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in the past

The proto example of mechanics that sound good on paper, but are exhaustive in practice. Switching back and forth between the two spirits is tiresome. There are some good puzzle ideas, especially with the arrow puzzles.

Short and sweet metroidvania with great artwork and super satisfying controls. Bosses were kind of a mixed bag for me. I enjoyed the big ones but with the small human bosses it was difficult to see their telegraphing with all the effects onscreen. The story was okay but it was a little annoying how 90% of it was just a bunch of short vague statements. It did wrap up pretty nicely though and it was neat just having a lodoss game. Also that upgraded double jump feels gooooood.

Excelente metroidvania, com grandes inspirações em Castlevanja SotN.

Diet Igavania. Not really anything I can say about this game that you couldn't glean from like 5 seconds of gameplay footage.

The video game equivalent of going to see an Elvis impersonator.

Very good but very short and easy. It's only about an hour shorter than Touhou Luna Nights ended up being but I think that was the point where it turned; that game also has a better gimmick with the time stopping and Sakuya feels considerably less overpowered than Deedlit, who can basically keep everything in the game at bay with relative ease and has unlimited healing while one of your sprites is fully powered. A high 3, but it doesn't approach Touhou Luna Nights or the earlier Megami Tensei game they made and released for free.

To be clear I'm not one of those weirdos who does things like work out how much a game cost per hour, but it just kind of ends while it is still getting going mechanically. You only ever get two sprites, magic while powerful is limited in number of spells (possibly for the best as it's a pain to change while in battle) and I was able to just steamroll every single boss without having to learn it or grind in any way.

Esse aqui é complicado. Estou voltando para escrever minhas impressões após 15 dias de ter terminado mas não porque fiquei digerindo e refletindo sobre minha experiência. Foi porque eu esqueci mesmo. E pra mim esse sentimento resume até que bem o que eu achei desse jogo. Meio esquecível. É bem curto, levei em torno de 6 horas e meia para terminar, o que por sí não seria um problema mas o fato de eu já estar de saco cheio depois de apenas 6h já muda um pouco a perspectiva da coisa. Não vou tocar em plot aqui porque esse jogo é de uma franquia muito velha que eu não conhecia então eu não entendi muita coisa além do óbvio. Pode ser relevante para a experiência de alguém que conhecia a série original, como não é meu caso, eu só deixei passar.

A dificuldade do jogo pra mim é algo muito confuso. A minha experiência no geral foi EXTREMAMENTE trivial. Isso se dá ao sistema de elementos e como o jogador se adapta ao combate com ele. Você pode alternar o elemento da protagonista entre fogo e vento com o pressionar de um botão, a qualquer momento. Esse elemento dita o seu dano e sua defesa. Você se torna imune à danos daquele elemento e seus ataques causam aquele mesmo tipo de dano. Com isso o jogo taca na sua cara inimigos e obstáculos com esses elementos e você precisa alternar entre eles para progredir. O problema: existe um sistema de "níveis" de elemento. Você começa no 1 e o limite é 3. Esse nível sobe conforme você elimina inimigos sem tomar dano. Ao tomar 1 hit de qualquer coisa, você perde 1 nível do elemento ativo. Esse nível dita o dano que você causa. A diferença entre o nível 1 e o 3 pode ser bem grande, algo como eliminar um inimigo em 1 ou 3 hits. Isso pode levar a dificuldade pros dois extremos muito rápido. Se você consegue se esquivar bem dos golpes, alternar os elementos nos momentos certos e ser mais rápido que seus inimigos, o jogo acaba sendo extremamente trivial. Você deleta qualquer coisa sem muito esforço. Agora, se você tiver mais dificuldade de esquivar de bullet hells (algumas boss fights chegam a esse ponto), a coisa pode rapidamente parecer impossível. Em um determinado boss, eu fui deletado em segundos e fiquei extremamente confuso porque até ali o jogo estava sendo um passeio. Fiquei pensando se eu ia começar a sofrer um pouco... aí fui lá e matei o mesmo boss em ainda menos tempo que levei pra morrer da primeira vez.

