamelee 1 and 2 (both of which I loved), comes a... hack n slash RPG with lots of grinding? What?

Well, let me tell you that despite the unexpected premise, this game is amazing!

Most of the gameplay consists of just killing baddies, completing challenges and levelling up, and oh boy, if you're the kind of person that likes to just hit stuff and see NUMBERS GO BRRR, then this is the game for you.

The main feature that makes this work is the ability to unlock new forms (granting you unique powers) and COMBINE POWERS FROM DIFFERENT FORMS! The amount of fun builds and combinations you can make is absurd, and its incredibly enjoyable to try stuff out and find broken combinations. All the while you will almost never run out of challenges to grind, so there is always a short-term objective in sight.

In other aspects, the visuals are charming, the humor is silly and pretty great (even more so if you enjoyed other Drinkbox Studios games), there are dungeons with cool themes, the plot starts out "meh" but becomes surprisinly engaging the more you play.

Overall a great action RPG that actually makes grind work and will net you several hours of button-mashing baddie-killing fun.

o começo é meio confuso pelo excesso de coias pra fazer,mas depois que vc entende como funciona,vira um jogo extremamente divertido e viciante

"Hay cientos, quizás miles de juegos como Nobody Saves the World ahí fuera. Action RPG inspirado en The Legend of Zelda enamorado de una sensación de progreso impostada donde siempre tienes objetivos que completar para dar sentido a su insulso loop jugable..."

Crítica completa:

This simple concept and classic game style is given a breath a fresh air with this, instead of the usual single character that levels up and that you progress through the levels with. Although you must grind out the different characters quests to progress through levels and the story the payoff is very much worth it. The real joy comes in being able to mix and match the different characters abilities and passives to creat the ultimate combo. I enjoyed playing as a auto crit double damage deling slug that eviscerated any enemies with a status effect,a bodybuilder that did extra damage for knocking enemies into a wall, a poisoon monk who used my room wide aoe to infect every enemy in sight and then just watch them die, and a leeching zombie that was nearly impossible to kill, the possibilities were near endless and enjoyable. The story did its job, shuffling you across its reasonable sized map in a very 2D zelda like style, to 4 "main" dungeons. The humour of some of the side characters and quests really shown through, I enjoyed all 3 of the "guilds" (Adventurers, League of Wizards, and The Thieves) that you can level up through with different quests and characters. They offered different characters and quests and rewarding endings once you reached the final rank. There are also about a dozen side "optional" dungeons, although you are greatly encouraged to partake in them for the experience and "ward" related quests. This optional dungeons add on aditional challenges in adition to the standard "wards" that must be hit by a specific damage type to then deal actual damage, some of these extra challenges include 9999X all damage increase (must use the egg passive to counter), recharging wards, extended status effects, and so forth. One of the few drawbacks was how quests were disabled in the 4 main story dungeons, presumably to force the player into just simply doing their best to beat the dungeon without having incentive to play low level forms. But the difficulty for these dungeons was not different enough from the rest of the game to warrant this change, and it mostly felt like a waste of time to be playing the game without leveling up, I was also expecting a large final dungeon but it was just 1 monster room and then a lackluster boss that was mostly add focused.

pretty solid Gamepass title, from the creators of Guacamelee two great Metroidvanias Drinkbox has done it again into their unique Action RPG approach with a fun Form system and especially the ability to mix abilities of your previous forms in one unique form and that it's enough to engage the player

the presentation is also very good with an great and expressive cartoon art-style and catchy music, very solid content and funny sense of humor

the game can be repetitve after a while especially considering that the Combat itself it's nothing special and relatively straight-forward and the very simple dungeon and Overworld design but even with those grips the game is a ton of fun nonetheless.

Arcade de mazmorreo con toques de RPG que resulta divertido mientras exploras y desarrollas las diferentes formas en las que puede transmutar tu personaje. Lo he disfrutado cuando he intentado evolucionar cada aspecto, cada poder, cada potenciador, a su máxima expresión. También, alguna mazmorra o zona de mapa se hace un poco larga, y la música termina golpeando la cabeza como un martillo neumático.

As a big fan of numbers going up, this was my jam. Play it if you can stand more than 5 minutes of Destiny.


The two things a dungeon crawler absolutely has to nail are the combat and map design. Unfortunately, this plays like a flash game and contains some of the worst procedural maps I've ever seen.

Divertido e carismático, mas senti que faltou algo

Played through entirely co-op with my son and had a blast. The cartoony design mixed with a silly, humorous tone works very well. The controls are tight and we loved the gameplay loop of unlocking new forms (there are some really cool design choices at work), working to level them up, and mixing and matching their abilities to create uniquely capable combos for whatever challenge was in front of us. The story is pretty much nothing at all of substance and at about 20 hours to beat the game, it did get repetitive towards the end. Once you've unlocked the forms and leveled them up to A, getting S tier usually required some very tough conditions to match in order to slowly progress them to max, and it just wasn't worth seeking those out. I think I very well might have bounced off of it a lot sooner than I did had I not been playing with someone, too. Glad we played it, though, and do recommend.

