Reviews from

in the past

this is the type of game you play once in mame beating it within an hour with a complete lack of the usual consequences an arcade game would give you and you think it is extremely cool but you don't look back at it for at least a year.

Took everything great about Strider and made it better.
The graphics are an excellent blend of 2D sprites and 3D backgrounds. The sprite work is fantastic, the classic bosses look incredible.
The gameplay is really fast and fun. Never once did I feel like my deaths were the games fault. It's not as hard as the original, but should still provide a good enough challenge.
It's over with really quickly, but the ranking system adds great replay value to see how much better you could do.
Overall fantastic game.

Having played the arcade I gotta say the callbacks in this game are really well done, it’s not as difficult as Strider arcade but still a challenge. The point isn’t really that you’ll get stuck beating a level it’s trying to beat the level as fast as possible and get a good rank. Also if you feel like it’s too easy, you can adjust the difficulty in options. The sprite work and level design are beautiful and between the sheer number of enemies on screen and the high number of bosses it’s always an exciting experience.

Tong Poo sounds like a fake asian name by a racist person

Ah, sei lá o que dizer, achei meh.

Thank you to Josh_The_Fourth for recommending this neat game!
For me, Capcom was absolutely hitting their stride (no pun intended) during the mid to late 90's era. Arcades were booming with all of their Street Fighters, Darkstalkers, and Marvel vs Capcoms. Sega Saturn users were getting a good taste of that arcade action, as well as PlayStation users getting to experience platformers such as Megaman 8 and Megaman X4. A new subseries for the Megaman franchise, Legends, found its footing for the PlayStation userbase, and generally both systems were PACKED with Capcom published titles.However, Capcom wasn't afraid to push out a more obscure and flashy title here or there, and Strider 2 is the one I wanna talk about today.
Strider 2 is a sequel to the classic 1989 arcade game Strider, releasing a full decade apart. Gameplay in this one is tight and appealing, seeing Strider absolutely tear through enemies with his sword is immensely satisfying and quick. Strider also has alot of mobility to work with, which makes his many options for platforming limitless with the player's skill. Levels aren't too long and will probably take you about 10 minutes or less, keeping them lengthy but not overstaying their welcome. Perfectly paced.
This game absolutely oozes that "we made a random unique game for fun" Capcom charm. The slick and eye catching comic book style is very unique compared to many other Capcom games at the time, and does wonders to differentiate itself to the status quo. The mashup of 2D sprites with sweet 3D environments actually looks really great and allows for some awesome camera angles for the spectacle. The music uses alot of instrumentation that sounds familiar many other capcom arcade games at the time, and I love that.
Strider 2 is like that one game you'd rent on a weekend to just enjoy for a Friday afternoon after school in the 90's, if that makes any sense. I never grew up in that era but it really gives that feel. It's some decently lengthy but sweet and appealing arcade style action that I'd recommend anyone to check out, maybe even on a lazy afternoon to enhance the experience.

hiryu quintessential husband

Solid arcade experience. Pretty easy, but is a good game to experience for an hour and move on. Solid OST, good level design. Pixel art looks amazing and Strider looks incredible. Enjoyable for what it is worth.

Entendi nada, mas tirei o melhor rank evidentemente, Rank E, de extraordinário

a short and sweet game with incredible visuals

This game is really short, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Strider 2 is really…satisfying gameplay wise. The speed and movement of Strider traveling throughout the levels is really good! Even the action too as rapidly attacking just feels great. However, the only downsides I have with the game is that it’s rather easy and can feel a tad mindless. You can simply breeze through levels without having to engage in combat outside of mandatory bosses. But besides that, Strider 2 is a game you can have fun with if you’re looking for something that’s short. I’d even say that this game is heavily replayable because of that factor. Solid game overall!

A Flawed but very fun and simple action platformer. Lots of really cool set pieces that feel very familiar for the era. The game is a bit easy and most bosses can easily be beaten by standing still and spamming square. The ending levels were a bit disappointing and forced in a clunky gravity mechanic that made the game feel like a slog to finish. Even so this game is nice and short and can be finished in one sitting.

Usually when I see a game that interests me I'll put it in my backlog and aim to play it in a few years, but the moment I saw a couple seconds of what a slick beast of a game this is, I knew I had to play this as soon as possible.

This game Rocks, and it's in large part thanks to how controlling Strider feels wickedly smooth. Going from jumping to climbing feels seamless and you can influence Strider's midair control this time around so jumping doesn't feel like a leap of faith. Both of these things cannot be said about the arcade predecessor and cutting through enemies like butter as you're trying to dash through the stage just feels incredibly satisfying.

Visually, it's stunning. The mix of 2D sprites and 3D environments works surprisingly well and the attention to detail is a thing of beauty. Add in a banging soundtrack and really stylish comic book cutscenes and you have a game that's the epitomy of fun to me.

Sure, you can play through the whole thing as both Hiryu and Hien in under an hour, and the game is too easy, but that one hour that I spent experiencing the game for the first time was one of the most blood-pumping adrenaline rushes I've experienced in the entire medium. Play it

It's not bad, just very repetitive and ended up a bit boring.

A rather bizarre game, honestly! I think the difficulty is what throws me off, as there's basically two ways to play: For score, which for the absolutely maximum rank requires the player to not die once while getting a ridiculous number of points, or for speed / pure completion in which case you have INFINITE continues (you only get one life, so every death is a continue) that also does not refill health and gives you back your kinda broken Boost ability at the same time. This means it teeters between something more challenging or something very easy. While I know a lot of people think they're archaic, a lives system feels like it may have been beneficial for a more smooth difficulty curve, or at least being a little bit more demanding with the checkpointing. Note that while you need to never die for the highest rank, you CAN still get high ranks by only dying a few times, so it isn't some totally hit-or-miss thing here.