Ao meu ver esse sistema cria um gap muito bizarro de dificuldade. Não tem muito um meio termo aqui. Ou você vai atravessar o jogo voando ou vai bater cabeça em parede atrás de parede. Parece impossível de balancear a dificuldade pela maneira que esses elementos funcionam. E mesmo sem levar isso tudo de níveis em consideração, o sistema ainda parece muito mal pensado em alguns encontros específicos. Lá pro meio do jogo tem um boss que só causa dano de fogo. Você pode... simplesmente ativar o elemento fogo e ficar lá parado rindo da cara dele enquanto está imune a tudo que ele pode jogar em você.

Eu queria ter gostado mais desse jogo. Os controles são sólidos, a arte é muito bem feita. Ele trás umas coisas que eu acho muito legais e sinto falta em outros metroidvanias. Esse sistema de equipamentos que o jogo te chove de armas únicas e diferentes, mesmo que nem todas sejam realmente úteis, é algo que sempre me agrada muito, adoro ver armas com animações e sprites únicos. Os puzzles com o arco são... ok? Parecia mais promissor pelas screenshots. Na prática é algo que depois da segunda vez já fica meio repetitivo.

Talvez esse jogo clique melhor com outras pessoas. Infelizmente pra mim ficou bem no mediano, pendendo pra baixo.

Decent Metroidvania, It can be described as "Symphony of Night in bite size". Good for someone who has itch of Metroidvania but doesn't want to invest so much time.
FYI: If you are using high refresh rate monitor, decrease refresh rate to 60Hz. Game becomes sluggish on high refresh rate for some reason.


No esperaba que fuera tan bueno. Es pequeño y todo lo que tu quieras pero lo que intenta ejecutar lo ejecuta bien.

Complete playthrough with full map exploration, weapons and bestiary, 100% of achievements unlocked (1,000G). With plenty of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night vibes, Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth is a combat-focused 'Metroidvania' that does what it sets out to do very well. The mechanics involved in that combat make for a really enjoyable time throughout, with a well-balanced degree of challenge from run-of-the-mill enemies and the frequent setpiece boss encounters - our protagonist Deedlit eventually equips herself with a combination of primary melee weapon and bow, a wide range of elemental-based spells and a pair of companion spirits. The range of weapons have meaningful differences - range, speed and bonus abilities - but probably the standout feature here are the spirits that apply elemental strengths/weaknesses in the style of Ikaruga. All of these are used to good effect, with perhaps the only slight excepition coming in the puzzles requiring rapid use of the bow in a manner that can be somewhat imprecise.

While there are secrets scattered around the game world, the exploration and backtracking that's typically seen in Metroidvania games take a bit of a back seat here - this will appeal to some players but not others, as a matter of personal preference. There's also clearly some underlying lore that the occasional NPC interactions seek to draw upon - but with no existing knowledge of the source franchise, these went rather over my head. Nothing really lost here, though - these sequences are all fairly brief, and skippable if you need a checkpoint restart.

Maybe the best Symphony of the Night clone since Symphony of the Night? None of the follow up Castlevanias were this perfect, no attempts to copy the style have come this close to capturing the magic of SOTN.

I watched a lot of Lodoss war 15 or so years ago, and remember very little, and that didn't affect my enjoyment of the slim plotline at all.

It just perfectly blends action, exploration, and puzzle solving, never focusing too much on any one of those things. It also has a neat color swapping mechanic that is used just the right amount.

There was a game made back in the 360 days that used a similar mechanic, set in some African mythology, but it overused the color swap and it ended up being a platformer mixed with Ikaruga and it was overwhelming.

Beautiful, short, and sweet metroidvania, very much in the style of Symphony of the Night.

I am not familiar with Record of Lodoss War, the anime this is based on, but I have it second hand from folks who have seen it that you don't get a lot extra out of knowing the series beyond understanding the existing character dynamics. It's hinted, strongly, early in the game that this is all an illusion, dream, or the like, so that makes sense, and you have relatively low, personal stakes.

I don't feel like I ever really got the full feel of combat. Occasionally I'd learn patterns for a new enemy or boss, but generally I could just spam attacks, or need to come back with full health or better weapons. Finally hit what felt like something of a difficulty wall on the boss of chapter 5, then found the invisibility and was able to wrap up the remaining two acts of the game pretty easily.