Maravillosa sorpresa. Genial incorporación de las mecánicas típicas de conseguir objetivos para ir debloqueando cosas. Me ha gustado mucho lo bien diseñado que está y lo fácil que lo pone todo. Para no enrollarme mucho: engancha mucho.

The gameplay ended up getting stale to me right before my last dungeon (and coincidentally right after unlocking the final form). That’s not a complaint, but in my mind an understanding from Drinkboc of what they had going.

This is gonna be one of the sleeper hits of the year. Drinkbox is really one of the best studios around. I downloaded this on game pass on a whim and was glued to it till the end. One of the most addictive progression systems I've ever played. Goofy characters and world that might not hit for everyone, but for me maintains it's charm till the end.

100% complete standard playthrough; all achievements unlocked aside from for New Game Plus (915/1,000G). In a change of direction after the excellent Guacamelee! and its sequel, Nobody Saves the World sees Drinkbox tackling the overhead action RPG genre. Gameplay is very much focused on hack-and-slash combat, but what makes the game particularly interesting is its range of 17 character classes, freely switchable between (almost) at any time. Each has their own unique set of skills, a mix of active and passive, which is great in itself, but the game's real USP comes from the ability to mix and match these across character classes - each retaining a 'signature' active and passive, but otherwise creating a huge range of possible builds. With many of these being very effective with the right play style, everyone will find their own preference, rewarding creative matches.

The game's progression challenges players to tackle four 'legendary' dungeons, broadly in the four corners of a 2D map, which is also strewn with a range of smaller 'demi-dungeons' with their own rewards, and a handful of towns where quests can be sought. With a unique modifier applying for each dungeon and enemies with their own range of abilities and immunities, a decent feeling of variety is maintained through most of the game... though the gameplay does begin to wear a little thin by the end of a completionist run. All the same, a more challenging "new game plus" is available for those who really love the game, providing a good degree of additional longevity/replayability.

Away from the gameplay, there's a quirky 'hand-drawn' artstyle which I found surprisingly attractive, and a well judged musical score. The main story around which the gameplay is threaded works well enough, though aside from positioning the protagonist as something of an underdog, doesn't do anything all that unusual.

A Game Pass title I wanted to like more than I did. The concept is clever and my first hours were delightful, but it didn't keep me hooked all the way through.

I was playing it with a friend and we were both enjoying it, especially the rapid form changes and small goals to keep progressing... and then it all kind of stopped. We just stopped playing one day and never wanted to go back to it. Mostly because, sadly, after the charm wears off and the bulk of the forms come in... there's not a lot to it, really. It's like an ARPG without the loot explosions, or as much customization, but with all the repetitiveness. I can't see myself going back and playing it, but maybe.

The concept of the game is pretty great. You play as an empty avatar than can transform in different characters that has unique gameplay. But the missions were too much for me and made the grind too repetitive. I dropped it after 15 hours, about half of campaign.

Bellissimo sistema, ma le sub-quest per far avanzare di livello ogni personaggio sono pressoché identiche e, dopo un po', una rottura di coglioni assurda.

Fun and silly action-RPG with a very minor strategic bent. The design is a little clunky around the edges, but the game is filled with so much charm and so many interesting ideas that you probably won't mind.

it was fun but i hated the grinding part of it

This review contains spoilers


Nobody Saves the World has a ton of jokes, an interesting variety of combinations available, a HUGE world and a ton of dungeons.
Its main fault, to me, is how the forms actually don't matter that much, only serving to unlock new skills. They should have been more unique, but were barely different most of the time. Late game forms even felt boring, which may have been me getting tired of the game, in retrospect.
The game felt padded out due to the repetitive dungeons and the form missions, as if they wanted to increase the playtime.
The story was simple and predictable, but still interesting to go through, perhaps because of the writing and varied side-characters.
I believe my experience would have been better if I played it with someone else.

decent enough zelda-like with a cool... at first... gimmick, but everything about the game just really overstays its welcome
the form gimmick is good at first, but as you progress them more, you can basically have 3/4 of your abilities be from other forms, and the game knows it, because it starts expecting you to do these grindy little challenges like use this forms ability to cause fire damage while your minion kills it, and those challenges where you have to use other abilities for the forms, just kills the game imo, and it also makes the forms feel so interchangable when their only unique thing is their default move, which most the time is either a basic slash or a projectile. sure their stats are also different and some can swim or go into crevices, but once you get the dragon youre pretty much set.
65% of the way through you just want it to end, and the dialogue can be grating. it isn't so bad for most the game, but then endgame they just give you what feels like a 10 min cutscene, by that point i was just mashing A and looking at discord
not a bad game, but one that trips itself over with its own gimmick partway through