Reviews from

in the past

A very fun and very simple game wherein you move around the inside of a hexagon and avoid the walls as they come towards you at alarming rates. While there's not much to this game, just learning the patterns and going where it's safe until you fail, its controls are tight and it's really satisfying to get a good run in. I wish they could've had more gameplay variety than just a couple modes that are just the main mode but harder, but I enjoyed my time with what's there.

"Appall begone" game! Lean your "grapes" and "blunders" in this children's learning game!

While I can't help but admire Terry Cavanagh's commitment to his concept, Super Hexagon is more compelling to watch than to play. The visuals have a unique hypnotic beauty, and you can even close your eyes and get lost in Chipzel's urgent, ever-evolving soundtrack. But as an arcade-style challenge, Super Hexagon doesn't keep me coming back for more. Its simplicity is its greatest strength and weakness. The paradox follows: Super Hexagon would be less remarkable if it were more complex, yet I find myself wanting more of a reason to stay engaged as a player outside of getting used to the game's patterns to arrive at a sense of accomplishment. Being a mere spectator allows me to focus on Cavanagh's artistic conviction as well as relish the interplay between Chipzel's music, the pulsing shapes, and the constant string of narrowly avoided collisions; playing Super Hexagon leads me to question its long-term experiential appeal.

Ritmo e música de um cocainômano, um inferno. Vou logar pra ver se consigo abandonar isso daqui.

I don't even have anything to hate on this about, it does what it does really good. It's fun to play my own music and jam out while being able to play this. I just can't play this for more than a few tries without stopping though, I'll never reach the highs of this game that others have in terms of building up the skill in order to beat the really hard levels and having that release once you beat it. Just don't care enough sorry bag

I'm nauseous now, thanks Mr. Cavanagh.

Depois de mais de oito anos jogando esse game eu finalmente completei o nível Hyper Hexagonest. Eu tô em êxtase.

I remember playing and completing it one time I was without internet. Took me almost all afternoon until midnight to beat it. It deserves all the praise in the world

A really good thing about this website is through following people and interacting with the network of users I've found on here, I'm reminded of all the smaller games that completely evaporate from memory because of how passive my interaction with them was. Super Hexagon was a phone game I spent a lot of time on maybe one month out of my teen years and thanks to its inclusion on a random user's random list of games, I've found myself playing it again.

This game is basically a simple concept that so well captures and executes a lot of the simple, foundational concepts of video games. You are but a little shape avoiding bigger shapes, using precise, twitchy movements to avoiding obstacle courses. You get used to these movements and obstacles the more you play and you can naturally feel yourself improve the more you play. I adore it; one of the best ways to twiddle your thumbs that exist.

Video Game Heardle got me interested. Still not sure this is worth logging. The game takes a minute - literally one minute - to "beat." What does the rating even mean in this context? Great music, though!

Love this game. I still come back to it from time to time, I find it extremely relaxing somehow.

Who could have thought basic geometry could get so intense?

In Super Hexagon, yiu play as a triangle translating around a hexagon at the center of the screen. Lines, parallel to the hexagon's sides, will come from the edges of the screen, and you have to dodge them, using the left and right keys. Your objective is to survive for 60 seconds or longer.

It sounds simple enough, and that's because it is. Super Hexagon is a masterpiece of minimalism, a game with a simple visual style, that's easy to understand and control, but is devilishly challenging, and that will have you spend hours trying to master it.

This is one of those games in which you are going to suffer embarrassing defeats in your first attempt, possibly not making it to a fifth of the 60 second goal the game expects of you. But it's also one of those "one more try" kind of games that have you playing for a while, and before long, you'll be moving to the next stage.

Of course, a lot hinges on whether you enjoy the chiptune soundtrack that accompanies each stage. Personally, I feel like it enhances the experience a lot. It's also very enjoyable: I even listen to it outside of the game. But I can see someone immediately giving up on the game because of its music.

Not me, though. I persevered, and I witnessed the end. I have very fond memories of chilling with this game.

woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah


deadly hexagons kill you over and over again. very cooooooooooooooool

This game is wicked hard but you can totally nail it with practice. By far my favorite game to play on my phone.

i'll update this after i get all achievements

i have 6 minutes in this game and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt: this game is terrible. It's bad because I'm bad at it but unironically.

A great way to kill a few minutes

Super Hexagon is like sex, you want it to last more than 60s

This game is so awesome that I'm gonna give it one star for each level I managed to beat.