Never exactly felt like I fully clicked with the game, but I generally enjoyed it and the small journey of the protagonist, and I expect to play and enjoy Team Ladybug's other tie-in metroidvania, Touhou Luna Nights sometime in the not too distant future.

damn this shit is sick. Play as Deedlit in over a bunch of different worlds, this game i think is just symphony of the night but also ikaruga, feels so fun to play and just a perfect little length. Made me want to find out more about Deedlit and parn and their other fun adventurous friends.

Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth is an amazingly simple game. For a Metroidvania it doesn’t go too heavy on exploration, and focuses more on the action/combat, which is mechanically solid and never gets all that difficult. The combat in question revolves around a cool elemental switching system, with some lite rpg components sprinkled on top which combines to make a fun, engaging, and sometimes hectic experience. And another thing to note, I really liked the main theme of the narrative, at least what I interpreted of it. Naturally, since it’s a metroidvania said narrative isn’t really too prevalent, and you only get small bits of dialogue here and there, mainly after boss fights and such, but for what’s there, it’s nice. Also the game has beautiful pixel art, and the animations of the enemies/bosses as well as deedlit are fantastic as well. Looking at a couple of Deedlit’s animations, I can draw comparisons between them and Alucard’s animations in symphony of the night which is really cool at least I think. The only critiques that I have for the game are that I feel it could be harder, or at least a hard difficulty unlock would be appreciated, the way the game is structured makes it feel a bit too linear, and on-top of that I wish they went deeper into the exploration (as-in adding more hidden rooms, and other secrets to find).

Soy lo suficientemente fan de Record of Lodoss War (quedaremos como tres hoy en día) como para que supiese que este juego me iba a gustar incluso antes de jugarlo. Pero... es que además es bueno. Diseño de niveles muy sólido, jugabilidad agilísima y un apartado artístico muy cuco.

Fun, light castlevania experience, good enough that I'm regretting not ever looking into RoL before.

Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth é um excelente Metroidvania com uma gameplay e mecânicas muito gostosa, com personagens, bosses e lore interessante.

Gostei bastante do sistema de magias e elementos, é uma pena podermos usar apenas o vento e fogo, uma DLC com personagem sobre os outros elementos seria incrível. O Mapa é bem cheio de conteúdo e segredos, o mais impressionante foi o QR Code, aquilo ali foi muito inesperado.

Eu gostei dos Bosses, não são lá essas coisas nivel Dark Souls mas curti, foram até que difíceis em seus momentos, tanto que no "Boss Rush" do final foi muito fácil enfrentar todos eles.

Os equipamentos são muito recompensadores, gostei bastante de explorar o mapa em busca deles. As OSTs são bastantes boas, combinam bastante com as áreas e os momentos.

A história eu achei bastante interessante ao ponto de me dar vontade de experimentar o RPG de mesa um dia ou consumir as obras literárias.

DiWL é um bom jogo pra quem está querendo metroidvania inspirado em SoTN, é uma ótima recomendação.

Os únicos problemas pra mim era certos inimigos que havia muito em uma área só, como aquelas plantas, um probleminha de spam no mapeamento. E ser um jogo até que curto.

Nota: 8, excelente jogo!

لعبة جميلة في المجمل، يعيبها قلة تنوع أسحارها، عالمها جميل والوحوش جيدين

If you like metroidvanias, do play this game. It's quite short (5-ish hours I believe), and the best way I can describe it is "Symphony of the Night Lite, with a pinch of Ikaruga (seriously)"

As a certified metroidvania junkie, I couldn't put it down.

But it has a Street Fighter-like stun mechanic, and I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea. It's terrible.

I annoyingly finished with 97% of the map complete

Excellent short and sweet Castlevania type game. I played this through Gamepass and just for that alone I will say this is a MUST play. BEWARE that I have heard that sadly the PC gamepass version of this title is very unplayable so if you try to play this through gamepass PC you won't probably have a good time. If you own a xbox one and have Gamepass then that is the preferred way to play this title or the steam version.

Everything just felt right about this title from the Map itself to the difficulty and combat. The story itself is very interesting and it was a shock to find out that this was based of an Anime series of the same name which I had no idea but I still understood the game's story so I don't assume you need any Anime knowledge to play this one unless you want to know more about the characters from the game. I didn't really have many issues with the game as my playthrough was very fun and never was there a moment where I disliked this short journey. If you like castlevania games this is easily a must play!