Leaving all that aside for a moment, I enjoyed this game much more than the original Strider. Hiryu feels smooth to control here (for the most part), and in particular the addition of juuuust a little bit of aerial drift on his jumps makes it a lot smoother to run through and makes you feel more like the futuristic ninja you're supposed to be rather than the lost cosplaying Belmont brother. While the cool options are (sadly) gone, Hiryu gets some secret moves like a backwards flip or a bunch of spinny slashes that add a little dynamicism to the gameplay. I will admit I didn't find THAT much use for them, mostly because Strider just cutting up enemies is so strong, but they have potential and the fact the multi-slashes give you more points encourages you to not just spam the slash button in score runs. Wall jumping and climbing feels niiice in this game, with the only exception being going around corners on a D-Pad sometimes being finicky. I did also have trouble getting the dash out a few times, but I suspect that is more of a Me issue. But with how buttery smooth his jumps and dashes are, it feels gooooood to just slice through hordes of enemies, jumping wildly and doin' some wall climbin' fun.

What's up with the fact enemies seem to just...mostly lack collision damage, though? There's multiple bosses where running into them and spamming the attack button led to easy wins, sometimes dodging their attack patterns, and it felt really weird. The game's entire difficulty curve is mostly low, outside of the end I'd say most stages are pretty easy, but then spiking pretty hard in only a few sections or bosses. Most didn't feel too challenging (I was shocked how easy Meio was!), but there was definitely some that kicked my ass. The game's difficulty only really starts to ramp up in the last level or two, with the final levels feeling particularly harsh (and swapping the game's usual dichotomy of easier stages but harder bosses).

Frankly, my favorite part of the game was probably the vibes and the art. The game for the most part looks goooood, an excellent PS1 spritework combined with some beautiful anime cutscene art. Seriously, look at these! and, uh, ignore the screenshotting making them look kinda worse fsr. Even when the game isn't being mechanically dense, the vibes and control make it a Fun experience. I do think the length is a major downside, being defeatable in under an hour pretty easily and with the end result being that it DOES feel a bit shallow. The game doesn't really expand on its concepts a lot in that runtime and it even ends up re-using some elements within that timeframe in a bit of a lazy way. It also felt disappointing how often the right option felt like just moving right and mashing the attack button, the Scientists miniboss in particular felt actively harder when I was trying to dodge them rather than just spamming. Also while I am going to bet Auto Fire makes the game easier, I think I should have used it because by god does it hurt your thumb to mash attack the way you should in this! They put it in the game, so I'll take advantage of it.

Honestly, I might go for a second playthrough with Hien later since it was short and enjoyable. Totally recommend trying it out of you want some fast-paced, low commitment 2D ninja action in your life!

A great action platformer with tight combat, smooth movements, and nice 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds, but ends incredibly quickly to leave much of an impression afterwards.

''A REAL nut... Feels like every bone in your body comes out the head of your dick... Say no more. I'm done. Fall asleep in 2min.'' - Ice-T

this game like a box of chicken tenders.

this game shouldnt be this fun and hiryu shouldnt be this hot

Mano.... esse jogo é muito bom pqp, zerei umas 50 vezes. Mesmo no modo dificil ele é bem facil, e é muito legal ficar macetando hit nos inimigos e bosses.

Beautiful artwork, nice OST and great pacing. It improves in pretty much everything compared to the first game. The variety is bosses is pretty commendable although some of them are really annoying to defeat. Pretty nice ranking system too making the game pretty forgivable if all you want is to finish it.

A bit repetitive but still fun and a solid action game. Kinda plays like zero stages in mega man x. It’s a little mindless at times but it’s got really satisfying action. I like all the levels and set pieces fairly enough. The 3d graphics look a little dated and I honestly would have preferred if the game was fully 2d pixel art but 3d levels help give the levels a sense of large scale which is nice. However something like Klonoa just looks better overall. Still this is a fun action title that could fill a void if your looking for games like Ninja Gaiden or Mega Man X. Marvel Vs Capcom is still the most notable thing to involve strider tho.

solid 3.5/5

clássico do ps1, eu jogava MUITO essa porra -esse título pega tudo que o antecessor fez de bom e coloca numa ost deliciosa e graficos gostosos!!!

talvez nota alta demais, MAS é um jogo bem divertido e prazeroso apesar de curto definitivamente recomendado

awesome game that improves on the original in literally every way. it's fast-paced, satisfying and badass. the game does get repetitive at times, but it's way too short for it to be a big issue. i also love the artstyle the game has within its cutscenes, good shit.
unfortunately the game's really easy with stuff like rapid fire and infinite continues, but if you die a few times you're guaranteed an E rank anyways. it's really a shame this one went under the radar, could have been at the top with other great capcom games of the ps1 era

É absurdo o quão melhor este jogo é comparado aquele LIXO do primeiro, ele remove a maioria do erros e melhora tudo de bom que tinha no outro game. Os bosses são bem fáceis mas as fases em um geral bem desafiadoras principalmente pra tirar rank alto e gameplay ABSURDA.

Quick and fun arcade game, some of the best movement in an platformer ever. They need to officially rerelease this with some extra stages or something because the formula this game uses is so much fun, I only wish it was longer.

auto mode breaks the game and hiryu is hot as fuck

super fun and short arcade romp! hiryuu is so cool.... also i recommend turning on RAPID FIRE mode in the options before playing. i didn't. carpel tunnel is a bitch.