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in the past

Ya can’t beat Tetris but Tetris Effect wraps it up in some gorgeous visuals and audio. The main campaign can be a little frustrating at times, but I do feel it ultimately made me a better Tetris boy. The new mechanics are interesting and the pace of the levels makes for some interesting mixups, but I’ll stick to more classic modes to get my Tetris fix.

The best version of Tetris gets a multiplayer expansion that's equally cool.
Besides the lack of VR (from what I've seen so far), this is the definitive Tetris experience.

my teen sister and I took edibles and tried to play multiplayer. it took us a bit to realize that we had joined a game with two strangers online and only one of us had control. neither of us are very good at tetris so we started to panic and wound up killing the program so we wouldn't have to stay in the game.

i haven't tried multiplayer since then, but the single player mode rules and the reviews over at the original editions page say all there is to say i think.

Replay a la campaña en difícil, y probado un poco el online del juego incluido en esta actualización. El juego sigue teniendo algo jugablemente, que no me acaba de convencer. En cuanto juego un par de partidas a otro tetris, al volver a Effect siempre tengo problemas las primeras partidas. Igualmente a nivel de visuals y sonido el juego es una autentica maravilla y una "reinvención" del genero. Me gustaría probarlo en VR, que es la intención con la que se creo el juego, pero para ello seguramente tenga que pasar mucho tiempo.

I considered just marking this under regular tetris effect and marking it as a replay, but honestly I highly recommend the experience of playing this with an HDR screen. Just did this for the first time and it's honestly really beautiful.

The multiplayer mode pits you against corrupted constellations and you fight to get to a pyramid so I'm guessing this is tetris destiny or the best flat earth theory yet.

imagine tetris, but there are MORE blocks

I got a credits roll after beating Journey Mode, I'll count it.

It's really good! I kind of don't have much to say. Tetris is good. Vibing is good. Vibing during Tetris is good.

I absolutely suck at this game (can only get to stage 7 or so on the easy difficulty), but man, stunning synthesis of gameplay, visuals, and music

To mix Rez Infinite and Tetris is possibly one of the best development decisions in gaming history. We all already know how great Tetris is on its own, so I won’t get into that. But what sets this apart from the other versions is its visuals and audio. Particles bloom and explode as you clear lines, sound effects will play as you move pieces around the board, sounding like it matches the song in the background, your eyes will focus on the play area as the background is zoned out and hypnotizes you subliminally. Haptic feedback will register the kick drum in the bottom of the controller and the snare in the triggers, creating this sense of tactility to the music. Everything comes together to make this experience borderline transcendental, and my only gripe is the lag I experienced during some of the more graphically-intensive levels. Tetris is probably the worst possible game to have lag in, especially on some of the final levels where one frame-rate drop can result in irreversible mistakes. If this game had no lag and a slightly more impactful ending, it would truly be a masterpiece.

é tetris ne fazer oqque eu so brabooooboobobobo

É incrível que conseguiram transformar um jogo tão batido quanto Tetris em uma experiência transcendental. A junção dos visuais, com os sons, vibração do controle, o jeito como tudo vai entrando no ritmo é algo maravilhoso.
É relaxante e da raiva ao mesmo tempo (quando fica difícil demais).

So yeah this is the best casual Tetris experience. I wish the singleplayer experience was a tad longer because all those tracks were so good.

Tetris Effect takes the tried and true Tetris formula and coats it with a vibrant and at times jaw dropping new job of paint. Gorgeously detailed areas, popping particle effects, overpowering ost performances - it all blends together to create an experience unfamiliar to me in video games, but one I most welcome.

It's a huge shame though with how safe they play it in terms of the gameplay. The new freeze mechanic adds a nice layer of strategy but it's basically Tetris for 4 hours straight and that's it. I feel like they could have done so much more given how expressive the game already is, even if it is still fun (Challenging as well. On normal difficulty, I was having a bit of a challenge; the faster pace in some of the levels towards the end was a bit disappointing as well as it was harder to focus on the mesmerizing visuals.)