A big surprise coming from the guys that made Touhou Luna Nights, this game is based on a REALLY OLD franchise by the name of Lodoss, in a lore-wise point of view, this game occurs years later after Deedlit finished her adventures with her group and it shows when we play this game.

This game is a metroidvania with the Ikaruga bullet absorption gimmick and some puzzles using arrows and ricochets, I felt it a bit longer than Luna Nights and harder than it, especially on the final boss.

Don't come looking for big lore on this game because it's not gonna be a lot to cover up, again, this game's main focus is Deedlit and Deedlit alone, take that into account if you're a fan of lodoss.

After a rather long opening, Lodoss War is just a very solid Metroidvania. This is based on a well-established anime franchise from the 90s, but without that knowledge, after the opening cutscene, it doesn’t matter as much. This can be played just like a normal Metroidvania and enjoyed in that way. The controls are tight, there are tons of interesting abilities and skills, and the game is rather fun.

Though the game isn’t that hard for a Metroidvania. It feels very easy and there are a few abilities that Deedlit, I’m just guessing at that pronunciation, gets that lets her just regenerate health. A couple of fights so far were challenging but in general, it’s on the easier side. The fact the game relies on a lot of normal keys for progression is a shame. There’s also a major stuttering issue on the PC GamePass version with popup text, that is not on Steam, and the PC Game Pass version is significantly older and the devs haven’t even answered anything about it or addressed it on the Steam Forums, so hopefully, they update the Game Pass version one day if they haven’t already. Though, after about 30 minutes the stuttering stopped happening for me.

Pick this up if you want a Metroidvania, or know Record of Lodoss Wars. It is easier than most Metroidvanias, but I still had an excellent time with this and might return to finish it. The low difficulty though probably will upset hard-core fans of the genre, and it’s disappointing to have that stuttering. I'm a little annoyed that developers seem to pull this, the same thing happened with Kill it With Fire as the Game Pass version was a year out of date. Come on Devs, you can do better.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

i guess i wouldve liked this game more if i had known what the fuck this game franchise is

Okay, aside from playing the arcade beat 'em up back when I was a teen, I know absolutely nothing about Dungeons and Dragons.

That said, I had a blast playing this, Metroidvania games are my favorite genre of games bar none. the best way to describe this game is to pretty much compare it to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. You could actually switch the sprite of Deedlit and Alucard into the other's game, and you'd never know aside from the settings, one being gothic and the other olde fantasy. The only difference between the two is a sort of "bullet-hell" mechanic that basically allows you to drain attacks of the current element/color you are, and take damage from the opposite, other than that it's a well done spiritual successor to SotN.

If by chance you aren't familiar with Castlevania Symphony of the Night or Metroidvanias, you basically are giving a 2D world, where you explore and find weapons, spells and items to progress through rooms and levels all while fighting enemies whose weakness and styles of combat you'll learn about as you progress. The difficulty in these types of games come from your progress being halted due to needing an item or power up to progress, often this is either finding a key to a lock door, or a jump power to reach a ledge. This is an abridged of the gameplay of this type, in this case you're exploring a world Deedlit isn't familiar with.

Lastly this isn't really a drawback per se, but the story is hard to follow. I assume it's because of my lack of D&D knowledge so I had no idea who these characters are, and I didn't understand the overall motive until pretty much the last section of the game. So, the gameplay is more than enough to make you enjoy it even if you don't know anything about DnD and if you do, well...I hope it's interesting on that front because it gives you no backstory at all. Still a really great game.

Very fun, bite-sized metroidvania. The movement was the real standout for me - the controls felt very tight and made using the weapons feel fun to use. The greatswords in particular made smashing through enemies feel very gratifying. It is a bit on the easy side, though, and I did feel the bow puzzles could use a bit more challenge. Also, for a metroidvania there are quite a few areas blocked off by simple locked doors, as opposed to ability gates. Overall, though, the gameplay and simple but effective spirit mechanic made playing through this game a breeze.

Short, pleasant SOTN clone. First though: what a terrible title. Sadly the writing in the rest of the game doesn't fare much better. I'm unfamiliar with the original IP, but RoLW:DiWL (lol) seems to have virtually no interest in bringing newcomers up to speed on its world and lore. None of the characters introduced seem to have discernible motivations, though they all apparently know our main character and want to fight her.

Fortunately these perfunctory character moments are only a brief interruption in the otherwise enjoyable exploration gameplay. Movement and combat feel great, with Deedlit gliding effortlessly through her environment. The ability to alternate between elements adds an additional layer to combat, though this has the added effect of occasionally making bosses too easy, providing near-infinite healing during battles. Overall, the enjoyable core gameplay carries the experience's brief runtime.

I really wanted to like this game. I'm a big fan of this developer's other Metroidvania, Touhou Luna Nights.

This game also incorporates bullet hell shmup mechanics, Ikaruga in particular. Your character can be in Wind mode or Fire mode, and you deal and receive elemental damage accordingly.

I made it to the 3rd boss, which is a pair of elemental spirits. You have to dodge projectiles of one element while absorbing projectiles of the other.

I dropped this game for the same reason I dropped Ikaruga: it's way too hard to mentally store which "state" you're in, and switch accordingly. Modal interfaces are not well suited for my brain in high-stress combat situations.

Also, the controls are kind of horrible. You can remap every button, even on Switch, but there's no way to make things comfortable, as the game requires too many simultaneous button presses.

At least the pixel art is beautiful!

Terminado Deedlit in Wonder Labirinth:

Las magias están tan rotas que puedes vencer a los jefes de forma muy abusiva y esta se recarga de inmediato con el drenaje elemental. El mapa es muy simple por lo que la exploración es escasa limitada a conseguir una que otra magia o HP.

Aunque hay unos desafíos de plataformeo que están decentes. Los jefes tenían buenos patrones pero por lo mencionado anteriormente ni lo notaras porque andarás spameando magia además de no saber que coño pasa.

I liked this a lot more than Touhou Luna Nights. I feel like this game’s gimmick is more fleshed out than the other’s, and getting multiple weapons over the course of the game instead of always having the same basic attack that for some reason also drains your MP bar was a much welcome change. I just liked the environments here more too. The pixel art is still incredibly gorgeous and the aesthetics of the levels appealed to me more. Overall this is just much more fleshed out Metroidvania than Luna Nights.

Metroidvania based on the D&D inspired Record of Lodoss War, which I've never seen or read and know almost nothing about. Like the developer's previous game, Touhou Luna Nights, it's alright. Has a good focus on switching between a fire and wind spirit which can allow you to ignore the attacks of the same element while refilling your MP, getting kills or hits can quickly raise the level of the opposite spirit from 1-3 increasing the damage you do and once you hit level 3 gaining fairly rapid health regeneration, while taking a hit will lose your current spirit one level. So you're getting rewarded for avoiding damage and absorbing it in a bullet hell Ikaruga kind of way. Your wind spirit allows you to hold down jump to hover when you are over solid ground and allows you some flight control. You have a large variety of melee weapons and bows to use, although their is more limited variety in how they actual function, what they have that matters most is strength and speed stats and possibly different elemental effects that enemies can be strong or weak against. You can find magic attacks as well.

It has the same negatives as Touhou Luna Nights though. The level design isn't anything that interesting, exploring isn't that fun or intuitive as you are constantly backtracking because you were given 2-4 different ways to go when the game wants you going one way first, it's easy to pick the wrong way and miss the save or fast travel points (which are inconveniently separate things in different areas). The environment don't make much use of your spirit abilities or arsenal other than for a few simple navigation elements (walk through the fire beam with the fire spirit or shoot an arrow to turn a gear). Enemy designs are never that interesting and they have the same problem that is common in a lot of Castlevania inspired titles where they are so passive that you are getting through most of them with them barely getting to react to your presence. There can be too much going on when fighting bosses where it can be difficult to see what they are doing, your spirit will be flying around possible firing off spells, you can have your spells in effect, you will be attacking and it can become such a visual mess that trying to read what the enemy is about to do can be difficult, but the game tends to be so easy you can usually just tank their hits. I might not know much about Record of Lodoss War but I can't imagine people that play the game for the characters will find the story to be anything interesting.

A brisk and fairly enjoyable metroidvania with some interesting mechanics but never capitalizes on its strength enough or fixes common genre issues to become anything great