Despite it slightly disappointing me from the promising start, Tetris Effect is a beauty of a title that everyone should experience at least once in their gaming careers. You can tell the developers truly cared for the source material and aimed at creating something special, even if it was was way too safe in areas it shouldn't have been.

"E se a gente transformasse Tetris numa jornada espiritual?" é uma pergunta que eu não sabia que necessitava ser respondida.

evolution of the perfect game

this is like tetris ds' cool older brother

The most fun I ever had with Tetis, speaking as someone who had very little other contact to Tetris during their life. If the soundtrack wasn't such uninspired cliché EDM, I could imagine coming back to this as ideal comfort food.

As a raw game playing experience, Tetris is perfect. This is not a more perfect version of Tetris but it is one that stands with its Tetris contemporaries. Perhaps my opinion of this game will be changed through playing VR but for now I still regard it extremely highly

Mantiene todo lo que hace genial al legendario Tetris pero esta vez el apartado visual trata de dar mas incentivos al jugador para mejorar, acompañado de múltiples visuales preciosos, efectos de sonido y música dinámica cada vez que rotamos, movemos y colocamos las figuras.

El problema es que, en algunos niveles, los efectos algunos niveles son tan brillosos y cargados de varios eventos visuales que pueden confundirte y hacer que falles, este es el problema principal, este Tetris muestra mucho en su apartado visual pero no hay tiempo para apreciarlo de manera correcta ya que estaremos mas concentrados en los bloques y las lineas que tenemos que borrar además de el aumento de velocidad de los bloques, que se vuelve mas agresivo conforme mas niveles concretes consecutivamente, que son de 3 a 5 niveles seguidos en el modo viaje.

Si bien combinar Tetris con una estética basada en la sensación no es una idea descabellada tampoco es como que le favorezca mucho, ya que si quieres explorar esto con comodidad lo mas que podrías hacer es jugar en el modo effect a nivel 1 siempre, lo cual puede aburrirte, sobretodo en un juego como este.

Aun así es una interesante experiencia, porque, bueno es Tetris, el videojuego perfecto.

Beautiful to look at and the new mechanic is a nice way to spice things up. I would like a more beefier main campaign, still, there are lots of fun to have with this game. A new Tetris is always something good for me. 7/10

Tetris Effect: Connected is euphoric. There's nothing else to say about it, but everything to experience. Put on headphones, turn off the lights, and enjoy.

The most vibin' Tetris game to ever vibe.

The definitive way to play Tetris in 2021. The music/visuals alone make this a must play for anyone whose a fan of Res/Lumines/etc

I'm sure it's incredible in VR among other things if you're able to play it that way but I wasn't too enthused with this otherwise. Some of the music and aesthetics were incredible but at times the effects were a bit much and made playing the game difficult to keep up with. Also I'm never playing Tetris on an Xbox platform again, I can't deal with the d-pads.

Tetris is Tetris and even in a less than ideal form it's a ton of fun, still. I'll make a note to return to this on a PC down the line.

Jugué al original cuando salió en 2018 y me encantó, si bien lo recordaba más difícil (lo jugué la primera vez, al igual que esta, en dificultad normal, y posteriormente casi me lo pasé completo de una en experto). Esta vez lo he jugado en VR (Oculus Quest 2) y hay que decir que la experiencia es aún mejor, ya que el juego consigue una inmersión perfecta para un juego que, al final, es un Tetris.

Los modos multijugador son cuanto menos curiosos, además del 1v1 habitual, tenemos un 3v1 que hace pensar algo fuera de lo habitual y es de remarcar.

De las mejores formas de jugar Tetris hoy día, no de forma competitiva, sino de chill.

Tetris is one of the best games ever made. A perfect game. An insuperable experience. How do you make it better? Make it a musical.

good tetris game despite the dumbguy dmt spiritualist aesthetic